Fidelo Lonars

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Fidelo Lonars
30th Flowers, 8254
5'6" (168cm)
Director of the Traders' Guild
Traders' Guild
Money, casual lovin', flowers, a good dry Cantish red, teasing stiffs, gold trimmings on everything, home renovation (his mansion seems to get overhauled every season)
Rough bedsheets, cheap food or alcohol, uncouth barbarians (hypocritical), paperwork, soldiers, taking medicine (thinks all chemicals are poisons)
Flowery | Friendly | Cheesy | Fickle | Self-serving | Shrewd | Dirty ratbag
Fidelo would call himself a man of love and sensuality. Certainly, if he breathes he flirts (in very cheesy but effusive fashion) and he enjoys the cat-and-mouse of sweet-talking relationship games... but he's no lover in any true sense of the word. He has no desire or willingness for commitment, and no intention of ever really being a good partner to someone specific. In fact he can become quite nasty when responsibilities come knocking. It's simply all fun and pleasure to him - and as long as one understands that, then he's a fine casual lover with an open mind for the risqué and a great deal of experience to make it worth the while.
His one true love in the world... is money. Beneath his sometimes obfuscatingly extravagent mannerisms, he is a shrewd businessman. In typically Amedran fashion, he plays the social game for personal benefit, but also for the benefit of 'his people' - being a friend or good business partner to him will usually reap rewards in under-the-table advantages and the bending of rules. He is adroit at weaving networks of favours and obligations for 'maximum mutual benefit', networks which he tends to like a spider with its web. By the same token, it takes only a single misstep to turn him against you. He has an excellent memory for people and keeps a complicated mental list of who has done or said what.
Although he will do his utmost to preserve his pleasant facade, when push comes to shove Fidelo plays dirty - very dirty. There is no form of cheating, manipulation or coercion that he will not stoop to. For a man like him it's a matter of survival, or so he likes to say; it's beside the point that he includes a lush lifestyle as part of 'survival' in his books.
There's little that can be said for sure about Fidelo's history as it's so full of convenient and over-dramatised stories that any listener who has heard him speak of it more than once would seriously question how much of it is fiction. There are a few common elements that could be considered true just because of their consistency:
His family were traders who shuffled regularly between Amedra and Linhythe and were rather melodramatic. While he was born in Amedra, he spent the majority of his adolescence and young adulthood in Linhythe, and spent a few years on a Corsairing crew. He and his family developed a distaste for Koben's law enforcement after several good friends and associates falling victim to its frequent crackdowns - some deservedly but mostly, as he tells it, innocent. Whatever the case, his circle became a target of prejudice from the (he claims, corrupt) authorities and they moved back to Amedra in the end.
His appointment to head of the Traders' Guild came at the untimely death of the former guildmaster. The old guildmaster had attracted the ire of some very dangerous people which had finally caught up to him, which meant that nobody else viable for the job wanted to take it for fear of continued retribution as they were all close with him and therefore were potential targets as well. Fidelo was given the role almost as a guinea pig or scapegoat, since he was the only barely qualified person who was willing to live with that kind of danger... but as time went on he simply kept on living and kept the job now that he had it. He did well for it too - with ties on both sides of the sea, his circle of influence led to the solidification of the guild's presence beyond the borders of the Kingdom. Amedra is still home and top priority, of course, but there's so much money to made in the world...
Current Story
When Koben attacked Amedra, he defended it passionately. When Koben and Amedra then became allies, he was one of the first ones over there taking advantage of the new opportunities. Now that East Miras has split from West Miras, he is proudly East Mirian while dealing on the black market across the border. Money and business, after all, do not discriminate.
Additional Info
Open to literally anything in the name of some frisky fun. Nothing is embarrassing to him; if you can conceive of it he has probably done it and enjoyed it before.
Talks like Spanish Buzz
Has some illegitimate children from when he was less careful with contraception. He has dealt with them all by being so nasty and so vindictive, especially with the kind of contacts he has on call, that it became too distressing to chase him for any kind of responsibility. Nowadays he is very, very careful about contraception.
Verdida Calomenos
His illegitimate daughter from a fling a long time ago, the only one from his past who has successfully become involved with his life. There was a long and ugly struggle between him and her (now dead) mother for support. Ironically, Verdida herself is now a moderately influential member of the Traders' Guild. She hates his guts and wants to topple him from his throne. He just wants her to not exist but can't get rid of her because she is actually useful.