Shui Shir-Del

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Shui Shir-Del
Shuikun, Mage son, Cottonhead
Saturday, Day 31 of the Month of Stars, Year of Paths (8287) / Day 7 of the Month of the Cat, Year of the Incandescent Perfume Horse
150 cm / 4ft 11 inch
Apprentice / Babysitter
Toy model kits, being an aspiring pyrotechnic, stage play magic, roughhousing
Getting scolded for burning things, alcohol, being isolated, bandits
Observant, Determined || Attention-seeking, Upfront || Protective, Brash
Shui is insightful and a quick learner, absorbing new information like sponge. While most adults may appreciate his reserved nature, his restrained enthusiasm likely stems more from the assertive upbringing he experienced in his early years rather than inherent shyness. After years of being surrounded by rowdy relatives, Shui has grown out of his shell and became more upfront with his approach.
He perceives himself as highly independent, avoiding constant guidance from adults, and strives to go all-out to prove his capabilities. His endeavors can also be interpreted as a way to garner praise and approval from peers, which he later boasts his achievements, proudly recounting to those who made the mistake of staying and listening in.
His sense of protectiveness stems from the pride for his newfound family and the acceptance he received as an integral member of the clan. Shui held his immediate adoptive family in high regard, as imperfect as they are, and will take offense on behalf for any slight of word thrown in their way, and is more than happy to resolve them with his fists.
When Shui was first asked, he never quite fully understood why he called an illegal brothel his home, only for a fact that it's the building where his mother used to work and the place he could return to, nor the fact that he is a by-product between the prostitute and a regular customer. But despite the inconvenient nature of his birth and the undesirable environment he grew up in the boy was well-loved by both his parents as he describes them: Miho was a pretty young woman and the caring mother to ever meet the 'most dashing, adventurous adventurer' whom Shui insisted as his father. Even though there was skepticism and a good amount of despair to who the father was according to the former's diary, Shui grew old he began to display features of his father but the final nail on the coffin being that the boy proved to be able to wield magical abilities he inherited. Shui came to understand that this was this was his most treasured skill: he could delight his mother and many of her co-workers with the tricks he learned, in addition to making his father visit him more frequently.
While it's obvious that his father couldn't stay around long enough in his visits but he loved his son and the mother well that he promised to take away the both of them one day, which is why the boy still remained long after his mother 'died of a wasting illness'. Shui was subjected to the sparse care of his mother's co-workers, who found it more convenient to keep the boy in the closet out of their employer's range of sight. When that prove to be ineffective Shui found himself drifted away by the children of the same co-workers, alternating between playing in the alleyway and crawling back to the establishment for food.
It was still dawn when Shui was woken up by loud yelling and prompted to take refuge- from his hiding place he saw the establishment raided by the guards and its angry leader until sunrise, but it wasn't until the peacekeepers began searching the vicinity for evidence that Shui decided to come out, mauling one of the apprentice who made off with his mother's belongings. After more yelling and gentle violence, the boy was brought over to the head of the raid where Shui began to explain every detail of his existence to the peacekeeper Rohayu Shir-Del. Overwhelmed by guilt and feeling responsible for the leaving the boy homeless, Rohayu brought Shui to stay under her roof temporarily despite Shui's protest that he would wait for his father's return. But days turns to weeks, and in turn to two complete months, and any hope that the boy's father could come back became more bleak the longer he stays. Greatly saddened and disappointed by this turn of events, Shui then found solace in the attention given by his caretakers- the Peacekeepers who founded him, with Rohayu eventually adopting him as her own.
When the boy returned to playing with his old magical abilities, it was then he noticed that he attracted a lot of attention from Rohayu's relatives and the next Shui knew he was offered a place in her family, the notion that he will get to live in a big house filled with many friends of his kind appealed to the young boy more than the Peacekeeper anticipated. Shui enthusiastically agreed to take on the Shir-Del name and share the family's burdens; so long that he gets to stay with the temporary guardian he came to grow fond of and exact revenge on his wayward father once he grows up.
Current Story
The destruction of Song-lu brought upon by Huozai's awakening forced the Shir-Dels out to the outskirts. Not once, but thrice, the homes of the Shir-Dels burnt down over the course of the conflict between Koben and Miras, but it is now razed by the creatures of fire and volcano eruption, reduced to rubble and ash. Shui joins his family to leave their home in Song-lu for good.
Like many displaced Songluans, they sought refuge in the run-down districts of Koben. The family is distraught, opinions torn between exhausted members, ashamed by their predicament and headstrong elders who remain in denial of the loss of their home. Shui, who witnessed his mother's breakdown after a culmination of tragedies vowed to be the clan's anchor in these difficult times: with his resolve renewed by the birth of his baby brother Rokujo, Shui took on the role as acting head of the family as they scrape by in their new living situation.
Additional Info
Shui's given name is Shukichi Tanemura.
Shui is part Songluan through his mother and Mirian-Nisalvan by his father, as discovered through his half-sister.
He has 3 siblings known to date: a half-elf older sister by his mother and an older brother and sister from his father's family living in West Miras.
Used to be insecure of his looks, often getting into fights with other children for 'not looking the part'. Now he enjoys getting people stumped on what his accent is supposed to be when he speaks Common, being taught by Songluan and Tusar families.
Shui focuses on mastering fire magic, with the path to becoming an ascetic in mind. He's also exhibited inclining towards light magic, though he doesn't make much use of it besides as an emergency light trick.