Moriel Merilindes


Basic Information
Moriel Merilindes
Birth Date:
9th Flowers, 8265. [Brenthos the Albatross]
5'7" / 170.2cm
Dark Elf
Alchemist; Wissen Junior
Sionnath's Teeth, Wissen Fellowship
Dark Blossoming
Mareus' Favour
sunny days | Alchemy | working with her Mom | desserts | her pets
(New) the dark | being alone | sour things | hot weather
+ Outgoing, Clever, Quick-Witted, Sharp, Not too easy to scare
- Very easy to unnerve once she is scared, very air-headed, too trusting of others, unable to quickly realize when something isn't safe
THE COMPLETE opposite of her mother’s. Moriel is more laid-back, quite childish, and and has a tendency to zone out/lose focus. She smiles far more often than her mother does, and if she's in a good enough mood, she will beam. After she had taken temporary ownership of the Alchemy Shop her mother once ran, she's grown more responsible, though she still likes to experiment with these and those materials, trying to experiment rather than stick to the recipe.
She's very fond of adventuring and traveling, much like her father was, finding the general seclusiveness of Iadlain too plain at times. Seeing her outside of her home town is not such a rare thing, but when she must focus on her studies, she'll put thoughts of running off aside until it is cared for. If you're a fan of travel, then you're a friend to her, as far as she's concerned. Traveling anywhere dangerous or unsafe may not be wise, and even though she's slowly learning to spot the signs herself, steering totally clear of danger is not something she'll often do, and is far more skilled at throwing caution to the wind. Though, if something manages to spook her, she is more apt to stay close to you, and if she happens to be this scared in the face of danger, chances are she'll freeze up and be totally useless in the situation.
However, that fault aside, when she is clear minded, she's actually quick on her feet, capable of formulating some idea or plan to weasel her way out of a tricky situation. If it's her trust in people that got her stuck in trouble, then one can be certain that it'll be her sharp wit that'll help her get out of it.
When she was young, only about five, her father was lost in a small, fierce struggle between the Kingdom and the Empire. Not as you'd imagine it, though: It was a struggle between pirates, her fathers crew and a then Kingdom-affiliated crew. Not intended to be as violent a trip as it turned out to be, she could barely wrap her head around the fact that her father would not be returning home from what he said was just going to be "a quick little sail". She fails to remember much about him, and it certainly didn't help that immediately after his loss, her mother removed all pictures and practically every trace that he even existed from their house. As a result, what she can remember of him comes from what her mother told her of him, and the bits and pieces of the more prominent memories she created with him while he was still alive, one in particular being how great a Conjurer he was. It was before he was lost that she was thinking about what it'd be like to be able to do what he does, and after he was gone the idea was solidified. She was a serious trainee until an incident happened. She often keeps this incident to herself, doing well in hiding any past traces of it. Said incident occurred when she was training in the woods with her first conjured familiar. A Raven, which she was quite proud and fond of. She had decided to test a new spell. However her magic was unstable and she was using spell books her mother warned her against touching. Not necessarily worried about it(Her mom was always warning her against doing anything fun), she removed her stabilizing gloves and tried to summon something big. The spell did work in that it summoned something rather large; thanks to her added over-concentration and unstable magic, she called forth a bear-esque summon who looked none too pleased at being called inappropriately. Moriel decided to run. Her raven foolishly thought it could protect her and took on the beast. The raven swooped down, trying to strike, but the bear struck faster. The conjured creature was knocked out of the air and sustained a facial wound. Moriel, wanting to save him, went back, and tried to stun the bear with a few beginner spells. This only aggravated the it further. It lashed out at her, narrowly giving her a fatal leg injury. When Moriel thought things couldn't get worse, Daeris came along, and helped her neutralize the situation. She then brought Moriel home and took care of her injuries, and after returning the Raven to where it came from, she got an earful from her mother about what she did, and how she warned her, and so on and so forth. She didn't need it though, as the occurrence was enough to scare Moriel into her state of reluctant training.
This, however, lasted up until about a year ago, which was when she met two very interesting men; the Regent of Belport, and the Count of Iadlain himself. Strange to think that it would take her so long to meet the count of her own hometown, but her life up to twenty-four was spent in a lot of seclusion and her mother worrying over her; she didn't get out much. These two took her on many interesting and wild trips, always showing her how fun even the most frightening of places could be, as well as how powerful ones own class could be with practiced training. It wasn't until the blow of hearing about the Regent getting lost at sea, though, that she really thought about training more seriously again. Not too long after, she got to her Intermediate class of Summoner, and has since then become somewhat more responsible, and gotten herself a few extra hands to help around the shop.
Now, from then to today, she is still taking her training and the keeping of the Shop seriously, though there are still times that she'll revert back to her old personality and go off on a wild trip or adventure here and there when she can.
Current Story
Coming home from gathering supplies to stock the shop, Moriel happens upon the thoroughly ransaked shop and no sign of her mother. It is to her great dismay that she learns her mother was drafted for the war efforts. Following this, it falls to her to care for their shop and handle the constant demand for alchemical goods from the Empire, int he hopes that keeping up with them--especially healing goods--will keep her mom safe out there and let her one day come back home to them...
Moriel took a trip to Koben for supplies for the shop, and happened to pass by the very crowded square waiting to hear the second Prince's--though she supposed he was the only Prince now--deliver his speech. She lingered for just a moment before carrying on; after all, what were the odds she would see the one soldier she was lookign for there?
In an attempt to put out of her mind her mothers fate as the first altercation with the kingdom came and went, Moriel goes out to assist in the late night vigils to keep beasts drawn by death and sorrow at bay from her hometown.
On a delivery to the Air Fields, Moriel happens upon some massive stores of gunpowder, and reports it hastily! Though this may not have been a targeted location, it's a good thing that all that unsecured, unregistered gunpowder was taken care of before a stray spark got to it!
It is sometime between this event and the next that word reaches Iadlain of the fates of several of their own drafgted citizens, and Moriel is shocked to find her Mothers name in the list of those Missing in Action. She falls into quite the depressivbe state, believing now that after her father goign "missing" some 20 years ago with no sign or hope of him returning, the same is about to happen with her mom, leaving her all on her own. Following the use of some very unhealthy "coping mechanisms" made from mad hatter shrooms and main inhibitors, she wanders into Wispwood in a dazed stupor and nearly gets herself killed in a bid to "go missing as well". HEr friends and family left behind, after saving her, now double down on their efforts to make sure she is at no point left alone to her own devices to keep such a near tragedy from happening again.
Moriel needed to stop by Linhythe to pick up a shipment for the shop, and her sister--still keen on not leaving her alone--tagged along. However, they came to Linhythe at the wrong time, and ended up in thew wrong place wearing the wrong colors... But thanks to her sisters quick thinking, they managed to get away safely before anything more dangerous could happen. (Moriel had to leave the shipment behind though, which made things a bit harder at the shop...)
Speaking of things being made harder at the shop, about a month later, Koben really put the pressure on Iadlain to keep up with their quotas, and Moriel had completely thrown herself into the work to keep up with it--it was helping keep her mind off her scattered friends and family and stopping her from worrying about them... And then to make matters worse, there's a surprise, unnanounced visit from her Relan extended family, looking to first pressure Daeris into getting back into family matters with them, anbd on finding out she's not there, turning that pressure to Moriel instead, since dear old great drandma isn't handing anything over unless it's to a direct relative of her favorite (now deceased) grandson Ceredian... keeping up with them and travelling to Reluir and meetibng with all the people they wanted her to ends up keeping her hands tied for a good bit of time.
Some months later, after she returned more permanently to Iadlain to continue working, Moriel was visited by a rather rude and vulgar, drunken sailor... Who ended up actually being the man who saved her mother from the war, and inadvertenbtly the reason she was reported as Missing-in-Action, since he'd helped her desert mid-battle. After a rather tense meeting with Cassair present to... "supervise", it is agreed that she'll follow this man back to the Kingdom, to where her thought-dead mother was waiting to see her safe and sound again--just as much as Moriel was waiting to see her alive and well. She stays in the kingdom for a time, making new acquaintances there (all under the guse of a wood-elvben glamour, of course), while discussing what her and her mothers next steps for returning to their home ought to be...
Safely sequestered away in Cantor, Moriel manages to get her hands on some Empire media which detailed the horrific tragedy that befell Iadlain: Wispwood lashed out at Iadlain during Harvest Eve. She read the article in great concern with her mother, and they both prayed that their family was at least spared from this tragedy...
Moriel observes all the days of the week with her mother, thankful most of all that she gets to spend this time with her at all, as mere months before she thought she'd have to spend the 5th day with her in her thoughts...
What a tumultuous time...! After about a Year and a Half of being apart, Mother and Daughter finally reunited! Alongside a merciful winter, they also prayed for the safety of their family, the safety of their home, and even prayed that the war wouldn't last long so that there's no risk of anyone getting dragged into anymore danger. By this time, Moriel's already started speaking about wanting to go back home, and Daeris knew she wasn't going to want to stay in place for long, though she also knows she can't exactly risk going back herself yet (being a war criminal now for deserting mid battle and all). They both pray for safe travels when the time comes.
Word reached Moriel and her mother of the Neutral-Grounds event, and took the opportunity to go out, relax, have a good time, all with the hopes that their family would be on the scene as well... And so they were indeed! She was relieved to see her family alive and well, and even more relieved to take this opportunity to head back home to Iadlain properly--she could see her mother was in good hands, and with a Whisper Tree now in her possession, knew she would just be one call away in making sure she would continue being alright.
Moriel helps out her Uncle with making sure the air at home is cleared between friends on one of the most superstitious days of the year... (But really she's just happy to be back and happy to see the home so lively after so long!)
Bells and Blossoms
Moriels Extended family in Reluir invited themselves back over again to then invite Moriel--and Moriel alone--over to Reluir during this thrilling, exciting and high profile event under the guise that she go out and have some fun. She accepted, not knowing the true, underlying agenda of it all was to try introducing her to as many other available suitors out there as possible to help secure their position in the family and, by extension, in society...
Beacon Light
For the sake of communications and making sure the family and friends who were going out would be okay, Moriel goes out to assist in the Beacon reclamation efforts!! More a backseat assist than anything, she was happy to watch after Diarmit while her Uncle kept an eye on her sister and his other friends.
Moriel is DEEPLY eager and excited to check out the Grand Fair after the success of the Beacon reclamation efforts... It is here that she truly felt her interest in advancements with technology and alchemy grow, and with the dragon parts to look into as well as talking with interested buyers about reopening trade deals for alchemical supplies, stressful thoughts about the Relan extended family's wishes of her melted away as her desire to look into joining the Wissen Fellowship grew in its place.
She just happened to be visiting her Uncle in Song-Lu with her sister, eagerly telling them both about her plans with reaching out to the Wissens and potentially beginning an apprenticeship somehow when all that bad omen stuff swept through. She definitely didn't want to be trapped in the Apartment that whole time and so snuck out with her sister at the soonest possible opportunity to help look into all this mischief... (They got an earful for this later)(Thankfully during this neither she nor her Uncle got the chance to ask Daeris how she was doing in Cantor at this time which was, to say the least, Not Great (But she at least wasn't outed as the treasonous Dark Elf hiding out in Cantor!))
Moriel happened to be vibing at home once the Relans started storming through Iadlain from the forest path right by home so, in an effort to quickly find friends and family, she heads out (but not without first donning a very patriotic scarf!!). She finds friends, sure, but not the friend she was expecting to see, and certainly not wearing what he was... Still, they can be friends for just a bit longer, right? Before the war forces them to do otherwise...
New Enemies
Moriel has her hands full in the shop once again with making sure they are stocked up on and constantly sending out necessary supplies for the war effort--now, however, instead of sending things out to Koben for the battle with the Kingdom, it is instead sending things out to people in her very own homeland. When not working on this, she's helping battle back eldrich horrors with her own familiars. The thought about joining the Wissen Fellowship is still in her mind.... It is just on a very very very very backburner at this point.
The Harvest
Spent rather quietly and vigilantly at home this year round. Calls with her Uncle out in Song-Lu, wondering how her mom must be doing up north since they hadn't heard from her recently. (But without the panic that she must be dead like there was last time because they would've been informed one way or another by the several people looking out for her up there)
Completely unaware of what the Kingdom did until news reaches them in Iadlain, Moriel had just been happy to spend time and catch up with her Uncle, listening to his stories and assurances that the world doesn't simply hate them (dark elves) for just existing (following the revelation that it was Estraude's old leader who assassinated Fabian to end peace talks that would allow Dark Elves to freely enter and exit her nation)... All of that work is just about undone when word of just what Adabrene Poison was and could do to Dark Elves reached them, and she gladly set to the distracting task of putting together memorial lanterns in the safety of Blayne's warm, inviting and imaginary space.
Ashes and Embers
[More screaming and panicking and struggling in the fight against Reluir and stopping them from taking over their home Yet Again]
Hearing word about the mysterious energies surrounding the Whistling Reef in Song-Lu and keen to get away from home for a bit (and also a need to grab supplies for the shop from Linhythe), Moriel travels with friends and family both to visit the Reef and experience the strange phenomenon for herself. Maybe het some nice charged crystals while she's at it, for research, thinking back for the first time in a while about that apprenticeship opportunity...
Trying to focus more on home than anything, Moriel busies herself with securing her position in Iadlain's newest guild, Sionnath's Teeth. Much as she'd like to look more into the Wissen, she can't reasonably or feasibly see herself leaving home for the time being... Plus, its a decision she'd like to discuss more with her mother than anything.
And speak of the Devil, it's not long after this that her mother has finally made her return home to Iadlain! It was a very tearful reunion, filled with many questions about why it took her as long as it did, but ultimately, Moriel was just relieved to see her back home at last!! Now things could maybe start going back to feeling like they were normal again...
Moriel and her mom are happy but wary (respectively) about the strange glowing orbs floating up from the ground... But neither want to miss the opportunity to investigate these and see what potential use they could have in Alchemy (which, much to Daeris' surprise, Moriel has taken an extremely grand interest in and made many improvements in since she last had the chance to work together with her). They meet up with Cassair, and have a nice, quiet, relaxing reunion all together during the mysterious event.
Of course, such peace cannot last forever. As Reluir jumps into action, so too do Moriel and her family, plowing into the woods to do something about those pesky little chests in that big gaping chasm pouring out all those nasty little goop monsters. Despite the somewhat bad condition Moriel finishes in (After jumping into the ravine and getting too close to the chest she passes out with several fractured bones and cuts and scrapes aha oops), she found the whole experience rather rewarding, since they took care of the chests and she got some fascinating new crystals to study from it all! It is, in fact, while studying these crystals in one of Iadlains libraries she comes across a man who is willing to take her on as his Wissen Junior should she want to continue her studies and long forgotten ambitions to join the Fellowship. And well, with her mother returned and able to look after the shop, and home now safer against the Relan threat, she begins to deeply consider it again...
Well, with old mana crystals suddenly useless, it's time to look into these inky black ones the Wraiths were dropping before as a potential new source! More studies, more thoughts about bringing successful research ideas to the Wissen in the hopes they'll allow her to join...
Moriel, who had been happily celebrating Regenfest days prior, joined in the efforts to find and rescue the kidnapped Prince (and Princess). While there, however, she kept coming across this naggingly familiar pirate, who at first (barely) blocked their way (because he didn't want to get cooked by her sisters' lightning and fire), and at the end helped them escape. Why did he seem so familiar, and why did he act like he knew them--her specifically...? .... Well it'd come to her later if it was important, right?
And lo and behold, it really did come to her later! But not in the form of a thought; rather, it came to her in the form of the entire person she thought she'd left behind--the very pirate himself! And since he cut his hair and got a bit more cleaned up, the nagging familiarity gave way to an answer--this wasn't just any old pirate, but her long lost father! She was eager to reconnect with him (even though her mother was furious and initially kicked him out), and even though he couldn't yet remember them perfectly or even who he was perfectly, she stayed by his side and helped to do what she could until he did remember. It would be an interesting winter that year for sure...!
Tale of Two Courts
Had a delightful time participating in the festivities Koben had to offer during Marise's visit for Prince Sigmund's Birthday! It was a good break away from the tension between her parents at home, as well as another chance to marvel at what displays the Wissen workshops put out for the young Royals... It is about this time that Moriel decides for certain that she would like to become a Junior, and takes it up with her to-be Mentor and agrees on beginning things in Flowers (Which means she only has so much time to bring it up with her family... Oh Boy--)
As a sort of preliminary investigation effort for her apprenticeship, Moriel travels with her to-be-Mentor to Bratkowice to assist in the investigation efforts to the odd Whispers in the Woods... And after assisting with evacuation efforts, with their research in hand, it's on the journey home that the Citadel of Crowns makes its appearance, Unable to pass up the opportunity to explore this as well, Moriel heads there with her mentor, meeting up with family along the way! She gladly explores what the mythical castle has to offer with them, and can't help but take a few books home as her own treasures with her best friend... And Very soon after regrets the consequences of these actions!! :^D Still, after a "can't be helped you're probably cursed" conversation with her friend Cassair, she pushes the worries about the mark on her right palm from her mind and instead starts focusing on how to tell her family she's going to join the Wissen Fellowship (which involved moving away from home and into her Mentors abode in Koben)
And tell them she does! She is met with varying levels of 'this is a bad idea and you shouldn't do it', but when has her family being told these things ever stopped them! Didn't stop her dad from going out to sea one last time; didn't stop her mom from marrying her dad; didn't stop her Uncle from moving to Song-Lu and becoming a performer, so she'll follow her dreams instead of their wishes this time! It's the only thing she can think to do to keep up with family and friends all moving so fast ahead of her! (as she conveniently forgets about the Elf to half-elf to human mental maturity gaps!)
And so it is off to Koben she moves, to study, learn and work on her debut project for the Wissen Fellowship to hopefully, one day, become a proper Fellow herself...! (And also to think lots and lots about her then best friend now boyfriend Diarmit omg omg om--)
It is on a visit home, as well as a visit to the forest in an attempt to find any remaining Wraiths to harvest fresh crystals from that Moriel and her mentor get caught up in the storm that is the Wispwood waking up and attacking everyone and everything with a vengeance. After needing to perform an impromptu amputation on said mentor, the horrors of the day aren't done yet as Moriel passes a strangely familiar yet forgettable entity, learns of her sister's death by being swallowed by a Wisprwood monster, and then becoming the victim of a vicious monster attack herself. There was a lot to take in that day, and after all is said and done, she makes the tough decision to stay home in Iadlain for the time being rather than return to Koben to continue her apprenticeship. Her Mentor was very understanding, and informed her that he'd be waiting for her return whenever she--and the world--were ready.
As one of the many with the ability to fight (and with their storefront now destroyed and unable to pump out as many alchemical supplies as they once could), Moriel focuses on joining the fighters with her father to keep what was left of their home safe. After all, with a new baby sibling on the way, she wanted to be sure they could be greeted by a world much safer than the one they currently resided in...!
And of course the world only got worse from then on! But they were not without options--Scared as she was of the call of Atros, there was a different, more peaceful call within her, and after waking up from her impromptu long sleep, she could hear and feel that call clearer than ever. It was Mareus, and She needed her help to find her way to the world again and put a stop to Aurea and Atros' battle. Mareus was far indeed, but there was word of a closer quest that she knew she could help with... The quest to locate and free Iridus. And so, not so long after she'd resolved to stay home, Moriel got ready to set out once again, still with the same goal in mind as before: make the world now a safer, better place to welcome her new sibling into properly. She would do whatever it takes to see this done...! And she does so hand in hand with Diarmit, who is now determined not to just watch her go off on her own anymore...!
After they woke Iridus up and got flung from the sky, Moriel calls on a new skill of hers to save herself, Levi and Diarmit from getting crushed against the water: Augmentation. It took a lot of practice to master and a lot of warnings from her father to not do the extremally dangerous blood summoning route, but desperate times called for desperate measures...! And so she succeeds in slowing their descent enough to not become pancakes against the waters surface before passing out from too-fast blood loss. When she wakes, she is safely on a boat with her friends and others, and waits with bated breath to see if their efforts in resummoning Iridus worked...
[Most current] Sin and Sacrifice
Moriel, along with others, worked tirelessly to descend through the Six Circles to strike the all-important deal with Dunor to get aid in helping to free Iryneia for them. The deal entailed battling with and capturing a general of both Aurea and Atros and bringing them to the cross for her to devour. It was by no means an easy fight, and she paid dearly for it with nearly an entire hand, but the battle was won at last...! A shame she couldn't see it though to the end, and had to leave everything in everyone else's hands though. But maybe they were one step closer to making the world safe again, as it was... Maybe her sibling would get to live in a world of peace, after all...
Following a very rude awakening in the form of Dunors curse taking effect, Moriel was greeted by the very roiund Nose of the Alchemy God of Faldor, Eklem. She might've been more excited about the prospects of meeting such a god, if said god wasn't trying to use her as an ingredient to save herself from falling into oblivion. After managing to convince her that they could make a much better potion without mortal ingredients with her allies, they make their grand escape in the chaos, Moriel nabbing a few souviniers along the way. She was terribly sad to learn that the faldrish pantheon couldn't follow them back to Alva and were doomed to die, and so after giving her the best farewell she could think of, she made her way to her friend Levi, and sang the best song of home she could think to sing... An old Nursery Rhyme her mother would often sing to her when she was young. A very safe and homey memory to think back on...
Additional Info
Blossoming: Darker Nails, Lips & Tongue/Gums; Lighter but still present in the Eyes
Her Mark of the Citadel was on her right palm (coincidentally matching with Diarmit's left palm), but since the fight with Ursus, it seems to have magically travelled up to wrapping around her right shoulder.
She has finally come closer than ever to being the skilled conjurer that she's always wanted to be! (Wildcard Wishlist reward: Ability to augment up to 30% of body mass)
She didn't remember much of her dad, but of what she did recall and what she can see of him now still kinda makes her somewhat shy and awkward around him. But she is immensely happy that he's back!
Has two Ravens she summoned herself whom she named Tandion(Shield) and Caomhnóir(Guardian), but also calls them Tan and Cao.
The second raven she has did not come to be around the same time as Tandion at all; he came around during a fun little trip to escape some high-security prison. Nothing big.
Had a rather good friend once, but has long since lost contact with her. Moriel still occasionally wonders what became of her friend and her search for her brother...
She has a few scars on her leg from the bear incident, and will usually wear something over them.
The scar on Tandion's face was also from the bear incident

Sarifee Laemiril
A very nice, pretty woman Moriel met right before their battle against Ursus and Velegor! She's quiet, but very nice to be around--Her singing voice is also very good! She's really looking forward to the chance to talk to her again once all of the hopping-between-realms stuff is over, especially now that she values spending as much time with a person as you can because you never know when the last time might be.
Daeris Merilindes
Moriel's mother; they've got a regular enough mother/daughter bond, though Moriel wishes she would go (and will more often than not try and force her to go) on some kind of fun, crazy adventure instead of trying to stay home and in Iadlain all the time. Following her removing from home and death scares, Moriel was beyond relieved to find her safe and sound in Cantor, and even more relieved when she finally came home to Iadlain. Now that she's pregnant with a new sibling-to-be, Moriel's taken it upon herself to do everything in her power to make the world a safe enough place for a baby to roam around in again.
Blayne Cavanaugh
Moriel's super energetic Uncle. She wasn't even aware she had an Uncle until she was about four, when he randomly came as a surprise visit, and hasn't fallen out of touch with them since. Moriel likes him and how energetic he happens to be. He's made countless promises to her that he'd take her travelling someday, since he'd been all around himself.
Urûvion D’Wälder
Her long but no longer so lost Dad! She was happy they didn't kill him in the Caves on Shackle Island, and gladder still when he came back to Iadlain and finally regained his memories of her and others! He was someone she always looked up to when picking the Conjurer path, and was excited to have him back around to teach her again! Slowly getting used to having him around again and doing her best to make up for missed years with him.
Maera Rahaleigh
Simply inseparable since they met one another, Moriel treats Maera as nothing less than a sister. She adores her, and she would travel to the ends of the lands with and for her if ever need be. Though she has felt a little jealous of her of late... And resents her for a thing or two from childhood, but there's no way she'd ever confess that to anyone--least of all herself.
Diarmit ó Cuilinn
Diarmit ó Cuilinn
Childhood friend! She's known him since she was very young, and at first he was just the voice and vague face n the other side of the fence, eventually becoming the actually pretty cool actually another kid on the other side of the fence. She's been pretty attached to him since, going to him anytime she finds she has a problem with anything or wants to get something off her chest. Years later, she's finally found out WHY he's always acted weird around her and why her family giggled about it... But at the very least, the feelings are reciprocated...!
Cassair ó Faoláin
The Count of Iadlain, but she's hung out with him far to many times to see him with just that silly title anymore. She sees him now as a fun, almost childish, and definitely kind of creepy and frightening guy, but his attitude and tendencies aren't enough to scare her away. They've had many fun trips together, and though she isn't sure quite what he thinks of her and her mother, she sees him as an almost-friend. Since his disappearance right before all hell broke loose in the world, she’s been wondering how exactly he’s been, and hoping he’s alright out there, wherever out there he is.
Teagan Riley
A quiet friend from Iadlain. It took a good long while of trying to get her to warm up to her, and once it finally succeeded she hardly ever left Tea alone. Happy to spend time together in her quiet company, but also just as happy to talk her ear off and carry the conversation for them both.
A new friend she made while staying with her master during her Wissen Apprenticeship. They're very big, very bright, and have very curly crazy hair... Just like her! It was a friendship meant to be! Helped them get used to how things worked, and loves to try out all kinds of different snacks and desserts with them (as well as letting them know when it is and is not ok to punch someone)!