Saint Beitris of Reluir
Relan Legend
Legend has it that when the dark elves first came to Reluir, they found humans living prosperous but ignorant lives in the mountains. For a long time they strove to enrich the humans' knowledge with the wisdoms of their god, but the humans would have none of it. They shunned and ignored the dark elves who tried to teach them, mocking Atros' word as they indulged in sin. Eventually the dark elves were driven away to barren peaks, left to fend for themselves in desolate tundra while the humans claimed the land's bounties for themselves - until one night a pious elf of their number named Beitris was sent a vision. In it she saw the mountains being soothed by the shadow of Atros' hand, leaving behind a paradise as a voice told her "Return, for you are my children and this land shall be yours."
Telling her people of this dream, Beitris led them back to the fertile lands the humans had claimed. They arrived at sunset, and when all had been touched by darkness, Atros' promise began. Both races looked up and saw the stars beginning to fall from the night sky, embedding into the earth and mountain peaks. It is said that these stars were the seeds of the mana crystals that Reluir is so blessed with. While the dark elves rejoiced in it, the humans quickly hid from this miracle of Atros' doing.
When daybreak finally came the humans prepared to leave, denying Beitris and other elves who asked them to stay as equals on the land touched by Atros' grace. They retreated into the Wispwood filled with scorn and disgust, choosing to live with the beasts in the forest rather than the blessings of the dark god. This day the dark elves became the chosen heirs to the land of Reluir, and prosperity for their race began. The crest of Reluir today pays homage to the shower of stars that baptised the sacred peaks as theirs.
Saint Beitris' Feast has been celebrated ever since then as Reluir's founding day. Dark elf tradition holds that it is a time of reflections, starts and renewal.
Iadlish Legend
In Iadlain, a different version of events is held. In their history, the humans welcomed the elves into the mountainous sanctuary that is now Reluir. The starry earth, always blessed thus, gave a mysterious protection from the dangers of the forest and, for a time, both races lived in harmony and balance.
Slowly, however, the elves came to view those with human blood as below them and started to claim all of the mountains as their own. When some people protested, they were violently driven out and, with nowhere to go, were forced to survive in the forest. Through sheer tenacity and strength, these people carved out a new home in the woods, in what would then become Iadlain.
The elves of Reluir did not stop there though. Continuing their 'cleansing', they banished all the remaining humans and half-elves into the forest as well. Before the people of Iadlain could find them, countless died.
Saint Beitris' Feast is therefore remembered in Iadlain as a massacre, a time of hatred and bloodshed, and it is considered extremely poor taste to celebrate it in its original Relan form. Due to the softening influence of time and steady immigration of Relan elves to Iadlain, the purely festive aspects of the holiday are tolerated so dark elves can still enjoy it as a tradition, but no positive mention of the historical event—the Relan legend—should ever be made.