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Urûvion D’Wälder

Urûvion D’Wälder
Resident City
Home City


Urûvion D’Wälder
Basic Information




Birth Date:








Urûvion D’Wälder


190 Years

15 Harvest, 8105

6' 2"


Dark Elf


Bar-Back; Battle Mage

Dark Blossoming




+Helpful; +Clever; +Quick Thinker/Strong Leader; +/-Charismatic

Uruvion naturally feels compelled to help others. This, however, is normally because he believes helping others will lead to an end that benefits him in some way. He absolutely believes in good and bad karma so, if he can, he tries to help others so that it'll come back around to him in the end. He's also clever and quick on his feet--He’s proven time and time again that if there's a plan that needs to be made at the drop of a hat, he's the best at making them, and such plans have more often than not saved him and others from sticky situations. To top it all off, he’s got something of a silver tongue--a skill that was good for getting some “entertainment” in his bed back during his sailing days, or some information out of fellow law avoiding citizens, and is especially good now for chatting people up into spending more time (and thus, spending more in general) at the Bar.

-Conniving -Stingy -Greedy -Prideful -Impatient

Though he may have a big heart, he has even bigger pockets, and his sole aim is to fill them with all kinds of valuables. He may have given up the pirate life, but he certainly didn’t give up his love for money, and he’s usually plotting the fastest and easiest way to get it, even if it’s not exactly... Legal. And yet, just as quickly as he gains money, he's quick to keep it away in his own personal stores--not one for impulse buying, he has a stash kept away for rainy day purchases. The only exceptions are little trinkets, gifts or toys he thinks Daeris, Moriel and even Mae or Diarmit might enjoy.

Uruvion is also a very proud man--Proud when he became the first mate, prouder still when he became the Captain of his own crew, and proudest yet when he started his own family. Endearing as it is, that pride often gets in the way of him seeing what dangers there may be lurking nearby--He believes that no matter the challenge or hurdle, he’s strong and clever enough to handle it no problem. As for his patience, he doesn't much like wasting time on pointless pursuits, so if he's trying to get along with someone and they're being more nervous or stubborn than necessary, he'll only give it another attempt or two before he moves along to other matters--As a pirate captain he learned that too much time spent on one dilemma could make another ten pop up and grow to an unbearable size, after all.


[Full history here]

Uruvion started his life in very meager, humble beginnings; the beginnings of a kid born and raised on a pirate ship. He spent much of his life on the ship--doing menial chores and helping out with raids too. The saddest thing that happened to said crew was when they lost their First Mate. When Uruvion was about 70, he fought to be able to go on a serious mission. Though he won the right to go, it wasn’t long before he lost a lot of the trust from everyone else on said mission: The raid went south, from one of his own mistakes no less, and the mate died making sure everyone else made it back to the ship safely. As a result, his dad got a little stricter, so such mistakes wouldn’t happen again, and so they wouldn’t lose another member so carelessly. Moreover, he became more dead set on Uruvion carrying on the crew legacy, since they were down a leader now. Uruvion just took it as it was given to him and went with the flow--he got more training in combat and how to run a ship, which he saw as skills to make him cooler. Same for being bumped up to First Mate: while it came with bigger responsibilities, it also came with bragging rights; over crew members and at pubs and taverns. It also gave him power over who he could and could not let on the crew, and while he was unruly with it at first, he slowly became more and more responsible over time, all the way up until he became Captain once his father finally passed away when he was about 100.

After a failed attempt, he decided the friendly way of managing his crew wasn’t working out, and he’d have to be a bit stricter himself: they go by his rules, and if they don’t like them, they’re free to leave and find a crew elsewhere. Some left, others stayed, and still others joined--one in particular he fell in love with, and he thought he might’ve spent the rest of his life with her, but then his world was thrown into disarray when he met Daeris in his 150’s. He cleanly and mutually broke up with his current interest to start pursuing Daeris, and after little more than a year, he decided to settle down and marry her, shortly before his mother passed. With her gone, rather than passing the reins of the crew off to another, he disbanded, telling everyone to go live their lives happily, and told them to keep eyes and ears out for a potential final voyage together in the coming years.

Exactly 5 years later, he did gather up as many of them as he could to do just that: he wanted to prove to Daeris’ dad that his past career had been legitimate, could be enjoyed, and also get in some quality bonding time. What he didn’t expect to happen, however, was to be attacked by an old rival crew with a vengeful ex-crew member on board. In a heated fight to try and escape, Uruvion not only lost his ship and a lot of his crew, but he also lost Daeris’ father, and nearly his own life--He received what should have been a fatal blow to his chest, but thanks to some quick thinking and dangerous blood based summoning he was able to get himself to shore after the enemy crew was gone and he’d saved what other members he could, all of whom think him dead. To make matters worse, in his desperate bid to reach the shore,he was fighting against rough sea currents, against his own darkening vision, and against his familiars. In all this hassle, his head was smacked into rocks by the shore hard, and once he washed up, he was unconscious and barely clinging to life.

He was rescued by a couple of others by the beach, and having faced such a traumatic event, it wasn't until a week later he awoke... And with total amnesia, to the point where he couldn’t even recall his own name or life. He was, however, sure he was very grateful to these people who saved him. They helped him out, gave him a new name, and had him join their crew to help repay them for saving his life, but also to help him until he remembered himself. Though he felt like something was missing from his life, he felt right at place with this crew, and so sailed with them through thick and thin for about 20 years... Even when things got wild when their crew ended up among the pirate crews who helped with Prince Sigmund’s capture.

He nearly met his death again, but what shook him more was seeing Moriel. Seeing her REALLY sparked some buried memories, but rather than dwell on it and fight, he helped the kids escape, holding off crew mates trying to rush out of the caves. Though he wanted that to be the last time he saw them, that nagging familiarity now wouldn't leave his mind, and he knew he had to hunt it down--hunt them and these flashes of memory if he wanted to be whole again...

Though it took time he did eventually manage to find his way back to Iadlain, but he still wasn’t back yet--he needed help from a sage and enchanter both to delve into his mind and restore what his body tried to lock away. About a year and a half of adventuring and exploring later, he finally managed to remember who he was, and what he'd done to his family. After coming to terms with it, he waited for said family’s return from businesses abroad, trying to apologize profusely for what he did. They talked things over and he was forgiven, and he could finally start settling back into what his normal life was...

Current Story

He was in Iadlain when the world started to fall apart, and he’ll stay there until the bitter end of the world too should things come to it--He’s left his family once before, and he’s hellbent on not doing it again, no matter what Atros might want of him just because he’s a Dark Elf. He’s never really done well following under someone else's orders, after all.

He’s protecting Iadlain with all his might and firepower during the “day”, and was doing his best to keep anyone from unwillingly wandering out of the house at “night” to disappear to Atros....

Thankfully, the scarier parts of that are over for the time being, so he's been able to fully focus his efforts and firepower on protecting Iadlain from Wispwood--Or, what's left of it, anyway. With Moriel back now (and more beat up than ever!!! That was a nasty shock!!), and Dareis several months into her pregnancy (not minding the weird skipped months that happened in the middle), he's been strongly considering moving his family out of this place and off to safer waters... Though Moriel seems oddly against Linhythe, for reasons she has yet to fully divulge. Eh, in due time. 

Additional Info

Blossoming: Eyes, Lips, Nails & Eyelids
- The plane that Moriel now mostly summons from used to be under his “jurisdiction”, and he does still occasionally call Familiars forth from it, but has more or less moved onto a new one.
- He got a Citadel mark on his forehead from stealing a whole damn chest from the room of riches with a friend and spent some time figuring out how to get it open. Did it pay off? No, as the chest was deceptively heavy--it was filled with sand. The shiny parts on the chest itself sold pretty well though, before it was known they were cursed parts.


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