Lainie Baineach

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Lainie Baineach
27th Gifts, 8185
168 cm | 5’6”
Dark Elf
Leader of Tìr Torclann
Tìr Torclann
Potatoes | Cows and horses | Sewing | Generosity | Helping people | Working in a team | Prayers | Hilltops | Clear skies | Communal meals | Endearments and expressions of love
Chocolate | Snakes | Rainstorms | Cold rationality | Briars | Abandoning others | Deep water | Selfishness | Classism | Luxury | Being alone | Defeatist attitudes
Idealistic | Caring | Selfless | Rash | Determined | Hardworking | Stubborn | Trusting | Emotional | Simplistic
Lainie would be a soft, amenable sort had hardship not forced her to grow staunch instead. Kind and sympathetic by nature, she is easily affected by the feelings of others and, in the past, has allowed herself to be pushed around because of this. These days, although her heart remains as soft as ever, she no longer caves to make people happy - instead, she wields her overflowing compassion like a weapon that will carve the path to happiness for them. The things she cares about, she cares about with fervour, and she will not abide by anything standing in her way of protecting them. She pushes ahead with sheer persistence and endurance rather than aggression, and tries to make her ideals reality with her own actions, no matter how small her influence. This in turn has lent her a very naïve but very pure type of charisma.
Her emotionally-fuelled determination can lead her to blindness and recklessness. She believes so wholeheartedly in the power of will and rightness that she will take unrealistic situations head-on, unprepared and with no back-up plans at all. Many times, it has been the kindness and bravery of others that has saved her from terrible outcomes, but this has just reinforced her view that the goodness of people’s hearts can be relied upon and will be enough to change the world.
Driven as she is by altruism and feelings rather than rationality, Lainie can be easily tricked or taken advantage of. As long as someone shows love and good intentions, she will trust and care for them. In her own way, she knows she gives her trust too easily, as she has been clearly fooled plenty of times. She deliberately chooses to remain generous, however, even if she recognises something as suspicious, because she has seen too much suffering from selfishness and is determined never to propagate it. She would rather die as a fool than live as a miser, and so forges on in this unwaveringly utopian way.
Lainie was born in a remote mountainside village in southwest Reluir. Once, the village had thrived on crystal mining but after that bounty had dried up, there was little else to gain from the rocky slopes. Unable to feed the whole family, Lainie's parents sent her, the youngest of five children, to stay with relatives at the foot of the mountains. At over a week's travel away, it was more or less a permanent goodbye.
Lainie settled into her new household. Obedient and eager to please, she soon won the regard of her relatives and her two new sisters showed her how to work the fields, bale hay and milk cows. It wasn't an easy life - there was work to do from dawn to dusk, if they were to pay their taxes and still have enough leftover to eat - but she took to it well and, not knowing any other way to live, was content. One by one her sisters got married and Lainie too eventually took the miller's boy as her sweetheart and husband. Together they had a son and, to help care for her and her sisters' new families, Lainie learned some basic healing and midwife skills from the travelling doctor. She became the local go-to for aches and scrapes, and was only happy to be able to help more.
Years passed in mundane peace and then came a disastrous winter. Relentless rain flooded the fields and loosened the mountainside. Overnight, several landslides wiped out half the village and many farmsteads. Lainie and her son, who had been visiting her eldest sister's family on a neighbouring farm, survived; her husband and other sister, who had stayed on their own farm, did not. Devastated but without time to mourn, Lainie and her sister's family consolidated with the remaining villagers. After a few days, a rider from their overseeing lord came to survey the ruined area and promised to bring help - but it never came. Two weeks later, the surviving peasants were almost out of unspoiled food and disease from the dirty water was spreading. Lainie was one of the few who remained healthy enough to travel but she was pleaded not to leave, since she was the only healer there. So she stayed, tended to the ill and waited with everyone else for aid to come.
Truthfully, Lainie was not very skilled as a healer and could not hold the disease at bay. Her nieces succumbed to it and her sister's grief finally drove her to move, no matter what other people said. Leaving her son in her sister and brother-in-law's care, Lainie set off for the nearest village, only to find it abandoned. She pushed further to the next, which to her bafflement and anguish refused to send help. To her further confusion though, they gave her their best horse and told her to hurry straight to a larger town, where there was a proper church, and ask help from there.
She did and, true to the mercy of Atros, the church immediately sent wagons and missionaries to aid. Lainie returned to her village with them and together they salvaged the survivors. In the weeks it had taken for her to find and bring back help, however, both Lainie's son and sister had died.
She kept herself together purely for the sake of her stricken brother-in-law. Taking him back to the town with the missionaries, she begged for work from anywhere she could and eventually they were hired by a wheat farm. Lainie worked hard to scrape stability back into their lives and then, after service one day, asked the church to teach her healing properly. Never again did she want to be so powerless in the face of death. Seeing how haunted she was by her village's demise, the head priest took her aside and quietly explained what had really happened - the lord of their land had deliberately left the devastated villages to die, as they were not profitable enough to save. The surrounding villages had been threatened not to help but the church could move independently, which is why they had sent her here. To make up even a little for this grave wrongdoing, the priest accepted her request to teach her.
Over the next years, Lainie learned not only healing and the word of Atros from the priest, but also of the rampant corruption in the upper class. Her view of Reluir expanded and her resolve firmed: so much suffering was unnecessary and created by the hands of elves, so with her own hands surely she could reverse it. As her skills grew enough to stand on her own, she started to chase every disaster, every epidemic, every injustice she could, and try to make a difference to it. Many times, she didn't succeed or only made the smallest of dents - but her fervent tenacity and compassion gained traction amongst the peasantry, and word of her slowly grew.
Gradually, more remarkable stories of her endeavours emerged. She had run in front a noble's carriage for help and spoken so passionately that she was granted it; she had rallied a village to deny corrupt tax-collectors until the ruling lord was forced to review their accounts; she had single-handedly cut three fields of rye by moonlight so an injured farmer could make his quota; and so on. She became an inspiration, an example and, as she spoke of her ideals and hopes to whoever would listen, an unofficial champion of a future where the peasantry were free.
As the Queen of Reluir seems to unleash more catastrophes upon the land, Lainie and her peasant brethren grow ever more determined in pushing the crown aside for their own future. Slowly but surely, they gain support and momentum among the lower class - enough, perhaps, to make a truly great difference one day.
Current Story
Despite the best efforts of the rebellion, the Queen remained one step ahead of them. Reluir was destroyed to revive their god, Atros, and grant Him a glorious army of Ascended warriors and Risen dead. In the decimated remains of their homeland, Lainie and her surviving peasant companions carved out a small pocket of survival, and as tillers of the land do - started from scratch. Now, together under the name of Tìr Torclann - the land of the Torc clan - they grow into a tenacious farming sanctuary within the ruins of Reluir. All they wish to do - all they have ever wished to do - is live as best as they can.
Additional Info
She used to travel in intervals, often staying for months in one place, working as a farmhand and helping around the area, before moving on to the next location in need. Currently, she mostly stays at Tìr Torclann to help oversee the land, but she is still one of the more seasoned travellers so she will join the rescue expeditions outside when she can,
The peasantry that has gathered behind her isn't particularly cohesive or uniform, but they have a symbol they use to recognise each other.
The snath of her scythe doubles as the staff she uses for healing spells. Unable to obtain any crystals, it was treated with a variety of tree resins instead.
Lainie can't heal animals but that never stopped anyone from asking her to try anyway - beggars can't be choosers, after all, when she's the only healer for miles. Through trial, error, hearsay and several slightly traumatic experiences, she's picked up some simple veterinary skills.
Her health is very robust and her build quite sturdy from all the farming work. She is also very calloused and very freckled.
She has never been outside Reluir and hardly thought about the nations beyond for most of her life. Light elves are mythical demons to her and humans were a weird, sad concept until she actually witnessed them during the wraith battle (after which she started to regard them with more camaradarie). With the recent destruction of Reluir and exodus of refugees, she has been contemplating the neighbouring human lands of Tusa and Iadlain more.