Elmer Hase

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Elmer Hase
19th Harvest, 8232
5'8" (173cm)
Half elf (dark)
Chairman of the Wissen Fellowship
Wissen Fellowship
The sound of his own voice, alchemy and magic, wacky experiments, travelling to new places, tacky souvenirs, spices, bowls, everything about education
Tradition for the sake of tradition, stingy people, the very religious, springtime (because of hay fever), getting things stuck between his teeth, tobacco smoke
Effusive | Positive | Talkative | Eccentric | Oblivious
Elmer is a talker to his very bones. He loves company and he loves to go on long rambles to whoever's within earshot; if that person shows the slightest bit of interest in what he's saying, goodbye to the afternoon. It's both a blessing and a curse in that he's an interesting conversationalist - knowledgeable, curious and an animated storyteller with no shortage of ideas - but tends to blaze on regardless of whether his audience is keeping up - he jumps topics rapidly, makes bizarre impenetrable jokes and doesn't know when to stop.
Still, if one doesn't mind his word spew his warm and enthusiastic attitude is a welcome spot of brightness. He stands out from his peers in his utter lack of cynicism and his belief that every idea is a good idea, if you just look at it right. He has presided over his fair share of idiotic situations, but he has also been the champion for some breakthrough new ideas that nobody else would give time of day. To him this is an excellent trade - for the low price of looking a little silly and naive and maybe doing some borderline unethical things, the diamonds in the rough can become real diamonds and that is the point of science!
For as long as he can remember, Elmer has had a special shine for magic and all things related. In childhood it meant play-acting and shadowing magicians and street entertainers with magic tricks. In young adulthood, it meant trying very seriously and very hard to develop some magic proficiency. Unfortunately for him however, while the mind was willing the body was not and he had very little actual casting ability. Still, that didn't stop him from putting himself through whatever magical education he could afford to on the off chance that he'd find the spark and then he'd be ready with all the knowledge.
Of course, that never happened - but over the course of his academic pursuits, he found alchemy. With alchemy, at least, someone without any inborn talent could dabble with the workings of magic. Eventually he fell in love with it too - at first as a side hustle, then something on equal footing with 'real magic', and finally as a love all of its own. Magic for the people, and at scale beyond what a single caster could do! He at last put his dreams of casting to bed and took up alchemy full time - though his love and fascination for the act of casting never waned.
He joined the Wissen Fellowship under a young alchemy professor he'd become friends with, and soon started branching out into his own research. With a keen appreciation for the limitations of a single person and a single field, he often sought out interesting strangers for joint research projects. And through his warm, joyful and sharing personality, he won friendships at every turn as he did. Bringing people together became his trademark.
As time went on, he found himself organsing bigger and more ambitious projects with his growing stable of friends. He started taking speaking roles at conferences to show off his friends and the good work they were doing together. Young folks started asking about joining and, seeing himself in their sparkling aspirations, he took on whoever he could. His days became fuller and so too did the time he had for his own alchemy dwindle. By now he was doing more talking than actual research... but while he thought wistfully of the experiments he would like to do, he found there was plenty of joy to be had in oiling the wheels for others' dreams. After all, there so many and they were all so exciting!
When the recommendations came for higher ranks of the Wissen Fellowship, he realised that he really had to choose between his role as organiser and his own alchemy. Yet again it seemed as if fate was taking him away from his own practice of magics. This time though, he was ready to let it. A lifetime had showed him there was so much more to magic than magic itself, and if his role should be the helper of inspiration, then he was happy with that. He accepted successive posts as recruitment committee member, advisory council member, director of youth outreach and finally Chairman - a role he has held ever since.
Current Story
As fast friends with the also very nerdy Emperor Artur, Elmer enjoyed a time of growth for the Wissen Fellowship under royal support. He helped Artur on his own secret project as well - providing advice and logistical support where he could.
With Empress Renata's takeover, however, he can feel the change in the wind and worries for the future of the Wissen Fellowship. He hopes the organisation will survive by the fact of its importance to industry - but after directly opposing her with the Iridus quest, he is getting ready for his career to be on the chopping block next.
Additional Info
An eccentric dresser with no sense of style or colour cohesion.
The most obnoxious tourist uncle you have ever met when he's travelling. He insists on stopping to look at everything and asks asinine questions non-stop. If he had a selfie stick he would be glued to it.
He once travelled to Reluir with the optimistic hope to pick up local knowledge and drum up interest in the Wissen Fellowship. He was promptly thrown out for blasphemy and has had a beef with the Queen ever since. Despite his grandparents being from Reluir, he is culturally much too human to ever really click with homeland Relans.