Blayne Cavanaugh


Basic Information
Blayne Cavanaugh
Uncle Blayne, Ally of Justice (self-proclaimed)
Birth Date:
22nd Mirrors, 8130 [Pristis the Leviathan]
6ft / 182.9cm
Dark Elf
Dark Blossoming
Ochi Simera Aurea
Rainy Days | Any Desserts | Spending time with his family | Coming up with new stories/shows | Good Luck Charms
His sisters spouse | his father | unnecessary violence | shady persons | Negative superstitious items
+Positive +Kind Hearted +Friendly =Quick to Trust =Overly Loyal -Tunnel vision when angered -Temper, temper
Blayne is the type of guy in a town that just seems like he's friendly to everyone. He's a very outgoing kind of guy, and if you happen to be his friend or become friends with him, he will very easily and quickly go head over heels to help you if ever you ask for it. Another practical polar opposite of Daeris, it'd be hard to believe that she'd related to him at all, let alone his younger sister. Being as kind-hearted and friendly as he is, it also makes it entirely too easy for him to become friends with or get mixed up with the wrong kind of people. Should such a thing happen, he'll normally just shrug it off and move on.
These qualities, however, can get even worse than anticipated. For example, the fact that he finds it all too easy to trust people based off of their first impressions. Not only that, but if you've managed to trick him with a kind and welcoming façade, he'll be very attached to you and very loyal, once again going head over heels to help if you'll ever need it. Though, thanks to his big temper when he does get angry, anyone who's ever tricked him in the past has easily gotten their just desserts. He never really likes getting or being angry, but sometimes it just can't be helped, and it's best to just hope you're never on the receiving end of that anger.
Blayne was not always the outgoing, happy go lucky performer he is today. In fact, coming from as dark and dismal a place as Iadlain, it's hard to believe that someone like him had grown up there. His parents found union through arranged marriage, and it wasn't long before he was born as the first child and only son to father Céridain and mother Reya. Right from the get-go there were high expectations of him; his parents were a skilled Sage and powerful Wizard, and as such his father had high hopes for Blayne, hoping he could one day ascend to his own power level and replace him and his seat on a very special council. He never did tell Blayne what it was, just that he should always focus hard on training and his studies. His mother, however, was a bit different. Having come from Song-Lu, she was a far more peaceful, kind hearted person who didn't want to pressure her son into doing anything he didn't want to do. Naturally, wanting to cling to the person who showed him more kindness in his youth, Blayne spent way more time staying laid back with his mother, rather than being the studios man his father wished him to be. And, though he had a penchant for magic, he began to go down a path far from any one his father wanted—he became skilled in the ways of Illusion magic. This, in Céridain's eyes, was the final slap across the face that caused the great rift in their relationship. He grew cold and distant from his son, and Blayne did nothing to try and repair it. After all, if the father didn't care about the son anymore, why should the son care anymore about the father?
From there, nothing really changed. Blayne continued his work and studies in Illusionary magic; his mother praised him for his successes, his father scorned him. Things changed again, however, after Blayne was about 39. A new family member was born, a younger sister called Daeris. His father seemed to come alive again; excited for another child, ready to set them on the path to learning, hoping to see them go down the path to success unlike another child of his. Not only this, but with another kid now—and a daughter, no less—Reya stopped doting on him as much, spoiling the daughter now. Not that it bothered Blayne—If he were as cute as his sister growing up, he wouldn't spare any attention for anyone else either. And he did indeed deliver on his opinions—he spoiled his sister as much as his mother did, stunning and delighting her with this and that little illusion trick. Though, it wasn't long before even this pleasure was taken away from him: A couple years later, following another fall-out with his father, Blayne decided that life at home was no longer as great as it used to be. So, after a deep discussion with his mother and not a word to his father, one night he packed what was important to him, and left Iadlain. He wasn't sure what he'd do at first, or where he'd go, but with some guiding suggestions and a name from Reya, he had a vague plan. He ran out of travelling money as soon as he got to Song-Lu, which was fine by him—It was his mother's home town, after all, and it was her idea that he should start trying to make a life for himself there before anywhere else. The plan went well; he found mentorship from the person his mother told him about, founded a group of travelling performers with a new friend, and even found a reasonable place to settle down. Though he often thought about his father, mother, younger sister and friends at home, he never once thought of going back(he kept in touch via letters, anyway).
At least, not until a strange day in Song-Lu. His father was in town, and with a boat crew about to set sail, no less. After a thoroughly awkward and tense meeting, Blayne had learned that his mother had passed away, his sister was fully grown and married, and he even had a niece. Perhaps going home for just a visit wouldn't be such a bad idea after all... Though from there, things went downhill again. A short trip turned into a year long stay over as his father and her husband never returned from their trip. They lost their lives at sea, and seeing his sister so devastated, Blayne couldn't bear to leave her on her own. Plus, with her sudden and harsh new-found disinterest in her own daughter, Blayne—having been in a similar situation once himself—made it his mission to make sure the child never felt lonely. The year passed, his sister finally managed to gather herself again and tell him that she'd be fine if he left for his own home again. However, the events of the past year left her a completely different person, and though she insisted she was fine, he could tell that deep down, she still wasn't. So, though he did say his good-bye's there, he also decided that he would keep in contact through letters and irregular visits, should they ever be necessary(Though they happen more or less whenever he feels like seeing them again.) Other than that, Blayne continued his life in Song-Lu as an on-call performer and regular street performer. At other times, though, he will act as a brave "Ally of Justice", should any situation require one.
Current Story
Blayne first proper appearance to the group; he was running around doing what he could to help regular civilians escape the invading Mirian Forces and Betrayer Corsairs, confusing enemies and hiding allies with his and his troupes illusion works.
Blayne was on his way to Iadlain with a couple of others when they got sidetracked in Tusa and caught up in the nations founding festival. They didn't stay for too long, as the gaudy celebrations belying the general civil unrest made Blayne antsy and so he got them moving on their way quick as soon as the partying was done.
Blayne took a trip to Iadlain because he was concerned about a recent lull in communication from his family, and figures that visiting and spending time together during Harvest Eve would be good. Unfortunately, he has poor timing, and in place of his family he instead finds an unoccupied family home and disaster as the forest breaks out against the citizenry. He works with an old friend to help get citizens to safety, but ends up suffering a major injury to his eye for it.
Taking plenty of time to recover from his injuries and figuring he had gotten enough therapy in to be able to navigate the world with his new loss of sight, he takes a trip out to Estraude to try and lighten up and put out of his mind his concerns about his family... When he is very surprised to find that they're also there! A lot of catching up is done before they go their separate ways with Whisper Trees to keep properly in touch.
After making sure his family was safely seen back to Iadlain after the Masquerade, Blayne sticks around a bit to make sure the air is cleared on one of the most superstitious days of the year.
Blayne and his Troupe are in Linhythe just in time to catch the spectacular Festival of Kites. They do a few shows there too, to help boost morale and lift peoples spirits during these troubling times.
Blayne and his troupe also made a stop in Tusa for their performances... But thanks to the advice of some of Tusas ex-natives within their gang, they decide to pack up and head out of the region earlier than they meant to. Just in time, it would seem, as days after, a peaceful protest turned riot made things pretty unsafe there.
He joins up with his family to assist in the Beacon reclamation efforts to open communications back up between Iadlain and Koben. He was under a lot of stress during this time, though, and he had a rather rude awakening to his alcoholism issue during this event. He straightens up from that before the end of it though, and pulls through for his family to help keep them and others properly safe.
After the events of the Tower, Blayne is more than ready to get back into the regular swing of putting on grand shows with his Troupe wherever they are needed, and the Grand Fair is a perfect place to do so!
Blayne is mortified at the sudden death of the Council member, and being the superstitious type that he is, he battens down the hatches in his apartment and refuses to leave (or let any of his visiting family leave) for the duration of the mysterious storm.
Diamond Sky
Having kept a low profile for the remainder of the previous year, Blayne picks up travel again to scout out new venues to perform at with his troupe... He is fortunate (or unfortunate? ow) enough to be caught in the glittering gemstorm that swept across eastern Alva. He collected a handful for friends and family that would be interested in such curios.
Blayne is left completely unaware of the situation his friends and Troupe are facing in Song-Lu, having taken an important family visitation trip to Iadlain. As such, he is spared from the horrible effects of the Adabrene poison, but the same cannot be said for his co-performer Zephora, a Wood/Dark Elf mix who was out in the streets early that morning still when the Kingdom Military flew overhead... Once they do hear the news, they set to work on making some nice, memorial lanterns for those who were caught up in the massacre.
Keen to head back Song-Lu to see the state of things up there and make sure his troupe made it out of the situation alright, Blayne begins making ready to return after wrapping up discussions with a business partner in Iadlain... Only to be roped into playing chaperone for his niece and her friends as they head up to Linhythe for various reasons, ending on a trip to witness the strange phenomenon occurring at the reefs.
After seeing his family home, he at last departs for Song-Lu, half-expecting things to look just as they did: grim and in shambles, slowly being put back together. The worst of it, though, was when he learned and saw for himself the state his Troupe member was in. He'd heard Kralspitzer scales could help, and rushed to get his own collection from home to help her, but the healers told him it was too late... So he stayed there with her, doing his best with others to lift her spirits and keep her comfortable until the end.
Took a glad and fun part in all the festivities of the joint birthday celebrations of the Prince of Koben and Princess of East Miras, Blaynes Troupe was hard and busy at work travelling between the two nations to get done as many shows as possible.
"HOLY SHIT THE CITADEL OF CROWNS IS REAL??? HOT DAMN LETS GO GO GO GO G--" (Blayne travelled wiht his troupe to go see the Citadel for themselves and absolutely fangirl over it all)
Right as things had started looking up, they went south again. Blayne's trying to take it all in stride though: He looks all kinds of different thanks to Blossoming? That's alright, hide it with illusions! Sleepwalking troubles because of Atros? No problem, he just won't sleep much anymore! Speaking of Atros, he's marching off to go fight Aurea in a potentially world ending battle and only sleeping gods, potentially not real, can put a stop to them and they have to wake them up?? Easy peasy; he gladly joined the hunt for Hiresch, gathering shards in the mountains (along with adopting a new pet Jinmao kitty). Now, just to wait for the fallout and push all the superstitions saying this is a terrible horrible idea and they're all going to die out of his mind for now!
Blayne wakes up after suddenly being KO'd to find everything covered in fire but he feels perfectly fine. He tries to follow others into the flames, thinking this a dream, but Edrik stops him in time and they begin working to evacuate others from the Chancellors Palace. He is worried for his fiancé and is desperate to meet up with him once again...
[Most current] Sin and Sacrifice: City of Madness
Blayne is doing his best with the other remaining survivors of Song-Lu's Madness to rescue anyone else that may need it. He lost his fiancé and several other members of his Troupe to it, and is determined not to let anyone else be caught up in the strangeness of it all. The only thought stopping him from breaking down over it all completely is that, at the very least, those caught up in it seem to be happy, and not in any kind of pain. At least there's that.....
Additional Info
Blossoming: Nails, Lips, slight darkening of Tongue/Gums, Eyes & Eyelids
He never really did like his father growing up, so he took his mother's last name when he moved out, keeping it even after hearing news of her death
He will never stop seeing Daeris as his cute Baby sister. Ever.
He is over protective of his family and will certainly go as far as putting himself in extreme danger if it meant keeping them safe
As far as his Performance Magic goes, he likes specializing in flat, 2D images that seem to "pop" to life in 3D form, and will more often than not start these transitions from his cloak.
Regular Magic-wise, his specialty lies in reality distortion and sensory overload
When convenient, he likes to put illusions on his clothes too
With the help of his Illusions, he likes to play tricks on people sometimes and make himself look like a half elf. It's also a useful trick for travel.
Daeris Merilindes
His super aaaaadorable kid sisterrrr~ He watches over her like a hawk whenever he gets the chance, and where she feels it may be overbearing he just sees it as something an older brother needs to do for their younger sister. He'd walk to the ends of the land for her and farther if he needed to, all to make sure she stays happy and safe. He's told her several times already how he's not sure she should be completely steady with Uru again, but there's only so much she was willing to listen to, so he instead settles for keeping an eye on her from afar.
Moriel Merilindes
His super aaaaadorable Nieceeeee~ He spoiled her rotten while she was a kid and while she was growing up, and during her earlier years, he did his best to make sure she never really thought about or felt the pain of losing her father. She grew up to be outgoing and, having a sense of adventure like he does, he always promised to take her to explore the world someday without realizing she's already accidentally done that herself in a couple of places. Does his best to watch out for her now and keep in touch with her as often as he can, seeing as how she got herself into quite the accident while he was out of touch with her.
Urûvion D’Wälder
His sisters husband. He wasn't the fondest of him before, if only because the man was a pirate, but had tried warming up to him for Daeris' sake... Only to have all that progress reset when he went and disappeared for 20+ years and came back again suddenly. He's trying again, but is worried he'll just up and disappear and hurt his sister again, and as a result is still pretty cold to him (despite how well Daeris seems to be doing with him again).
Maera Rahaleigh
His other niece. She was wary of him when he first met her but slowly warmed up to him, which he was glad for. He treats her as nothing less than family, and loves speeding time with her just as much as he does Daeris and Moriel (Plus, she makes an excellent spectator and listener when he's testing out new story ideas). He watched out for her a lot when she was younger.
Turon Varkala
A very good friend whom Blayne holds near and dear to his heart. Blayne met him on several different occasions back when he first moved out of Iadlain, and the two managed not only to build a stable friendship, but also grew closer to one another through the years. Now, much like his family, Blayne would do whatever it takes to keep him safe, as he loves him dearly. Recently though, not long after their secret wedding, Turon fell victim to the Madness surrounding Song-Lu, and Blayne has been doing his best to move past the loss.
Tian Jin
A really sweet boy that he helped out after the Mutiny event in Song-Lu. Since then, as he's grown attached to part of his family, he sees him often and has become something of a mentor for the boy in the ways of Illusions. He's proud to see how far he's come too, even joining the Peacekeepers of Song-Lu! He knows their friend Zephora would be proud of him too, if she could see him now.

Edrik Mehtar
A newer friend of his he recently met up with right as the chaos was settling over Song-Lu. He's thanked him on more than one occasion for helping keep his head on straight, and might need to thank him even more as time goes on, since he himself is currently... less than stable.