The Adventures of Eirene
Eirene is a mythical traveller hero told of in children's stories all around Alva. She is generally known as a heroic princess - sometimes by noble birth and sometimes as a popular title that she earns - who travels the world on incredible adventures. She often does good deeds and befriends many figures both ordinary and fantastical.
The entire body of stories starring Eirene is known as The Adventures of Eirene.
Major Characters
In addition to Eirene herself, there are a few recurring characters who make appearances in more than adventure and are important figures to the stories. They are described below.
Sana is Eirene's best friend, a humble but wise gardener who does not join her on her travels, but whom she returns to time and again for advice. It is often Sana who shows Eirene the way through her troubles by seeing them clearly, simply and with unfailing empathy. He can be considered to act as the voice of her heart, reminding her to be true to herself. He is also sometimes depicted as the one who lets all of Eirene's stories be known to the world.
The Little Folk
The Little Folk are a race of small magical people, who are honest and gullible but remarkably strong. Their depiction varies across different regions. Eirene befriends a prominent Little person early in her journeys, and from then on they pledge her their assistance should she need it. They are not always competent - many times their efforts to help lead to comical problems and mishaps - but their true hearts invariably win through.
The Lady of the Loom
The Lady of the Loom is a mysterious hermit woman who can spin thread out of anything and weave it into fantastical creations. She starts as an enemy but becomes a friend and sometimes gives Eirene helpful items for her quests. Her relationship with Eirene continues to be superficially antagonistic, but she is trustworthy.
The Bird King
The Bird King appears only in stories on the East Continent. He is an immortal, possessing great magic and the ability to travel worlds. He gives Eirene a magic feather as thanks for saving him, which will let her call him and which she uses on dire occasions to seek his aid. In some stories, at the end of her adventures Eirene disappears with him to explore other worlds, thereby continuing her journeys into eternity.
The Serpent Queen
The Serpent Queen appears only in stories on the West Continent. She is the ruler of an underwater kingdom and guards a vast horde of pearls, her favourite thing in the world. In return for saving her life, she gives Eirene a conch shell which she can use to summon her from any sea, and which Eirene uses when all else fails.
Eirene & The Citadel of Crowns
In Eirene and the Citadel of Crowns, Eirene travels upon a rainbow to the centre of the world, and there finds the Citadel of Crowns - a magnificent castle holding all the greatest treasures of the world. She crosses through several rooms each dedicated to a specific treasure - such as wealth, fame, strength, knowledge - and each with a crown as a key and symbol of possession. Ultimately it is a fable advising against material greed, as Eirene leaves either empty-handed or with just a simple crown of flowers, symbolising an intangible treasure such as friendship or peace.

The Citadel of Crowns as most commonly depicted
While the format of the tale is consistent, the contents of the rooms differ around Alva. Below are the most common versions of the story as classically told in various regions. Over time the stories have traveled and evolved, so that people will most likely know their local version best but may also know and/or tell additions from other places. How much is real and how much is invention remains unknown.
Regional Variants
Click on the crests below to jump to a region's story: