Luciana Kaspar

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Luciana Kaspar
12th Harvest, 8274
Princess of Koben
Lady Grey Tea | Cheesecake | Dogs | Songluan Music | Romance novels
Sour Sweets | Flower arranging | Boot lickers | Pegasi | Being disregarded | Gambling
Faithful | Conscientious | Ambitious | Sensitive | Ignorant | Headstrong
Luciana is very attached to her family and friends; she is far more comfortable sticking to who she knows than trying to expand her social circle and likes to try to help those she deems worthy of her affection. With the fall of many noble families, her social circle has sunk considerably and for now, her loyalty wavers until she can reconcile them. However, with the passing of Emperor Artur and the return of those once shunned, she is finding it difficult to find ways to bridge the gaps the cold shoulder created. Luciana inherited the Kaspars' ambitious traits and high aspirations, giving her the drive and motivation to continue through difficulty. This mixed with her headstrong attitude makes her strong in her goals - she would rather see something through to the end than give up, especially on her dearly-held dreams.
With her recent entry as Kaspar heir, Luci outwardly tries to project what is expected of a young noble, striving to be better and succeed, unlike her sister's example. Very aware of failure following the fall of her sister and other nobles, she is overly critical of her actions and of those within her company, fearing that it may reflect badly on herself. Despite this, she has a hard time letting go of her opinions and can be quite stubborn when reprimanded or offered alternatives.
Unlike her mother who has natural charisma, Luciana struggles to maintain the pleasant polite facade of a young heiress and it easily fractures if she’s insulted or treated with bad manners, despite this she has made vast improvements since her debut. Being a sheltered second child, she is willfully ignorant of things outside of her experience, including matters of lower society and the world outside of Koben and Song-Lu, having little time to focus on the rest of the world when she already has so much on her plate. Luci has little concept of money, she has difficulty budgeting and will quite easily spend her entire allowance without batting an eye for gifts for herself or others.
Luciana was born the second child of the Kaspars, raised within the comforts of the Luritz estate. Blessed with noble privilege her childhood was carefree and idyllic, the young girl fell in line and quite happily stood in the shadow of her sister, sheltered away from the firstborn’s expectations and given the freedom to study at her pace. She rarely thought of the privilege she had, often spending time with young prince Sigmund while her sister cosied up to Fabian, instead thankful for the young boy’s willingness to accompany her while they waited for their sibling’s attention to return to them.
The news of war following Fabian's death felt worlds away to the young woman, sheltered in splendour and focusing on a mourning sister. The acts of violence and bloodshed slipped undetected past her while she idly studied within the Luritz estate, letting herself dream up the perfect future to pass the time.
The month of Stars, 8292 (Daggers in the dark) sent ripples through the Kaspar family, Antonia’s name and reputation were raked through the mud as rumours spread that Antonia was a suspect in Fabian’s murder. Luci stood helpless and afraid to stand up for her sister’s name, she watched Antonia spiral to new lows and never quite recover from the blow. Luci remembers the hushed conversations between her parents, tiptoeing around her fragile sister, and the suffocating sinking feeling when Reneta informs her that Antonia would be moving to Song-Lu for her health and that Luci would be taking up the mantle of the heir.
Suddenly now the heir and no longer the spare, Luciana was thrust into a new world of expectation and the critical gaze of the nobility. Luciana’s days are spent catching up on learning the responsibilities and the skills to run an estate effectively, not wanting to disappoint her family and driven by the need to prove herself as a competent Kaspar she throws herself headfirst into the work. While the young woman learns the ropes by shadowing her mother occasionally or studying under a tutor, she struggles to grasp the finer skills of conversation - shying away from opportunities to engage with potential allies and too easily crumbling against opponents.
Horrified with the reveal of the Marquess of Alden’s treachery and the fall of many once favourable and important nobles, Luciana notices the power vacuum behind the veiled whispers of friends and family. Feeling the need to act now or never, Luci sets on a new course to climb the social ladder and prevent such betrayals from happening again.
Current Story
Despite the wars and disasters happening around the world, things were going perfectly for the young heiress. Luciana’s debut into the noble circle brought her close to the royal family and once again the Kaspars found themselves in the company of the prince. Luciana quickly fell in love with the crown prince, finding comfort in their similar circumstances, they offered each other a brief respite from the expectation, finding the freedom to be themselves in each other’s company. But their love was short-lived, the rose-tinted glasses stripped from her and her heart shattered in mere silent minutes. Luciana’s heartbreak made her withdraw briefly from high society, retreating to Song-lu and the comforting words of her sister who helped turn her sadness into bitterness and a hunger for revenge at the arrival of Sigmund’s letter.
With Emperor Artur and Prince Sigmund’s death, Luciana's world very quickly flipped upside down. The power vacuum sent tidal waves through the noble society and Luci couldn’t make heads or tails of it. She floats through the oncoming weeks in a haze, processing the loss of her friend. But, as time passes and a powerful mother to follow, Luciana finds her head and looks towards Koben's future.
Additional Info
Especially proud of her Songluan heritage.
Very fond of the dogs
Speaks Common and Songhua.
Travels as often as she can to visit her sister in Song-lu.
Plays the Liuqin and Mandolin.
As heir, Luci struggles with not wanting to let down her family and secretly harbours bitterness towards her sister for putting her in this position.