Jarrett Blumenthal

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Jarrett Blumenthal
24 Gifts, 8269 (True Snake, Secret Cat, Year of the Lambent Perfume Crane)
6'1" (185 cm)
Male (He/Him)
Noble | Baron, Heir to the Boknien Estate
Koben Imperial Court
Fencing | Flute | Strategy Games | Horses | Ballet | Poetry | Gardening | Literature | Decorum | Dragonflies
Ships (air and sea) | Hot weather | Scratchy quills | Turnips | Messy eaters | Trophy hunting
Charming | Trustworthy | Semi-Hopeless Romantic | Chivalrous | Non-confrontational | Reserved | Obliging
Gentility, thy name is Jarrett. A sociable gentleman, Jarrett manages to ease the nerves of most any person he comes into conversation with. While not the most cunning at court, his amiable nature more than makes up for any lack of scheming. He has managed to float through many social circles, and generally keeps out of the more scandalous fray. Jarrett’s true convictions are held close to his chest, leading to only a trusted few knowing his political leanings, or even that he has any. This benign countenance doesn’t always work in his favor- while he can’t be said to have many strong enemies, the reverse is equally true.
In essence, Jarrett is the poet’s gentleman. Soft smiles and a gracious spirit work to soften the blow of anything that might come out of his mouth. He takes life’s challenges in stride, even if that leads to some taking advantage of his patience. He also has an appreciation for the arts, which leads to some considering him dull or mundane for such interests. Water off a duck’s back, as they say. When his heart charts a course, it stays steady, even in rough or strange seas. While he might oblige others and give them the aid of his time, mind, and energy, above all else is his heart, and it is given priority.
Jarrett was born the only child of Anielka Blumenthal, Burgravin of Boknien, and has lived his life in currents of stronger wills than his own. Loved heartily by his parents, he grew up among both the wildflower fields and manicured gardens of their estate. His early tutors saw in him an old soul, easily pacified and looking out at the world with purpose.
Empty wouldn’t be a good word to describe the household, but to the small boy growing within its walls, there was something lacking-- friends. Perhaps it was this realization, or maybe an early growing legacy of his mother’s welcoming personality, or both that led to him playing with the children of the house staff as equals.
As growth spurts stuttered on and his mother took to long sojourns in Koben proper, his father would do his best to keep his son focused on studies. The former officer was keen on emphasizing strategy and military history. Unfortunately, his son always had more of a mind for the arts, poetry, and romantic stories of chivalrous heroes. At the very least, they bonded over Jarrett’s early attempts at fencing. Combat made sport- it was the perfect bridge, and the skill came as easily as playing. True play, however, now came in short evenings, when shadows stretched into adults faster than their owners could catch up.
Jarrett was the last of his young friends to emerge from the haze of childhood. One by one, they were sent to apprenticeships in town. Before his father could bury him in the distraction of longer lessons, the Burgravin announced her intent to bring him to Koben on her next stay. An excuse to get him used to the more social duties and the class he’d be asked to take on as he grew- and, perhaps, to begin placing his name in the growing repertoire of his generation as someone to watch.
One stay turned to two. Then four. Ten, twenty. Jarrett had a knack for the social game. Before he made his true debut into the scene of court, he had already become a fixture at any gathering hosted by his mother. The less fun side of it was, unfortunately, keeping tabs on his mother. He now understood why she spent so much time away- for every grand soiree, there was a week of recovery. In these moments, when his mother was indisposed, the young Baron started to take up the mantle he was heir too. Experience here taught more than his lessons had. Planning, preparing, becoming the head of the household- if only in temporary bursts.
This planning and preparing was cut short with a disagreement between parents over his role. Jarrett wanted to become a more permanent fixture in the city, while his father sought him back home. Still, he wasn’t opposed to a compromise: so long as Jarrett entered the military for a time to bolster his “moral character”, he could continue staying in Koben. Jarrett agreed, and served his term with diligence. He even made friends with a few other familiar faces, though he was perhaps a bit dull for their liking. He wasn’t even on the frontlines, taking on more of a safe, hands-off role at the request of the Burgravin.
After a few years and a steady growth spurt, Jarrett made his return to Koben. As the resident friendly-yet-responsible face in a social crowd, his supervision of his mother’s antics started to spread towards his friends as well. The city began to lose its shine as, just like every responsibility, his social outings became more of a set of routine chores. Still, better here than the estate, right?
This mentality kept him in Koben, even as Anielka returned to their family estate. Rumors abound in court over whether she was leaving the scene for scandal or for weariness. In truth, Jarrett’s father was growing ill, and she returned to spend time with him. Now the face of the family in Koben, it was up to Jarrett to remain relevant and stable, even as the world dulled around him.
Current Story
Silaya. He’d met her, once, out of a mishap with Luciana. Valet to the prince. In a court of stagnation, she was a gust of fresh air. Love at first sight is naive to believe in, but longing at first glance might be appropo.
As the court blew in storms around them, he found ways to bump into her. A passing glance. A laugh teased out over decorum standards. Letters and flowers finding their way to her door. A romance blooming in secrecy.
Scandal Game
Feeling confident in the relationship and the tides of court once again taking him, Jarrett feels secure enough to reveal his relationship with Silaya amidst the flurry of debuts. His returned natural charm lands him in the hands of several friendly faces, and in the good graces of one Hartmut, newly returned from war. His sociability proves a needed asset to the gruffer man.
Stability is a luxury after a cataclysm of power, but those previously acquired good graces manage to save Jarrett from being swept too far downstream in the change of power. He stays in the close company of Hartmut, for better or worse, annoyance or drudgery.
While his courtly duties have stepped up after the death of the prince, so too have his duties to Aya. His heart breaks for Sigmund, but he owes it to her to maintain that stability. He spends their hours together easing her mind, and once she’s back to work, he slips letters of encouragement into her pockets.
Still, this won’t last forever. His own assignments are a new test of patience each day. A more permanent solution is in order… if he can manage one.
Additional Info
He quite enjoys discussing minute details of life, such as new coffee flavors and the effervescent nature of some snails.
One of his middle names is a combo of his parent’s middle names, which his mom thought “would be a fun little thing”
He has been classically training on flute for as long as he can remember, and considers it a grounding point. It was a wonderful act for any parties, as his mother could parade his “prodigy” level of skill. For any acts as troubadour that he performs, it’s likely to be on his flute.
Easily coverable with his usual getup, but he's got a swan's neck.
Spends too much time of perfecting the perfectly imperfect ponytail look in the morning.