Sylvis Dormona

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Sylvis Dormona
6th Rains 8103
5'11 / 180 cm
Light Elf
Jurist | Cardinal Vertolle's secretary
Fine Wines | Sun rays | Gold | Cherries | Gossip | Small animals
Tight Spaces | Cheap material | Hospital Wards | Pain | Winter | Spicy Food
Sociable | Playful | Astute | Self-confident | Conceited | Misguided
At his core, Sylvis is a man disinterested in becoming a cog in Delverne’s society and has been overly privileged in wealth and social status throughout his life. He coasts through the expectations of an heir and wastes the rest of his time with frivolity. He indulges in the finer things in life: wine, fashion, and the company of someone pretty in the eye or politically powerful. Those who capture his attention get to share in his spoiled nature, indulgent gifts and acts of service his most obvious signs of affection.
In the polite upper echelons of the Delverne society and the keen gaze of his uncle, Lumis, Sylvis is charming enough to be palatable to anyone’s taste. Like most walking in his circle, he has learnt how to navigate the scene elegantly among those who demand respect and hold the power to tip the scales against him. For those who stand on equal footing or below him, Sylvis’ manners relax into flirtatious charisma and playful teasing. He relishes the company of others and strives to be surrounded by fun company, perhaps to distract himself from the loneliness that creeps in the quiet hours of the morning.
Sylvis has always had an eye for detail, a skill that helped him flourish as a healer but also in the social game that rules the nobility class. He has always been a shoulder to lean on for those with loose lips who hold foolish trust in him. Every morsel of knowledge is carefully filed away for political advantage, where he has two priorities: Himself and his loved ones. In the ever-shifting game of social power, and his deep interest in keeping the position he has, anything and anyone is fair game to use to damage or benefit. He believes any responsibility beyond maintaining Dormona’s power is not his problem nor worth the time. However, this astuteness fails him with those he holds dear. His affections dull his better judgement and suspicion to allow himself to freely love and trust. He believes he has constructed his world perfectly to suit him and anything said to convince him otherwise is merely an attempt to weaken his position.
Sylvis is content enough with the life he’s been given by privilege and only works to maintain his and his loved ones’ position. He has never strived to change the society he finds suffocating and so incredibly boring simply because he benefits from it.
Sylvis’s upbringing was no different to any other child born into nobility, he was the eldest child spoiled by soft-hearted parents. For a Dormona it is hard to imagine their place outside the field of Law and while this would eventually become Sylvis’s future, it was not his original venture. A curiosity bloomed for healing, pulling Sylvis down a different beginning. The young elf was surprisingly well suited to the art of healing, he flourished through his years in education where he was surprisingly studious, even if he was the annoying rich kid.
Sylvis was still a college student when an earthquake levelled a town on the southwestern border, a small college troop answered the call for aid and travelled to support the region. They were met with conditions worse than originally thought and the team were quickly put to work. Sylvis, as inexperienced as he was, was sheltered from the worst but his tutor, Mathis, an academic cleric with little field experience, started to sink beneath the pressure. Working around the clock he struggled with the lack of resources and the needs of the people, more and more was asked of his tutor and the healer gave more than he could give. Sylvis watched Mathis, a man he admired, push past his limits and spiral into dark depths. Then, one chilly morning Mathis got up and left without a word, never seen in Delverne again.
The students were quietly shipped back to the safety of the college where all mentions of their tutor were met with uncomfortable silence and excuses as if he was an embarrassment to the department. Sylvis saw a whole life of academic achievements, prestige and dedication gone with one poor decision, an uncomfortable fact that would stick with Sylvis. He was left to wonder what his life would be like should he continue his academic path with such blind dedication.
The longer Sylvis studied, the more suffocated by the pressure to become a perfect healer for Delverne - a role, in his mind, that was fated to the slow death of endless work. As his academic life faltered, he found a growing disdain for ever-higher expectations for Delverne’s greater good. He felt whatever greatness he could achieve would never be enough in the polished machine he called home. There was no point in trying to be great or even good. He had to find a way out of the path his passion had led him down. He confided to his parents and professors and turned to the careful out that beckoned every Dormona: Law.
If you asked Sylvis, his remaining years in education are very much a blur. The history and rule of Law quickly became his preferred suffering over the slow death being a healer in service to Delverne would have been. He fondly recalls the parties, decadence and the carnality of the time. But, a terrible choice in passion and affection taught Sylvis the limits of his power and risked losing it all. A Dormona, as young and useless as Sylvis, would have been crushed by a mere second of the revered Elestae family’s attention. Unwilling to lose face by turning to his family for help Sylvis turned to another, Rathare Demors, for salvation. Almost overnight the headache that plagued Sylvis disappeared without a trace, leaving Sylvis free to better understand the limits of his power and grow his budding influence. His aspirations had settled on Lumis’ influence and wealth with a jealous need. A path ahead had been formed.
Sylvis was and is not the only eligible Dormona in the position to inherit Lumis’ position as the head of the family. Knowing this he worked just hard enough to keep himself as the most desirable option, often turning to underhand ways to spoil the chances of his sister and cousins. While the world outside spun from peace to tragedy and eventually war, Sylvis remained isolated in his kingdom of wealth, greed, and indulgence with only one goal guiding his way: To remain as the heir of Lumis Dormona.
Current Story
In the past, in pitiful moments Sylvis had fantasised of Delverne no longer existing; it was a place free of politics and expectations. Sylvis had his endless sunlight and wealth in his perfect bubble. He had never thought that such a thing could happen, nor did he imagine it to be as terrible as fate had doled out. Deep in the depths of Telurea, he's left with the realisation he cannot coast on wealth and status alone, the bare minimum is no longer enough in the underground where his people struggle and suffer.
No longer able to avoid the demands of his skillset and the needs of the new powers that be, he resigns himself to do what is asked of him. He turmoils on what he wants and how to achieve it. He has clung to the old structures and powers that benefitted him for so long that he fears the unknown and what it will mean for his future.
Additional Info
When he was studying as an exorcist, Sylvis' pain tolerance was passable. But in the many years since his active use of his skills, his pain tolerance has dropped below the expected levels of an exorcist. Sylvis would prefer not to return to active healing.
Has a soft spot for small animals, his favourites being dragoo of which he owns two:
Conde Artiz Valentin de Turquesa III - also known as Dusty or Duster (Shown on app)
Delight Yourself In Aurea And She Will Give You The Desires Of Your Heart (Hymns 37:4) - also known as Delight