Rozene Malveaux

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Rozene Malveaux
13th Gifts, 8269
5'5" (165 cm)
Half Elf
this season's ready to wear | eggs | a reliable red lipstick | beans | dime novels | frittatas
actual romance irl | rotten eggs | delicate emotional situations | criticism of any kind | carbonara
+(Selectively) Hard-working | +Imaginative | +Gutsy | -Self-Serving | -Prima Donna | -Petty
Raised with money but absence of class, on the surface Rozene does well in looking the part of a socialite, but a big imagination and regard for the sound of her own voice quickly lead her astray. At her best, she's a silly companion who keeps dinner parties interesting, and at her worst overblown and obnoxiously nouveau riche.
She's never been a shy girl in asking for what she wants, and this is clear as day in her actions and plain way of speaking. Wantonly giving opinions and asking for favors freely, you would think she's lazy and a tinge vapid...because she is!! Years in the military might not have instilled the discipline her parents had hoped for, and they all probably got more than they bargained for in the war is hell department, but what it DID teach Roz was how to be bold and hold even more confidence in her convictions and also that life is short so maybe she should just write her silly little novels because Rozene Malveaux Listens To No One
Deep down, does Rozene have a sensitive side? No. Evident in her budding career, she definitely has an appreciation for the idea of nuanced emotions, but you won't find her plucking flower petals and sighing dreamily when she could just shove a bouquet in someone's face, you know?
Rozene’s father, Basile, was a half-elf conceived from a fling between a wealthy Amedran gambler who’d come to Delverne in search of enchanted gambling items and a light elf shopkeeper of an enchanted knick-knack store. Ashamed of becoming pregnant out of wedlock and terrified of what her family and peers would think, the woman resorted to blackmailing her child’s wealthy father into marrying her, otherwise she’d reveal the well-enchanted items he’d been using to gamble his way to success. Some still raised eyebrows at the hasty marriage, but it was still much more favorable than being an unwed mother. The marriage was naturally strained, and soon after Basile was born the two agreed to split on agreeable terms so long as Basile’s father sent a timely sum of money to support his son and ex-wife and Basile was written into his will.
Basile didn’t enjoy growing up in Delverne’s society, where he was frequently prejudiced because of his mother’s morally questionable actions and his race, but he eventually found a sort of refuge by living in a back house of a wealthy estate as a live-in gardener at 18. He’d also quickly become smitten with one of the family’s 5 daughters, Liena, an open-minded light elf who was an aspiring fashion designer. After several years and many garden encounters, Liena returned Basile’s feelings, though they both knew their relationship would never progress due to social classes. That is, until Basile received a massive sum of money from his father’s will at the age of 24 after a gambling trip gone sour in Linhythe had left the old man poisoned and dead.
Now quite well-off, Basile proposed to Liena with promises of moving to Miras to start her fashion career, to which he received her and her family’s blessing, and so they were off to Miras.
When Rozene was born a few years later, her mother had become a successful designer and was on her way to creating her own brand, while her father had become an increasingly well-known face in Miras’ large garden community. Since her parents were so occupied, Rozene actually spent much of her childhood in Delverne with her grandparents from both sides.
With her mother’s side padding her childhood with lush fabrics and fine toys and her solo grandmother on her father’s side reliving the high points of her dramatic love through storytelling (especially the parts involving blackmail), Rozene’s childhood remained pleasant despite the absence of parents. Perhaps her fondest memory of all, though, was hearing the story of how her parents met. It all seemed like some kind of fairy tale she desperately wished onto herself one day.
As Rozene entered adolescence and was old enough to be left at home without a nanny, she began to indulge in the lifestyle her parents had given her. Expensive designer clothing, extravagant luncheons, and white ponies had shoved humility taught from her conservative grandparents and etiquette lessons far into the back of her mind. Other rich young people had been using their wealth for charities and the needy, and even if their hearts weren’t completely in it, no one could really complain. However, Rozene didn’t aspire to be anything and seemed fully content with being a party-going shopaholic using her parent’s money for a living, not exactly giving the Malveaux name the best connotation.
At first excusable, now that Rozene was nearing adulthood, her lifestyle choices had become much more harshly judged by her parents and social peers. Her parents initially allowed this out of guilt for not being around at home, but they didn’t intend for their daughter to become a trust fund baby. Though they didn’t want to force her into a career path, they were also interested in saving their family name ASAP, so their eyes shifted to the ever-honorable military. At the time things were relatively peaceful, so they felt relatively at ease with their decision to have their daughter serve a few years in the military to hopefully instill discipline and humility within her.
Talking Rozene into serving for a few years took some time. She eventually came around, partially because she realized that she was content with life, yet also bored by its repetitiveness, but mostly because her parents threatened to cut her off if she didn’t. Upon turning 17, Rozene enlisted in the Miras Legion.
And she hated it. Surprisingly, though, Rozene stuck around, taking each order personally as a challenge to succeed. She’d also become captivated by Miras’ graceful Flight Regiment, but she wasn’t yet an adept soldier nor rider to join the ranks. With the help of her parent’s money and countless pegasi lessons later, at age 20 she joined the Flight Regiment, hoping to also inspire others with her elegance.
Still one to openly complain and mock others when her higher-ups are out of earshot, Rozene has become more comfortable within the military, though it’s not quite home yet. Now that Miras has surpassed the brink of war, her parents regularly request for her to come home, but this has actually motivated her to stick with the flight regiment to spite them in an immature act of post-teenage rebellion.
Current Story
To summarize for my fellow poors
Stuck with the Miras Flight Regiment up until the split
Joined East Miras for no good reason besides it seemed fun and all her friends were doing it
yeah she WOULD jump off a brid
Around this time she finally publishes her FIRST ROMANCE NOVEL
After World's Wrath, she left the military and went to stay with her parents, who had run back to their native Delverne from Miras
Caught in crossfire between Delverne and Miras, Rozene is currently stuck underground with some weird delvans and orphaned at 25 lmao sos
She has literally sided with everyone at this point so she's got a lot of thinking to do while she's here
Additional Info
Greatly enjoys sleeping in, but since this doesn’t mesh well with her job, she often ends up going to bed ridiculously early to net adequate amounts of beauty sleep.
Her parent’s relationship as well as growing up in the fairy tale-esque Delverne and Miras has turned her into quite the romantic. She’s weak for a good love story.
Favorite food is protein evidently. catch her mixing protein powder into her morning tea