King's Banquet
6 Dec - 19 Dec 2015
As the month of Stars ushers in winter to Miras, it brings with it a celebration that has been much beloved by the region for the past 30 years: the King’s birthday on the 12th Stars. Decades ago, after a year of particularly poor harvest, King Giovan decreed that the lavish banquet traditionally held for his birthday should be given to the public instead. In response, the shops and households of Miras brought out whatever food they could spare as well and it became a sprawling festival of charity. Fondly referred to now as the King’s Banquet, this communal feast has become the new birthday tradition.
Though the fare may be humbler due to the war, this year is no different. Hearty winter foods are laid out on tables throughout the city by both the palace and the populace, free to share, and decorations of blue and gold stars adorn clothes and streets. What is different is not the food, but the news from the palace: one of the royal princes has adopted a child. The story is that the younger prince, Vinicio, is taking responsibility for his illegitimate daughter, but a strong rumour contests that the child is actually the older prince’s, Silvan’s, and that his younger, unmarried brother is taking the fall for him. Speculation goes on about how this affects the succession prospects for each prince, but for now, it is all hearsay – drinks and gossip flow freely, and everyone simply enjoys both the feast and the royal scandal.
Features: Food-laden tables on the streets, large roasts, fruit bread, spiced wine, cheerful crowds, blue and gold star decorations, toasts to the King, loose tongues flapping