Pieter Rajani

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Pieter Rajani
22nd Rains, 8254
Half-Elf (1/4th Wood Elf)
Ex-Agate Alliance, Ex-Corsair, Pirate
Agate Alliance
Alcohol | Practical Jokes | Herbs (Y'know... herbs....) | Sweets | Luxury Goods | Money | People he can tease
Feeling Trapped | Rules | Societal Expectations | Chores | Being Poor | Smart People
There’s always a bit of sunshine in Piers’ pocket, and he’s quick to provide jokes, laughs, and smiles. He loves nothing more than having a jolly good time, and doesn’t like to take anything too seriously if he can help it. Goofy and fun, Piers is that one easy-going friend who never quite grew up. But for better or worse, he marches to the beat of his own drum-- never one to conform to what society expects from him nor what others assume of him. In this way, he can be both reliable, or incredibly unreliable. He might choose to lend a helping hand to a floundering cause-- or he might flout his duties for a day on the town. He might rise above and beyond, accomplishing more than he was asked to do-- or he might not do it at all and leave a disaster in his wake. He’s the unpredictable sort who operates on the smallest of whims, and very rarely feels sorry for the consequences of his actions.
And he’s a classic case of someone who’s never really treasured any other creature in the world more than himself, being one of the most notoriously self-serving and calculating bastards in town. In a theoretical life or death situation, he would be the first to trip a nearby sucker to ensure the safety of his own hide. It’s all survival of the fittest, and there’s no room for petty things like pride, honesty, or reputation as far as Piers is concerned. (He has none of the three aforementioned traits to his name.) Always ensuring that he has a backdoor, Piers is the type who never enters a situation without a guarantee of being able to get out of it one way or the other- and his disloyalty leaves him with very few true friends. He’s stepped on nearly everybody’s toes, landed himself in dicey situations, and been betrayed himself more times than he cares to count (Except for the two times it ended up with him standing on trial. He counts those.)
Only those who have yet to see beyond his friendly front are often willing to associate with him. But while he’s not the basket to put all your eggs into, his experience and versatility makes him a very valuable ally who is ready to go to great lengths to further your goals (should they line up with his as well).
There was never any shortage in Malik's early years-- shelter, food, and love were all plentiful from his parents, who, while not rich by any stretch of the imagination, were both steadily employed at a local Linhan factory. Their combined income provided just enough for the modest family of four to live on- but the work was hard and long, and more often than not, both Malik and his elder brother Nahuel were left to their own devices. Their parents provided them with everything but their time, and so the boys quickly integrated with other kids in similar situations, infamous in the streets for being unsupervised and unchecked by supportive adults. The land on which the family’s shabby employee housing was built upon had long been under the jurisdiction of a local gang- and the boys' ragtag group of wild self-raised kids was quickly absorbed. It was a simple affair to pull the wool over their parents' eyes as to their real whereabouts. By the time their parents discovered the truth, both boys were far beyond the scope of their guidance or control. So for the entirety of his teenage years, Malik was in constant touch and go with law enforcement- but in light of his age, was often simply left with a fine and a slap on the wrist. But scrounging up the money to pay for those fines created a vicious cycle in which Malik always found himself once again joining up with the gangs for quick cash- growing more and more adept at his chosen trade of illegal smuggling of goods into the ports of Linhythe. But after selling information on an upcoming deal to the wrong people, Malik was left behind as a scapegoat in vengeance- and being of age at last, was charged with 2 years in the locker.
The experience left him with a new take on life- valuing his freedom above all else now that he was robbed of it. Much to Malik’s fortune, his cellmate was a pirate, who noted that with the basic skills in sailing that Malik had acquired on the smuggler's ships, he would be perfectly capable of joining up with a pirate crew upon his release. Eager for the promise of even greater returns should raids go well, and keen to avoid further vengeance for his disloyalty to the gangs by running away to the open sea, Malik signed up as soon as he was freed. And things did go well-- he paid off his fines, had a little leftover for himself for the first time in his life, and got along swimmingly with the rest of the crew. But good things must come to an end. A lapse in judgement at a seaport tavern landed him in hot waters with the wrong people-- and he once again found himself behind now familiar bars. By now going by the name Piers, he served three years in a different penitentiary than his last stint, and when his sentence was through, he found a very different crew awaiting him. During his extended absence, mutiny on the ship meant a new captain was in place, and annexation into the corsairs meant that for the first time, Piers found himself on the proper side of the law. The appeal of steady money (and a guarantee of sorts that he wouldn’t be headed back to jail anytime soon) convinced him to return despite the change, and he found himself surprisingly content with a regular if not as fabulous income as before. The years passed in monotony until the outbreak of war- a war which he had initially presumed he would join fighting for Koben. But Piers' crew was presented with an opportunity he would never have dreamed of: Essentially the choice to fight for the highest bidder. Having grown accustomed to getting large sums of money in short bursts, Piers had found himself short on funds more often than not due to poor spending habits- and so when he and his crew were offered wealth, protection, and the chance to wreak havoc to their heart’s content, they jumped at Guinevere's proposition. Sparing only enough heart to try and secure his own direct family’s safety in the attack, Piers sated his desire for revenge on those who had used him in his youth, those who had locked him up, and his long restrained love for chaos and mayhem.
Yet the promise of starting over, of finding a new life in Miras was a delusion that was quickly stamped out. The welcome in Miras was lukewarm, and Piers’ initial reservations returned within the year. He was not alone, as his fellow crewmates began to murmur about what harm there could be in nicking a few things from pretty sea port towns, what Mirans had expected after all by buying off a bunch of pirates. Though eager to return to raiding port cities, Piers was unwilling to bite the hand that fed him. There would be no welcome in Koben if they were to betray Miras now, and he had no interest whatsoever in spending even one second in the slammer again. Though reluctant to put himself in what would undoubtedly be a situation much like that he'd suffered through his time in the Corsairs, he abandoned ship to seek out an old acquaintance whom he knew to be as honest and true as a pirate can be. Once a young deck hand in the old crew, he'd heard long ago of Orion, who had struck out during the mutiny four years back to form his own crew. Piers found refuge under his flag, just before the internal war between pirates began- narrowly avoiding both the fate of a deserter and the fate of the defeated ex-corsairs. Now being what could be considered fresh meat on Orion’s sloop, Piers finds himself a member of the newly formed Agate Alliance, safe from vengeance of the law, and the underling of a new, young captain.
Current Story
After undertaking a gig to kidnap the Crown Prince of Koben, Piers and his fellow crewmember Rosie both took gigantic L's and were sentenced to hang for their crimes.
Deceased as of Cut and Cauterise prompt, 1st Stars 8293
Additional Info
Enjoys a good smoke and drink more frequently than he ought to. He's extremely strong against alcohol, though while he rarely gets truly drunk, he's very good at getting 'drunk' off of an atmosphere and acting the part.
Started going by his middle name/nickname after taking up piracy because he got fed up with everyone kept thinking he was from Tusa or Estraude instead of Linhythe. (And to better avoid law enforcement catching wind of where he'd gone).
Hides his pointed ears under his bandanna or hair when he can because he's about as human as it gets and he don't need nobody thinkin' he's some fancy schmancy half-elf.
His eyes are orange/brown!
He blows all of his money on imported estran weeds, alcohol, and clothes. His clothes are often made with a quality far higher than that necessary, or befitting of a sailor-- though due to his own neglect, they appear as shabby and beaten up as any old hemp cut outfit.
Voice Claim: Fujiwara Keiji