Orlan Chu-Wol

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Orlan Chu-Wol
21st Arrival, 8241
5'7" (170cm)
Peacekeeper Boss
Inquisitive | Detail-oriented | Risk-taker | Charismatic | Tenacious | Calm | Distrustful | Promiscuous
Despite his outward calm, Orlan's mind is never at rest. Constantly observing the world around him, the man is always on the hunt; for information, for clues, and for any little detail that might prove relevant later on. He always assumes people are lying, until proven otherwise, but has a way with words and a very charismatic demeanor which ensures most people never sense his distrust. Once on a case, he doesn't stop for anything, and has been known to take great risks in order to complete his investigation. Famously, this has led to his being wanted across the Kingdom, though the details are pretty obsqure and subject to many highly entertaining rumors.
As leader of the Peacekeepers, Orlan oversees the training of apprentices by their mentors, and evaluates all cases before assigning them to individual peacekeepers. He expects the best from his investigators, and is ever watchful for signs of corruption within the ranks. He will show some understanding for the apprentices; after all they can't be expected to perform adequately before their training is complete - but he frowns upon failure from the rank and file, and only promotes the best to senior peacekeeper.
He's the type who seems not to have a social life, but those in his inner circle know him as the flirtatious onsen-goer he really is. He is too committed to his job to be looking for anything permanent, though.
Born in the city of Song-Lu, Orlan was the middle of five siblings, and if the official history is to believed he lived a very ordinary life until he joined the Peacekeepers in his mid-twenties. He failed to perform admirably in school, held a low-key job (this much is true) for many years, and eventually wanted to do something with his life that truly mattered. Whether it had to do with the death of his only sister at the hands of an unknown murderer who haunted the city at the time is left unsaid, but he cut all ties to his past and dedicated himself and his considerable attention to detail to solving crimes.
After he was promoted to Peacekeeper, Orlan spent a number of years traveling through the Empire on Peacekeeper business, eventually even going to the Kingdom several times; once to investigate a gruesome murder, several times to investigate accusations of infidelity. At the young age of 38 he was promoted to Senior peacekeeper, and trained a number of apprentices who went on to become peacekeepers in their own right. Although he could no longer officially travel to the Kingdom his services were in demand as much as before, and he made several forays into what he could only consider "enemy territory" for cases that were especially intriguing to him, despite the risk.
Five years ago, the previous boss of the Peacekeepers decided to retire, and nominated Orlan to be his successor. The majority of the eligible Senior peacekeepers voted in his favor, and thus his rise to power was accomplished. Having to focus his efforts on administration (this he doesn't enjoy) and making nice with the Chancellor (this he does enjoy), he is no longer out in the field except for in the most dire of circumstances. Word has it he is personally in charge of the investigation of the murder of Emperor Artur Roenach's son.
Current Story
Additional Info
Twirls the ends of his mustache when he's thinking.
Tattoos on his right arm and shoulder clearly identify him to those in the know as a high-ranking member of the long defunct gang Xigaon. Orlan generally keeps that arm covered, even though virtually all those 'in the know' are by now dead and gone.
Is the father of at least three children he doesn't know of, and two that he does know. To his chagrin, the mothers don't want him in their lives, so his children live with different fathers, not knowing the truth.
Lives in the Peacekeeper headquarters.
Is a wanted man in the Kingdom.