11 Apr - 22 Apr 2017
As the battlefronts in Koben and Iadlain ease, a strange new event unfolds in the west of the Empire. The coasts of southern Linhythe have long been home to the Whistling Reef, where many-holed coral skeletons and rocks create a characteristic whistling sound when the wind blows. It has been a novelty for aeons, but little more than that.
On the 14th Arrival, this changes. Local fishers first notice the deepening in pitch, until the whistling sounds more like a wordless, wailing voice. As an ocean storm approaches and the winds grow stronger, the voice grows louder too. It becomes a song – still without words, but strangely beautiful and haunting. Thunder rolls almost unceasingly with it and, as if drawn by the music, sea birds swarm to the reef in staggering numbers.
No one knows why this is happening or what it means. What they do know is that this is a once-in-an-eternity phenomenon, and sightseers and scholars alike flock to the scene. Once there, they find that any vessels for magic, such as mages’ crystals, fill with air ether at an alarming rate. This brings yet more people, both in fascination and exploitation, and together they watch this bizarre concert play out.
Features: Small fishing towns and new campsites packed with visitors, stormy seas and skies, huge spiralling flocks of birds, people sitting on rocky shores to witness, record or collect ether