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Trevol Callieux

Trevol Callieux
Resident City
Home City


Trevol Callieux
Basic Information




Birth Date:








Trevol Callieux

Trev, Trevvy


5'8"/172 cm


Light Elf


Former Argentum, Miras Royal Guard; currently fired East Miras Royal Guard




+ Meticulous | Hardworking | Impartial | Caring
- Act first apologise later | Conflict-averse | Impulsive | Tunnel-vision

Seeming to possess all of two expressions, it can be hard to tell what Trevol is thinking half of the timemost  of the time. They have a flat way of speaking that makes it difficult  to tell when they're joking, and while they have a decent sense of  humour their overall manner tends to make people fidget. This stands in  contrast with their habit of making impulse decisions that should  involve other people, but that Trevol deemed harmless enough that they  could just apologise later without issue. This can create frustrating  situations when combined with Trevol's proclivity to hyperfocus, for  though their work is always careful in every detail, they often forget  about the big picture.

Perhaps ironically, Trevol dislikes  conflict, and their tendency to create tension with their actions have  at the same time made them good at diffusing it. Their calm and  impartial nature as a third party makes them a good mediator but also  makes them take on troublesome tasks just for the sake of avoiding  something even more troublesome. It's not rare to see them just take  care of someone else's work rather than deal with the slacker.

Though  they don't care for a large circle of friends, Trevol cares greatly for  those close to them, and in particular would do anything for their  husband and son. Love for their family is the driving force behind much  of what they do, without which they would likely still be living from  couch to couch. They have very little desire for glory and care little  for pampering themselves. To provide for their family, however, they  give it their all at work, and Trevol has proven themselves a capable  strategist and leader, though their lack of ambition and satisfaction  with "good enough" in life makes them ill-suited for the highest  positions-- not that they seem to mind. They know and understand  themselves and is comfortable with who they are and where they are in  life. They don't strive for more than the happiness they already have,  and prefers instead to quietly spread it around be it with gifts for  loved ones or alms for the poor. Trevol doesn't like seeing people upset  and will make an effort in their own way to get someone to smile, even  if they never crack one themselves.


Trevol was born as the first child of a former Delvan noble house  that fell from grace some generations back. The family settled in  Amedra, and a few hundred years ago Trevol's grandfather brought glory  back to the name with his success on the battlefield. It was perhaps in  an attempt to continue this military excellence that Trevol's parents  gave them his name, but from childhood Trevol the second was never very  keen on this role. Though a hardworking and responsible child, Trevol  lacked ambition and could see no reason for them to dedicate their life  to this cause. Though with time they came to appreciate the value of  championing the family name, they dropped it like a rock as soon as a  younger sibling was born. They would realise later that it was perhaps  unfair to toss a responsibility they didn't want at a newborn, but in  any case it worked out and they were free to pursue their own path.

After  a comfortable youth in Amedra, Trevol found in their thirties that the  family tutors could no longer answer every question they had about the  practise of magic and surprised their parents with a request to study at  the Academy of the Arcane. Delighted to the verge of tears at their  child finally showing some ambition, Trevol's parents hurried them off  to Miras with overwhelming blessings. An endless interest in the art  combined well with their natural work ethic and Trevol graduated years  later as a very skilled Sorcerer. Still eager for more, they spent the  next few decades travelling the Kingdom to further develop their magic,  doing whatever odd end jobs paid the bills. It wasn't until they met and  married Tuua Ammal, an apprentice woodworker, that they began to apply  their skill towards an end goal. Tuua dreamed of opening his own  woodworking shop and, determined to help him, Trevol traded their  wandering life for the structure and stability of a military salary.  They steadily rose through the ranks of first the Legion and then the  Royal Guard until at last Tuua's store opened in Miras. The marathon was  over and the couple settled happily into their comfortable life,  eventually adopting a Cantish orphan as their son.

Trevol was  content with where they were. As an Argentum they earned enough to spoil  their family without the work taking over their life, and even as war  broke out, as long as their family was safe and happy, they didn't want  much to do with affairs. However, even they had their limits, and when  the new King Silvan began utilising more and more aggressive methods,  Trevol found themselves anxious where the Kingdom was going. The cinden  dragons Silvan employed had killed a child, and he didn't seem to care.  Trevol saw their own child in the slain Oracle and feared for his  future. Whispers of discontent soon haunted corners as old friends from  the Academy began disappearing, and one day Trevol was hustled into a  hidden room and told that something was going to be done about Silvan's  reign: were they in or out?

Trevol was in. In a calm flurry they  sent their husband and son ahead to Amedra as hurried plans took form in  a day. Chaos broke as Prince Vinicio declared his right to the throne  and it was with great difficulty that Trevol managed to flee the city.  Unable to make their way east Trevol slipped into Cantor, finding  sanctuary in the home of a retired nun who a decade before handed them  their son. The following weeks were filled with fear at every thump and  step as Silvan spread a wide net for defectors. When rumours came of a  strengthening Arcanist presence thanks to the focus on Delverne, Trevol  offered up their skills in the hopes that it will eventually lead them  back to their family.

Current Story

A fortuitous run-in with Anastasia Umbrius gave Trevol a way home. Their younger sister, Bellis, was classmates with Anya's father at the Academy, and Trevol themself was familiar with the Umbrius family. They carefully made their way East, and ran into another familiar face near the Amedran border.

Trevol settled into something resembling their former Royal Guard duties, working with Sunan and the other defected guards. They were overseeing Princess Marise and some other children when the firebird appeared. In that moment, Trevol moved to protect their own son, Acacia, and in doing so left Sunan alone in an ultimately futile attempt to keep the princess safe. Though understandable as a parent, as a guard Trevol failed in their duty and was dismissed from their position.

Trevol bears no small amount of guilt over their failure and has been working to do what they can to atone with all the freedoms and limitations now on them as an ordinary citizen.

Additional Info

- Specialises in earth magic centred around protective rock coccoons and  walls (though the former could be used offensively if so inclined).  Much of their training was focused on creating these shields fast,  strong, and resistant against Sage magic. They utilise runes tattooed on their right arm (rarely seen because they're easily cold).
- Managed to escape with a messenger falcon named Pudding who serves them well in their work with the Arcanists.
-  Had a habit of bringing random birds home, so the family home in Miras  was always filled with birds of all kinds perched on display furniture.
-  Came across their son as an abandoned orphan during a mission to Cantor  ten years back. Decided on the spot to adopt the boy and brought him  home without any warning; fortunately their husband took it in stride.
-  Old family friends with Normandy Espadas, a connection that led to  their early involvement in the coup d'etat despite their relatively low  rank.


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