Lucas Benjamin Geist

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Lucas Benjamin Geist
Ben-Luke, Lucas Schmidt while in the Empire
10 Suns, 8271
5'8" | 172.7 cm
Koben Navy; Underground Scout
Koben Navy
Humans' Mindspeak
+Strong-Willed +Determined +Deft -Not a Quick Thinker -Paranoid -Pessimistic
As a child, Ben-Luke was a very upbeat, happy go lucky boy. Always ready to see the good in things and people alike, he was really rather optimistic. He did his best to hold onto that personality and ideals as he grew up in a separate country, but it wasn’t long before the slavers broke his spirit. From then until now, He’s had a more subdued view of life. He lost hope long ago that anyone would ever find him and bring him back home, so he just waits for the day he might be able to journey home himself. because of this, though he'd been forced into a line of menial labor, treated no better than a dog, Ben never let his spirit broke, else-wise he would have given up on making it back home someday long ago. He's the "push him down, and he'll get right back up no matter how many times he's knocked down" type.
That aside, He’s a better listener than he is a conversationalist, and though he may always act and look serious, he actually appreciates a lighthearted joke or two. The reason being is that, though he's managed to escape them a couple of times, Ben is always worried that his old slavers will find him again and find a way to drag him back into a life of servitude from which he'll never escape. Not only that, but he's also constantly worried about his real identity being discovered while in the Navy (aka: He's from the Kingdom, he doesn't fully support Koben, someone he knows from the Kingdom will ind out about him, tell his family, his family will either end up shunning him and turning him away for good or his family could get hurt). If he feels like he's being watched he'll glance around and check his surrounding rather often.
If he finds himself in a situation where he needs to lie, he has difficulties coming up with any stories or excuses right off the bat. Small ones are fine, but if it's anything bigger than that he'll need someone to start/do the led-in for him and follow suit. For example, should someone he knows from the Kingdom shows up and Naval officers he's patrolling with ask him how he knows "this person", he'll be at a loss for how to explain his way out of the situation and will either need a hand or he'll be forced to tell the truth. He prays that such a thing will never happen.
Ben-Luke did not always live in the Empire. In fact, his birth home was actually in the Kingdom—Cantor, more specifically. He spent 10 years of his life growing up happily with his family and friends. He helped out his beloved elder sister on the farm wherever he could (he also thought it was mad cool how she didn't have one of her teeth anymore because of that one bucking Yamben like wow). Then, the night before his parents would officially gift him with his own Yamben mount, Ben-Luke was so excited to meet it that he just couldn't sleep. Late that night, he snuck out to one of the barns to rest with the friendly creatures. Unfortunately, that was when tragedy struck. A gang of bandits—slavers and thieves alike—stormed their family's farm and home. Though Ryanna and their parents were safe inside, Ben-Luke—a young, defenseless child all on his own away from the home—was very easy to take as part of their loot. He was kidnapped, and one of the last things he heard of his family was his sister's voice screaming for him in the distance.
That was the last time he had heard and seen his family, and started a long eight years struggling to make his way as a slave in Koben. Busied himself with doing menial, grueling tasks that no one else would do, for even less pay than those who would. His friendly disposition slowly began to change as the years went on, going from the friendly little farm boy he once was to the tough-skinned slave who was growing tired of taking everyone's shit. Not long after his eighteenth birthday, he along with a few others made a plan to run away and hopefully escape their days of servitude for good. Sadly, only Ben-Luke got away successfully, he was a good worker whom the slavers were not keen on losing so easily. Knowing that these men were constantly hunting him, Ben-Luke had to make himself scarce or at least blend in with more ease. He worked odd jobs here and there, for what little coin he could get his hands on. He used bits of what he earned on glamours to change his appearance, and once he had enough, bought a ticket on the first boat out of Koben. Once it docked, he found his way to the nearest city(Linhythe, he later found out), and—with nowhere to go—he continued the street urchin lifestyle he had started out in Koben. He was still extremely paranoid over anyone trying to show him any sort of kindness or trying to take him in as he did not want to go back to his life of slavery. However, he soon found a way that he wouldn't have to worry about such a thing: The Navy was looking to enlist anyone willing to serve Koben. After having a morality struggle, he finally went and signed himself up for the forces under the alias "Lucas Schmidt". Though he did not look like the best candidate, he was ready and willing enough to join. After passing the physical tests, he was officially in the Navy and so has been for the past 2-3 years of his life. He dreams of being able to go back home someday, but prays that it will not be for war reasons.
Current Story
Ignition: He did not join the attacks in Amedra, joining instead the crews who fought in Belport. He was worried that he might have somehow run into someone he would recognize and be unable to fight them...
Mutiny: He fought on the Empire's side, equally as stunned as everyone else when the betrayal took place. He left with the rest of the Navy, though he chose to stay in Song-Lu rather than go all the way to Belport with others.
Force of Law: When the Empire called to send Military back into Linhythe to force the criminal activity down, Ben joined them and has been there since.
Emerald Masquerade: He went with a few of his Navy friends, fully intended on enjoying himself and having a good time, when Murphy's Law struck. The one day he chose to walk around without his glamours was he one day he ran into his sister, and he quickly ran from her following that. He has not seen her since then, and again, he prays that he will not see her again until he properly returns home.
[Most Current]Sin and Sacrifice
After a very... Enlightening and emotional journey through Telurea and Riags remains, Ben-Luke was ready to follow his sister to Delverne in order to find Tharoneos back. He was more than a little concerned about his sister's new attitude, and so wanted to accompany her and make sure she didn't blow any covers in her anger. Of course, the level of destruction that actually befell the place was more than he expected it would be, and he lamented the fact, especially after enlisting the help of a kindly priest to destroy his own home... He's now just silently following Ryanna, thinking very hard about everything the Priest Renard had said to him... Right when he notices his sister about to be hit by a fatal-looking attack from Dunor. No....!
Additional Info
- Good with flowers and plants, thanks to plenty of time spent with Nika and his mother in his youth
- He once Used heavy glamours to hide his true appearance from others, but now that he knows the threat he was once worried about has been dispached, he's taken to walking around without them. (Still uses his Alias though; don't wanna shock and confuse the crew too much).