Réza D'Wälder

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Réza D'Wälder
Rez (General)
Pufferfish, Show Monkey, 'Za (Urûvion)
Zaza (Seóras)
9th Rains, 8108
6'4" (193 cm)
Female (she/her)
Dark Elf
Sorcerer (Water)
Sailor (currently on the airship "The Rapace")
Dark Blossoming
Banter, Percussion instruments, Cold water, Salt-crusted hair, Tongue twisters, Teasing, Women™, Crunchy rice, Ale, Mimicking bird calls
Her own handwriting, Formal documents, Landlocked cities, Jellyfish, Cooking, Soft pillows, Being asked to take on leadership roles, Herself
Laid-Back | Performative | Loyal | Flirtatious | Guarded | Insecure | Impulsive
Flirty, carefree, and seemingly all too confident in her own abilities, Réza is a force to reckon with. On the surface, she laughs loudly, cares deeply, and goes with the flow. She’s managed to fit into many a ship’s crew this way, and has even become undyingly loyal to the found family she’s accumulated this way.
At her core is a deep all-encompassing knowledge of her inadequacy. This foundational anxiety is kept anchored behind glib chatter and charm that few manage to look past. This insecurity has led her to build a vibrant persona for herself: a casual, bantering, flirtatious sailor. She projects all that she fears she lacks, and convinces herself that’s enough to make up for it. And sometimes, maybe even most times, it is.
Réza often refuses to dwell on these thoughts until she’s alone. In company, she can be spotted riding the line between total and unwavering confidence and foolish arrogance. This is part of the performance, and is mostly for show. As a rule, Réza will tend to take whichever position in a conversation she finds most interesting at the time. This is not and shouldn’t be confused for a lack of true beliefs, but instead a desire to engage with the people around her before acquiescing to whichever side of the conversation it is that she really aligns with. She doesn’t mind “losing” in banter, as long as it was engaging and passed the time. Perhaps she’ll be caught in a mood to suggest a ridiculous plan completely straight-faced, just to get a laugh out of a friend who needs it. Let her play the momentary fool- she’ll release that plan to the wind once her conversational goal has been achieved. And hey, sometimes a strange idea will be what is actually needed, in which case she’ll gladly accept all praise, thank you kindly.
When it comes down to it, Réza wears many masks for many people, including herself. It can cause her to play hypocrite, or to need to repeatedly reaffirm her sincerity in those few moments where she’s being deadly, unearthly serious. Those who trust her know her loyalty is true- but not how much of herself is. Sometimes her confident appearance can cause blowback in situations where it seems too foolhardy or ridiculously out of line with others' emotional states.
All in all, while the world is exciting and novel, it’s the people that she has collected that are much more of a treasure. There is nothing else to satisfy her but to follow their currents.
Though from a long lineage of mage-sailors, Xeru Lochllewlyn, lacking in magical talent himself, moved to Tusa to pursue his passion for cooking. There, he met a lovely innkeeper, and together, they started a restaurant. Reza Lochllwelyn soon followed, practically born with a wild, cavalier outlook on life. Her grandmother, Lorri, would visit often, leave on some grand adventure, and return with stories of the sea to tell her. Compared to the tales, home felt dull.
As Reza grew, a magical inclination towards water appeared. While fun, she had bigger dreams than practicing piddly water tricks in a desert. While her parents weren’t angry with her lack of interest in the family business, they also didn’t expect much from her. And if her parents wouldn’t ask it of her, she reasoned, then they must not want it of her. Besides, restaurant work was a chore. What she really wanted was adventure.
When her father took an apprentice, Reza took it as a sign. With the barest excuse of a note left behind, a foolhardy Reza followed the next caravan out towards Linhythe, her grandmother, and assuredly, adventure.
When she arrived, another surprise awaited. Her grandmother’s ‘adventures’ were long over. Instead, Grandmother Lorri ran a modest dock, making her living through the boats that paid to anchor there. Many were fishing boats- hardly anything that reached the deep sea, much less another shore.
Lorri could sense the disappointment in her granddaughter, though Reza was too stubborn to admit defeat. For years, Lorri appeased her sense for adventure through education. From knotwork to the magical manipulation of currents, Reza studied it all. She joined her grandmother’s crew, aiding ships and lightly flirting with the sailors that would come through.
One day, as Reza helped a new ship dock, an impulse took her. Unless she took action, she would be stuck here like her grandmother, attached to a dock for life. There were maybe dozens of Lochllwelyns, out seeking fortune and never once visiting. Why shouldn't she be one of them? The thought arrived with this ship- one that journeyed, instead of fished. It wouldn’t stay more than a night before sailing for grander horizons.
Again, Reza left only a note in the night, clambered into a lifeboat and waited. By dawn, the docks were a speck. It was exhilarating, and very foolish. Eventually she needed to board, which made for quite the shock on deck. She was reckless, yes, but also resolutely determined. With utmost confidence and charm, Réza offered her skills to the captain to avoid being thrown overboard. To her surprise, she was allowed a trial run, and eventually a permanent spot.
Life working on the D’Wälder’s crew was enjoyable. Here, she was no longer Reza Lochllwelyn, dockhand. She was simply Reza. A ship’s life was more boring than expected, but was a good learning process. While chores hardly changed, the ocean itself was plenty spontaneous. She learned to make her own fun, falling into sibling-like banter with the captain’s son, Urûvion. As time passed, she found a permanent place by his side. He became captain, though the new seniority didn’t stop her teasing. Crewmates came and went. One, a spark of fire on the waters, challenged Uru to a bar fight. While Réza often flirted for fun, more teasing than sincere, with Tess things were different. Tess made the ocean a comfort. Joyous. Reza didn’t show it, but beneath the bantering, she fell. Hard.
When Uruvion disbanded the crew, Reza tried to enjoy time with Tess on land as best as they could. She crewed a few ships, none of them filling the hole her old crew left. When Uruvion eventually brought everyone back together, she tried profusely to convince him to return permanently. It was futile- both because marriage had changed Uruvion, and because the ship was violently attacked. Réza tried to stay, determined to use everything at her disposal to get them out safely or die trying, but all for naught. His summons wrenched her away, carried unwillingly to safety.
After a frustratingly alcoholic few months, she found Tess again. Her lucky star. It was easier to sink into the comfort of romance this time. Tess was impulsive, and charming, and had all of the strength Reza projected but never felt. It was its own kind of intoxication, to be with her in grief. One night, Reza let herself be genuine. She asked for something serious, barely allowing more than a whisper. She asked for commitment. It was too much. In the morning, she was alone with an old gifted ring and heartbreak.
Averse to returning to old haunts, there was only one option: another ship. As the war picked up, her new ship found itself in battle often. In battle, she stalled flooding, kept sightlines clear, and grew more confident in using her craft offensively.
To no surprise, they too pursued the Crown Prince’s kidnappers. As a smaller ship, they usually made it out of danger with surface scrapes and lightly tattered sails. This time was different. As she worked water to weapon, Reza could’ve sworn she saw a familiar face in the distance. A sage, hauntingly familiar, snapped her spell. The careful magic turned to chaos. It was all she could do to try and manipulate the remnants of her control on the waves to get Tess- it had to be Tess- out of danger. If it had been, there was no trace of her when Reza reached shore again.
Once again, Reza ran. She found her escape in the Rapace, and a familiar face. With Seoras’s referral, the sea witch took to the air. The airship was new, though Reza enjoyed the challenge. Her magic wasn’t as necessary here, but still came in handy to keep members of the crew dry, or chase dew off the deck. Mostly, she was an extra pair of hands, and that was enough. Soon, however, Reza’s desires would turn to filling an ever emptier hollow in her heart.
Current Story
Still quietly nursing a love spurned heart and the anger and pain that rides with it, Réza maintains a supportive role aiding the Rapace. In these times of trouble, even she’s finding it a bit harder than usual to keep spirits up, though with cheerful banter and plenty of cheeky flirting, she’s doing her best.
Plunging into danger to help people has been doable, but catching wind of a certain pirate hunter in the crowds of Estraude sparked on Réza’s empty desires. If she couldn’t make a life loving a familiar comfort with all of her heart, it’s starting to feel as though she could certainly make a life hating a familiar enemy.
With no plans yet but a burning need to fill in the gaps of her current life, Réza will find some way to wreak havoc on the person most responsible for shattering the good times they had going. It’s a slow burn, but for now, a spark has caught on.
For the time being, she aids the Rapace and provides all the aid she can when asked. Though she’d much prefer if someone else were here with her, that’s neither here nor there in the apocalypse.
Additional Info
Blossoming: Eyes, Nails
Magic: Réza has an adept control of water, and when on a ship uses it to aid in strategic maneuvers, navigation, or general fighting when coming into clashes.
Every piece of Réza’s current clothing was stolen from someone else, willingly or otherwise. Much apologies to the bathhouses who had to wonder at just where their client’s pants had gone, but she looks damn good in them.
Tess gave Réza a ring that projects star maps. For as much as she resents her former lover for leaving, it’s just too damn useful to get rid of- especially now that the sky has grown strange.
Réza’s favorite little trick to pull with water is creating a rose from droplets and exploding it like a firework, smattering whoever had pulled in to look closely at its form with a light shower.
Her favorite bird is the albatross. She thinks it gets a bad rep, and likes to mimic its calls on the waves.
She keeps a list of people in her head who need a good punch the next time she sees them. Urûvion has already gotten his in a chance pub meeting, though she was drunk at the time and is uncertain if he should be off the list or not.
After her time on the crew and as a show of her deep familial love, Réza took on the D'Wälder last name in an attempt to fully leave her land-life behind.
Her grandmother’s dock was lost in the attack on Linhythe, and her grandmother with it. Réza’s ship at the time was one of the lucky ones- her crew and ship at the time managed to escape destruction by the skin of their teeth, though they were continually conscripted to more daunting tasks.