Cassair ó Faoláin


Basic Information
Cassair ó Faoláin
Birth Date:
3rd Fire, 8265
176 cm (5'9")
Count of Iadlain
Therras' Favour
Small, cosy spaces | Sweet foods | Milk | Terror from people he doesn't like | Snow | Books being read aloud | Intricate decorations or designs | Wilderness | The colour of bruises | Dogs | Listening to others' conversations
Strong sunlight or heat | Onions | Taking medicines | Spies | Egotism | Heavy clothing | Broken promises | Prolonged loud noises (e.g. sirens) | Being threatened | Confinement | Dwelling on the past or dead
Playful | Childish | Curious | Vague | Nonchalant | Capricious | Unstable | Uncomprehending | Destructive | Insensitive
Smiling, ambiguous and a little unhinged, Cassair’s demeanour can be described as childlike in many ways. Although brilliantly talented as a mage, he tends to use his abilities for frivolous and self-indulgent purposes, such as playing pranks on passersby, and is strangely naïve about the more worldly sides of life. He has a poor grasp of social conventions and often regards things in overly simplistic and light-hearted ways - which can be amusing or even comforting in overwhelming times, but more often than not causes trouble. His crippled understanding of many, sometimes very fundamental topics makes it difficult for others to explain and for him to learn, and staying on the same page as him is a challenge. Conversations with him can be wildly confusing and cryptic, though he himself doesn't seem to mind this.
Empathy and self-consciousness are among the concepts he fails to grasp. As a result, he possesses little to no sense of tact, propriety or personal space. This can make his manner appear unabashedly friendly and forward to some, but also invasive and uncomfortable to others. Boundaries must be clearly laid out for him to realise they exist at all, and even then he is prone to disregarding them if they don't suit him. He functions very much according to his own whims rather than the feelings of others or long-term consequences, and believes this is how everyone should act as well. He is thus content to be treated unreliably or selfishly, doesn't really understand insults, and regards any kind of altruism as odd.
Alongside his stunted mental maturity, Cassair is also widely known for being disturbed of mind, and he in turn makes little effort to hide this. He openly delights in bizarre and often harmful games, and the ire that his arbitrary actions garner mostly seem to amuse him. This, combined with the rest of his playful and offhand attitude, lends to an overall impression that he simply enjoys annoying people. Fortunately for most though, he is just as arbitrary about whether he engages in a game or not. He is equally likely to trick someone into drowning as he is to simply watch, quiet and unseen, as they go about their funny life.
Cassair was very shy and quiet as a child, rarely venturing beyond the borders of his home estate in Iadlain. His mother, who had never been satisfied with her arranged marriage, ran away from the city soon after he was born, and his father, the previous Count of Iadlain, was always the subject of silent ridicule not only for this, but because he had no magical talent of his own. Consequently, when he realised that his son had an aptitude for magic, he immediately and vengefully threw Cassair into a life of intense magical training.
Cassair's natural ability, however, lay in healing magic and so he struggled to make any progress as a mage, which frustrated his father no end. He would not relent, however, and Cassair himself did not have the courage or will to refuse, so he spent most of his childhood and adolescence attempting – and failing – to learn skills he had no capacity for. While many onlookers did think this was rather pitiable, none made any real move to help. Left to fend for himself, Cassair grew into an even more silent and withdrawn person.
At eighteen, still without progress, Cassair was sent by his father to Reluir to learn magic. Although his political position did allow him to enter the dark elvish state, it was an unusual move and there was quiet speculation that Cassair's father had found some forbidden method there for beating magecraft into his son. It was no one else's business, however, so it was simply left to run its course. One month later, Cassair returned from the northern forests a completely different person – smiling, raving and, much to his father's delight, possessing vast magical power. Six days after this, his father spilled an oil lamp, set himself on fire and, while trying to douse the flames, threw himself into a cauldron of boiling water. He died from his injuries a day later and Cassair abruptly became the new Count of Iadlain.
Though the death was officially listed as an accident, it was obvious that it had been Cassair's doing. He was volatile now, and violent – his father's death became only the first of many over the next year. Anyone who had wronged him before, from petty childhood bullies to abusive tutors, saw vengeance visited upon them in some form, and those who challenged him were met without mercy. For a time, there were many who doubted Cassair's inexplicable change and an older cousin duelled him for Iadlain's leadership. Cassair returned from the fight with half his cousin's head and the mangled torso of his niece, who had tried to aid the cousin. The doubts dried up and Cassair's old image dissipated. While he was still not liked any more than before, he was finally respected. To make up for the mystery, the rumour mill simply agreed that he had either sold his sanity for power or been possessed by some eldritch creature while in Reluir.
He was, at least, far more competent and charismatic a leader now than his previous self or father had ever been. Despite his instability, he settled surprisingly well into his role as Count thanks to his canniness with the woods and unashamed boldness in wringing favours from others. The pace of his violence slowed as people stopped opposing him and learned to avoid him instead, and over time he became more accepted – never quite normal or comprehensible, but a familiar oddity.
Current Story
The wars sparked tumult and new challenges that Cassair handled as haphazardly as he did everything. He failed an assassination mission from the Emperor and survived one from the Queen; he eliminated Koben's ambassador for Iadlain and sought to eliminate Reluir's soldiers from captured towns; he witnessed a colossal creature rise from Wispwood and a people emerge from the Molvahain; and so on. Very little in the world seemed to make sense but, in a way, this is how it had always been to him. As ever, he simply took things as they came and looked neither ahead nor back.
The careless, bloodied path he forged through life would finally catch up to him. In 8294, old enemies joined with new ones and successfully tore him down from Iadlain's leadership. Without any true companions or confidantes, Cassair found himself cornered, alone and unsalvageable - and so he took his last way out, which was to abandon his facade of humanity altogether. For the rumours had always been true; an eldritch creature had once killed the real Cassair and donned his skin, and this is what the present Cassair was.
This false Cassair thus finally returned to the woods from whence it came, rejoining its brethren in answering Atros' call. Now, 'Cassair' once again dwells in nothing but mindless violence, and the shadow of memories that were never truly his.
Additional Info
He is constantly barefoot and covered in scratches from the briars he wears. Only when he travels outside of Iadlain does he get rid of them and wear gloves and boots instead.
His clothes tend to be decorated with illusions. His cloak is quite plain in reality but he changes its look regularly.
Though he often seems to wander off into the woods surrounding Iadlain, Cassair is known to lurk unseen around the town itself as well, hidden by his illusions. For this reason, residents are perpetually suspicious of his presence and almost never talk about him in public.
After his time in Reluir, his literacy drastically declined. He's regained most of it now but still struggles with complex reading. On the flip-side, he became very good at articulating sounds, so he can speak his other languages - Common and Canan - with hardly any accent.
His favourite foods are blackberries and gingerbread, though he likes fruit and sweets in general.
He always bakes for himself, and has made a sort of hobby out of it.