Lloyd Champfleur

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Lloyd Champfleur
161 (Appearance 25)
14th Month of Seeds, Year of Coins
6'0 ft
Light Elf
(Former?) Magistre Heir
Light Blossoming
Midday Naps, Strong Alcohol, Novels, Small gatherings, Outdoor Sports, Chilly weather
Strong/ Unpleasant scents, Recklessness, Loud noises, Flippant attitudes, Most seafood besides fish, Half-assed work
Hardworking, Charismatic, Prudent, Reliable, Introverted, Two-faced, Irritable, Scornful, Skeptical, Morally Ambiguous
Polite and always knows just what to say, Lloyd can be described as an unassuming yet diligent young man. Someone who has a good head on his shoulders, perhaps due to the then unsteady position of having a noble’s name- and yet little claim to the title; Lloyd has always believed in achieving things through hardwork and perseverance- to shape opportunities with his own hands. Sensible in his work and with how he advises those in need of his service, he’s one to look further than the present.To him it is better to be safe than to be sorry. With a charisma that aids in easing others and lends him wit when interacting with others, his maturity shines through.
And yet despite that, how he wishes he could escape the excessive socializing required of him. Talented he may be at holding up a front, there’s no tricking himself that he is introverted through and through; It’s with that reason that while he rarely turns company away, he doesn’t particularly seek it out either. While lacking malice, there’s a deceitfulness about him that can quickly turn so; A level of dishonesty on his part for personal morals is hardly a sin in his opinion. Now especially with recent happenings. Distrustful of those he doesn’t consider his own and resentful at those who cross him; Whereas before his irritability is easily masked, there’s a quiet anger about him- maybe at the world or maybe at himself.
Despite not being born into the main family of their house, there was a certain expectation placed on Lloyd as the first born to a new generation. New blood to ensure that their family lineage would continue to exist. Perhaps it was with that reasoning that Claude, his grandfather and the then Magistrate of their family, took care to involve himself with Lloyd’s upbringing.
He was afforded a well-education and opportunities to diversify his talents. It was his parents, Oswald in particular, who grew weary at his own father’s meddling in Lloyd’s childhood. Neither parents were demanding when it came to the child’s ‘responsibilities’ to the main household, so he was free to do what he pleased in the end. It was much later did the young elf understand that the attention he garnered had a different reason.
In his early years, indeed the world was Lloyd’s oyster- With his level headedness and enthusiasm to learn, in his mind, Lloyd could excel in anything he put his mind to. And perhaps that was so for most things. The Champfleurs were skilled when it came to magic and magecraft, so when it slowly dawned on him that he had no such affinity to use ether. It was like being doused in cold water and a lingering bitterness followed him into adulthood. This feeling became ever evident when his sister was born.
It was an awkward relationship given the age gap, so he didn’t feel the need to get closer to her beyond clumsy interactions. Awkwardness soon turned to envy, however, when at a tender age Virche showed great promise in using magic. That quiet bitterness that never quite left him reared its ugly head and avoided her further- sometimes letting his temper get the better of him when she got too close. It was after one such outburst he was faced with another sobering reality check- the disappointment of his grandfather. “I hadn’t realized you placed so little value in yourself, and all because you can’t cast a little spell?” Regret filled him after that encounter. Not just for disappointing the man he looked up to, but for how he treated Virsche and how much he belittled his own worth for something so minute. Along with a desire to improve his relationship with his sister, came the underlying question: What was it he worked so hard for?
With two children already born to the second son of the then Magistrate, and none from the heir, whispers about how the succession would be handled circulated; Would Oswald be named heir instead despite his obvious disinterest in noble affairs? Was the rumors about the heir or his wife being infertile true? These whispers were only fanned when Lloyd started getting more involved with the state of affairs in the family’s land. His father asked him if there was any other aspiration he wanted to follow. At Lloyd’s lack of answer, Oswald only hopes that one day he finds something that’ll make him genuinely happy, for being too involved with the nobility was a messy and ugly affair.
It wasn’t as if he wanted to be involved, but when it became apparent his uncle was careless at best, lackadaisical at worst when it came to the affairs of their family- he had readily agreed to be his aid. Just the thought of his grandfather's efforts going to waste was a driving force, and yet this only seemed to fan the flames of who would become head of their family. His uncle was nonchalant on the matter, and for all of Lloyd’s savviness, he too didn’t have a desire to inherit their title. Maybe it was his father’s warning- but he’s certain he wouldn’t be happy with such a position.
Despite the world whispering an inevitable in-fighting between the two brothers, The Champfleur family was relatively small- and naturally made them close. An uncle and aunt who treated him and his sister as if they were his own, two parents who gave them love and support, a sister she grew to greatly care for. It was a peaceful existence that soothed his soul.
But this was not to last; A vengeful half-elf’s spell had gone wrong during a night he and his family had decided to stay in his uncle’s manor had left both his parents deceased, and Virsche’s condition critical.
Spiraling between grieving and overworking, it was only when Virsche finally woke up from her coma did he manage to pick up the pieces and pull himself together. He was the only one who could take care of her now.
After the attempt on his uncle’s life, it was painfully obvious he needed an heir and with no sons or daughters, he decided on Lloyd. Not only did it make the most sense, but he had been involved with the domain’s affairs for years. Lloyd, meanwhile, while still apprehensive, needed the power to protect the only family he had left.
During Virsche’s time in Estraude, Lloyd used that time to establish his place as the inheritor of the Magistrate title and built relations with the people of Aramore. While not happy, he is content with the work he has put in. Now that his sister is back, he hopes all his effort would be worth it-
And then one morning, on the day of Aurea’s army gathering, a letter for him was left in Virsche’s room but the occupant was nowhere to be found.
Current Story
Receiving the scare of his lifetime upon discovering that her sister had run off to join Aurea’s Army, and in the process accidentally taking his place, Lloyd now more than even worries for his sister’s well-being. Paired with the rapidly changing political sphere of Delverne, all hesitation about involving himself with the nobility evaporated. If he was to protect what was his, he needed power to do it.
All his efforts, however, felt as if they were all for nothing- upon Delverne’s destruction because of Therras’ raising, the game of politics felt like nothing but child’s play. Anger bubbled inside at him, at the humans, at Delverne’s leaders who didn’t do enough- and if anything put them in this situation. And yet, complaining will do nothing. With much work needed to be done, he will offer his help, fill the gap so that they may rebuild their home anew.
Additional Info
Had been a Templar squire in his early adulthood, but eventually realized it wasn’t a career path he was willing to pursue
Tutored in playing the clarinet, although he doesn’t like performing for crowds, big or small
Had a pegasus he cared for dearly that he named Arcana (they are probably ded now…)
Fond of pegasi/ horse back riding. The feeling of the wind eases some of his stress
Left handed, but at an early age the family tutors tried to ‘correct’ it by making him use his right hand more, in the end it made him somewhat ambidextrous.
Has dimples when he smiles
Likes writing short stories, surprisingly has a bit of an imagination
Uses a cutlass as a primary weapon, but has daggers on his person as well
He makes a point to take naps at some point in the day because of how late he sleeps. Prefers for to sleep outside, usually under a tree, because the times he does sleep in the office couch, he ends up having a nightmare
BIG WIP but Champfleur Household information.