Lucen Neuveigne

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Lucen Neuveigne
13th Fire, 8262
Light Elf
Templar Squire
Templars of Aurea
Light Blossoming
Tea (he is a distinguished gentlelad), horseback riding, smol pets (like rabbits, or dragoo)
Alcohol, small-talk, physical work (sweating?? that's for peasants), dogs
Lucen acts with the best intentions at heart. He has a gentle soul that hides behind a prickly exterior and he cares fiercely, but worries internally that the sentiment isn’t returned to the same extent. Rather than overtly, he expresses his care through quiet thoughtfulness, which can be seen in tasks completed or items procured for people close to him who may have mentioned them in passing. If confronted about it though, he’ll lie (badly) and deny any involvement. To others, he may appear standoffish, shy and overly serious despite his best efforts.
He has high aspirations for himself and imprints strongly on his role models, taking their actions as example and their words as law. Ultimately, he’s a people pleaser, but is easily frustrated by the intricacies and nuances in communication between people. Like his sisters, he's hasty, stubborn and bull-headed; he would prefer to solve a problem by going THROUGH it rather than find a gentler, more patient solution.
Lucen was aware at a relatively young age that he was born into a broken family. His early childhood was a lonely one full of whispering adults and jeering children who all seemed to know an older sibling he had never met. His parents tried to keep Sarain’s existence and the mistakes they made with her a secret for as long as they could out of shame, but Lucen only felt it as a palpable forced distance between them and him. Unfortunately, through this he only learned there was no trust in speaking to others, and in his perceived isolation a quiet anger began to burn. Instead, he found quiet solace in the church, praying to Aurea for a friend.
When Asha was born, he saw his prayer had been answered. It brought a light into his life and into the empty space in their home he alone could never seem to fill. Though his own insecurities had grown over the years, he resolved not to let the loneliness that plagued his childhood to touch his baby sister too. He promised to be her companion, playmate and everything she ever needed. As she grew older, she became more curious towards everything people left unspoken. Though Lucen tried to temper that, they both ended up uncovering secrets of a noble bloodline buried in the past and the context of their sister’s failed thymagea treatment that led to the state of their family.
The wheels of history began to turn thanks to the meddling hands of the warring human factions. Asha, whose eyes were opened for the first time to the existence and struggles of a world outside Delverne, quickly vanished when the refugees from the North passed through on their way to Cantor. This brought family tensions to a head as blame was placed, regretful words were uttered, and ultimately the rift between Lucen and his parents grew ever deeper.
Word of Asha’s disappearance drew the eye of his grandmother, the Vidamesse Aurélie Neuveigne, who’d remained uninvolved up to this point, yet had eyes watching over them from afar. Unwilling to lose any more grandchildren to the poor foresight of her disowned daughter, she came to collect Lucen - the only one of her descendants who’d successfully been able to tread the path of wizardry as his ancestors did before him. At the promise of a higher quality of teaching and a tighter knit family unit, Lucen decided to use this as a means to an end to ultimately find his little sister and bring her home. He took the Neuveigne’s name as his own and left home with a goal in mind.
His training began immediately the moment he set foot in Melessos, his family’s largest floating academy town off the coast of northern Delverne. He quickly had his hands full as he was placed in a class more advanced than his current skill level and held to a higher standard among the other students. It was overwhelming and intense, but he was as brazen and hard-headed as his sisters and he tackled the challenge head on with great enthusiasm.
Surprisingly, he quickly formed kinships with his many cousins, though they all (annoyingly) seemed to know his origin story already and held a soft pity for his country bumpkin upbringing and the disappearances of his sisters. As most of them were wizards already, they tutored him after hours to help him catch up to the level he was expected to be at as the heir to the vidamie. He was also allowed one on one training sessions with Aurélie, which were always brutal and humbling - and he learned very quickly that mouthing off, even in frustration, wouldn’t be tolerated. Nonetheless he appreciated how she didn’t hold back for him and his respect for her began to grow.
Current Story
As tensions came to a head between Delverne and the Miras Kingdom, Lucen joined the Templars a mere year after he was introduced to the circles of nobility as the Neuveigne’s heir; a show of unwavering trust and support to the state from their family. Pulling some strings, Aurélie turned to the Belroses, a noble family of equal standing and trusted friends of the Neuveignes, to continue overseeing the training of her grandson. Vidame Jean(bob) Belrose accepted Lucen as his squire, and the youth was quickly enamored by the strong, chivalrous and upstanding knight.
Fate led him to a stressful meeting with both of his sisters, and though he was glad to see her safe, he was anguished to find out how much Asha had been corrupted by the misguidence of Sarain, who’d been living among the rabble of humans for far too long. Unable to convince her to come home with him, he returned to Delverne with the bitter taste of defeat in his mouth to ponder over the novel problem of what he was to do about his sisters.
Word of Aurea’s impending arrival began spreading among the masses and a fervor grew among the Templar ranks. Lucen was kept busy preparing for Her awakening, but fully committed to the cause and taking the Oath when Oracle Triss called for the faithful. What he wasn’t prepared for was the sudden return of Sarain, who heeded the call of the Oracle to come home. Friction was high between them, and he vehemently rejected anything to do with her. Now that the Sword of Varandis has chosen her to be its bearer, he must swallow the difficult reality that perhaps it may be time to set his oldest grudge aside for the sake of Delverne’s shining future.
Additional Info
His casting focus is his ornamental rapier inlaid with rubies and diamonds, a gift from one of his aunts after finding him being so sullen about not getting the Sword of Varandis. Coupled with his ornamental greaves, he’s teased quite a lot for unwittingly emulating Sarain. He argues that he can wear them better anyway.
Has a purebred Delvan dragoo named Charlotte. He makes sure she has a fancy, lacy silk ribbon to wear and at least 1 tea biscuit as a treat every day.
His sense of style is very nouveau riche to his family's chagrin... he's just come iinto money and he wants Nice Things. His cousin Ione attempts to mitigate this so he doesn't show up to events in tacky outfits.
Aims to follow his family's traditional class path of becoming a wizard. His primary elemental affinity is lightning while his secondary is light. A promising student, though he lacks finesse and restraint as of yet.