2 Jul - 15 Jul 2017
The morning of the 8th Sun brings pandemonium to the heart of Miras city. One of the larger, wilder cinden dragons held by the military has broken free of its confinements. In a rage, it storms through the palace stables, carving a path through panicked mounts, servants and soldiers – and, as it happens, a small group including Princess Marise.
She and a few White Oracle friends had been paying a habitual visit to the palace pegasi when the cinden attacks them. The princess herself manages to escape unharmed, but a royal guard is injured and an oracle killed.
The news spreads like wildfire, but not fast enough to warn the morning market-goers of the rogue dragon. As the cinden bursts from the palace grounds, it rampages down the central street, setting shops and houses alike aflame. The chaos is fierce but thankfully brief – Mirian citizens surge forth to protect each other and douse the flames, and the palace soldiers are swift to assemble and catch up. With brutal efficiency, the military slays the dragon on the spot, and abruptly the mayhem is over. Shaken but relatively unscathed, Mirians clean up the damage and wonder if this incident is really just a freak accident as they've been assured... or if it could mean something more.