Gillroy Kendrick

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Gillroy Kendrick
3rd Sun, 7981
5'6" (167 cm)
Dark Elf
Former Guildmaster of the Queens' Assassins
+ Meticulous, astute, quiet, enigmatic, versatile
- Secretive, mistrustful, impassive, prejudiced, manipulative, humourless
Rumour has it that Gillroy Kendrick has never once smiled. While his expression is not necessarily intimidating (he usually appears passive), the man himself has often been described much like a stone wall: silent, unresponsive, and unmovable. Having been taught to keep his eyes and ears to the ground, the man knows how to blend seamlessly into any setting or gathering he might find himself—and of course, knows how to spin a lie. These talents come as second nature to him, so it's best to take everything he says and does with a grain of salt.
Gillroy's past is a mystery to virtually everyone. Only a few select people within the assassins know more than, "he's been here a long time" and even the details of what he's done in that time aren't something they agree on. This has led to several theories surrounding the man, from having fifty children sired all across the empire, to having lived in the castle his whole life, merely pulling the strings and remaining assassin only in name. Gillroy will of course give no comment one way or another, so filling in the blanks yourself might be the closest to the truth you can get.
Though if someone is special to him, he may give a few hints.
Current Story
He has been missing since the fall of Reluir.
Additional Info
Gillroy has no pinky finger on his right hand
He has built an immunity to most poisons that can be found in the empire
For combat his weapons of choice are daggers, including two discreet blades within the bracers he wears
Gillroy has a personal supply of rare poisons and herbs, some which are only in the developmental stages and cannot be found easily.
Popular rumours surrounding him (within the assassins) include:
The princess is actually one of the children he sired
He has a library containing the important political and personal secrets he knows
He is currently looking for a successor to lead the Queen's Assassins
Reluir isn't his homeland
He was born a peasant and entered the assassins by killing a important people in other countries
He was never taught to read
His former lover died by his hand (there is debate as to whether they were male or female)