Niccolo Valentin

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Niccolo Valentin
5'11" or
Light Elf
Noble (Baron)
Adventure Novels, Fashion, Responsibility, Tea
Fighting, Secrecy, Successions, Browns and Reds.
An empathetic and open young man who tries to see the best in every situation while keeping his doubts hidden away. He’s a staunch proponent of communication being the cornerstone of any healthy relationship(peer, vassal or otherwise) and makes sure to check in with his fellows at every opportunity, always ready to lend a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on or simply a listening ear. He’s well aware of those that might try to take advantage of his more optimistic nature, and tries his best to treat them as well as he can- for after all, they’re people too.
Despite this, or perhaps because of it, he doesn’t share his own troubles or issues with anyone, even those closest to him. He’d hate to bother them- or worse, worry them. After all, the world is quite worrisome enough without his (self-perceived) silly little problems. Even when directly asked, he’ll downplay and dismiss his own issues. Compounding this, he’s an overthinker to a fault, overanalyzing and overexaming every interaction despite his insistence on proper communication.
Born to the Valentin Mirian Visconte family, Nico’s early life was one of relative bliss. As heir to a relatively minor noble family, and an elvish one at that, he had very little pressure to grow up as the world changed around him. It was an easy life, and one where Nico flourished into an athletic young boy who stuck his nose into everything and chatted away every idle thought in his head.
It was the succession struggles of soon-to-be-King Giovan, then Fourth Prince, that actually pushed the current Visconte Valentin to prepare Nico for his debut into the world of Mirian politics. He reached out to grab tutors and teachers to make sure that their excitable and rather rough son would learn the proper ways to take care of the land and present himself properly the cattish fancies of the Mirias upper crust. As for Nico, he was happy to take on this new life challenge.
When he reached his debut age, decades later, he’d matured from the boisterous boy of his youth. Even still, he always had his old grin plastered over his features, a sign that the jolly boy from ages ago hadn’t faded with time but merely learned to keep his thoughts to himself. Now, he knew how to talk about the lay of the land, how to be someone who the nobility could look upon with pride, and most importantly, be someone that would be able to keep his own youthful flights of fancy in check.
Even as he took to his new role, the inquisitiveness and general joy he kept within him never faded, just shaped to newfound purpose as Baron Valentin. There was a simple happiness in the comradery of his peers, and with every minor solution he could help his parents with, and the responsibilities he had over his family’s lands. It was a nice life, and one he relished. Chattering about the family wine or examining the ways that his fellows lived their lives while under King Giovan’s rule were pleasant. In a time where war was a distant memory, he was happy.
The violence of Ignition shook him deeply, and his distress and alarm at the onset of such unquestionable violence was mirrored by the sudden descent of the world over a few short years. Myriad cracks formed in the court with King Giovan’s sudden and unfortunate death. Each prince had a claim, but Nico had a clear choice in his heart- one that most of his parents favored, the eldest prince Silvan. The sudden onset of two additional wars, back to back, one with the light elf homeland and one with the newly declared East Miras, brought even more weight on his shoulders. He was Mirian, in his heart, but he couldn’t prove it. Compounding this, one of his parents had strong ties to another foreign country, Estraude. Historically they had been quite close to Miras but more importantly, his Estran parent was notably against Silvan's brutal campaigns despite the strength they showed, and Nico couldn't help but interally agree. The ease of life that being a light elf afforded him returned to claim payment now, and he’s been placed under house arrest.
Current Story
A castle-bound/homestuck lad as the heir to an elvish noble fam.
Additional Info
Three parents, two dads, one NB.
Only child but parents want another kid
Wanted to join the military as a child, displayed some talent for magic, became knight.
He exercises a lot to keep his stress levels down.
His parent is originally a half-wood, half light-elf from Estraude who was from a fairly well off family. He spent summers visiting their family up until the war broke out.
The Valentin family is famous for their wines primarily.