Xanxas Ó Hicidhe

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Xanxas Ó Hicidhe
Xan, Xanny-boy
17 Seeds, 8268
5' 11" | 180.3 cm
Umbrage Cafe; Border Ward Repair Specialist
Flaws: Tunnel vision, Overconfident, Stubborn, Vain
Neutral: Goal-oriented, Perfectionist, Flirtatious
Positives: Respectful, Charitable, Enjoys making others happy
Xan is a very bold, prideful type of guy, and the reason for this is partly due to his upbringing. He was raised with the understanding that an Old Clan family was nothing but strong and untouchable, so naturally he believed he was the same. A recklessly overconfident and vain type, he will often bite off more than he can chew and try to make a big show of how amazingly he can complete a task in an effort to impress others, even if this usually backfires and puts himself or others in danger. While he's not bad at owning up to his mistakes, he is hard on himself when he makes them, and he does everything in his power to better himself from such flubs—even if they're flubs that others have long forgotten about. In such quests for fixing the mistakes he's made, he can become too focused on that task at hand that he can forget or block other problems, or even the bigger picture as a whole, which can and does end up causing more problems to arise. He's also stubborn, and while he won't push to have things go his way, he will push to prove himself and his worth to anyone who doubts him, even going so far as to put himself in dangerous situations to prove that he's more than capable of handling it (even when he's not). Something of a perfectionist, he'll try to make everything he does the picture of perfection and professionalism.
He does, however, learn from his mistakes and try to better himself from them, and he tries to do his best for the sake of others as well, often times focusing so much on their happiness and enjoyment that he can forget about his own. This is due to the fact that nothing makes him happier than to see another person happy or enjoying themselves because of something he did for them, something he learned growing up with his family. He also tries to be charitable, giving up his own worldly possessions to the less fortunate; he has enough things and money as it is, so he feels that there's no need to hold onto an extra jacket or pair of gloves when he sees those who have none. While he can be flirtatious at times, especially whenever he sees a pretty face, he is always respectable of those he flirts with, respecting their boundaries and wishes without complaint, hassle, or fuss.
Xanxas was born as the only son to an Old Clan family in Uirigh, and as such was raised with high expectations based on achievement and not dishonoring the family name. His parents loved him dearly, however, so while they held high expectations over his head, they also doted on him and tried to make growing up as comfortable and enjoyable as possible for him. He, in turn, loved them dearly, and whenever there was a chance for him to make them proud, he did his best to perform beyond their expectations, because it felt nice when they were so proud and pleased with him.
While their ancestors may have played a decently large role back during the split with Reluir, the most his family does now is make enchanted jewelry and/or clothing articles. Naturally, as this was the current family business, Xanxas grew up learning the best ways to put jewelry together, how to go about imbuing it with protection spells or affinity boosters and the like. Such lessons only started, however, when he started to show his magical ability--especially since there were worries that no such abilities would develop, since his father--a fighter class--had no such talent himself. Thankfully though, before he grew too old, he did eagerly run about to show everyone how he could make a small flame spark above his palm, and it was then that simple schooling and crafting lessons turned to spell books alongside textbooks. After all, it was only natural that a family of such renown would only be able to produce the best of mages, be they wizards, sages, or even healers, as their ancestors once were. And while in the beginning it might have seemed like the path Xanxas would take was a mage, it was later in life that he showed even greater ability for making shields and picking apart others' spells.
Unfortunately for him, though, while he was barely done getting through his studies for that, Reluir had begun to launch its attacks on their country. Their first assaults came while he was in Balla running a few jewelry and clothing deliveries for his family. Their enemies reached that town quickly; they were merciless, their onslaught never ending. His heart was in his throat; here was danger all around him, while he was barely able to block an attack, so far from home and his family. Were there Relans attacking there too?? Were they alright; were the enemies being as cruel there as they were here?? While some in the town managed to make their way out to take shelter in other more secure spots of the country, but as for Xan, he went the other way: towards the destruction. He wanted to see with his own eyes that his family was safe from the attacks, but he was so far... By the time he arrived there, it was clear that the armies had broken through defenses and started to destroy the town. They were already setting up camp, and Xanxas had to stick to the shadows and the trees until he could make it to his home; his family’s cliffside estate. Soldiers had definitely come through there, but for the time being, they were gone, so he burst in and looked for his parents quickly, and was relieved to find them huddled up in the Unicorn shelter inside. He couldn't have been back for more than five minutes, however, when his father started telling himself and his mother that they had to go, and when questioned why, he admitted to them that he had seen what they were doing to the humans and half elves in the city. He feared the same for Balla, and Xan confirmed it. With nothing left but hope and prayers, if there was ever a chance to escape that terrible fate, the time was now. It was hardly the time to argue, so they boarded a carriage with other secret evacuees and made way for Iadlain City immediately. Still, on the way, Minla and Xan both tried to convince his father to come with them, but he refused: He was one of the few Dark Elves in the city; if he at least swore fealty to the queen and the intruders, then he could get away with being there with others to help any other unfortunate trapped half elf or human souls escape Uirigh before Relan forces found them and took their life. It was clear that his mind was made up, so they said their farewells and gave promises that they'd see each other again before boarding the carriage out of there. It wasn’t easy to get by, but with Atros’ mercy, they somehow made it out. That was the last time Xan had seen or heard from his father, and it was the first time he had felt fully and totally helpless. His strong, happy family, reduced to nothing, all after one attack from Reluir...
He would not stand for this. How could he??
Making it to the city, he and his mother found places to stay--they both stayed with family friends for a while, but it was getting crowded and difficult to feed so many mouths, so it was Xan who volunteered to go find somewhere else to live and get a job to help pay for it. He found work at a nice cafe, but also picked up a part time job from some very very old family friends, in their new alchemy shop. Not only that, but he never wanted to feel as helpless and weak as he did while in Balla and in Uirigh, so he found the best Sage that he could in Iadlain and asked to be her apprentice. It hasn't been easy, juggling life, work, and his apprenticeship, but he can definitely tell that it's beginning to pay off. Once he feels strong enough, his first objective is to return to Uirigh to try and find his father.
Current Story
After losing his parents to the Ascention, Xan has been more or less keeping to himself and his studies under Saraid. After she took him back after his stupid mistake, he didn't want to squander this chance of studying beneath her. He's much more reclusive now than he used to be, and focuses much of his efforts on defending what's left of the city and keeping up witht he wards surrounding it.
Additional Info
While young, his caretaker/babysitter often took him to the flight fields and towns for sightseeing; it is because of this that Xan has such a big obsession with foreign fashion. His current kick is Koben Fashion.
The Ó Hicidhe Family is one of the longer standing Old Clan families who were initially part of Iadlain's first ever organized healing circle, brought together by the Ó hÉidin Old Clan. After the main city of Iadlain was thoroughly established, they moved on to help found and expand Uirigh.
As a nod to their roots, the family also founded The Swallowtail Clinic in Uirigh, and while it isn't necessarily connected to Birchbird, Nightlark or Willowsong, the Birchbird helped set them up with supplies when they were first trying to open, and the family continues to thank and pay homage to the Ó hÉidin Old Clan even today for their prosperity. It's easy to find Birch tree motifs about the clinic with swallow birds nesting in its branches.
*The Swallowtail Clinic is primarily an emergency clinic for serious wounds or accidents, with minor focus in teaching. As such, it is broadly equipped for most things, and for those who are looking to further their skills in healing, it's recommended that you go there only after you have a grasp of what it means to be a Doctor/Healer (like a rad student taking on their first internship at a hospital //hithit).
*Since Uirigh is under Relan control, the Clinic has become something of a safe spot hideaway--Dark Elves that worked there who falsely pledged their allegiance to Reluir help each other and any other secret refugees that may somehow still be trapped within the town. Xanxas' father is among the helpers.*