Event 19
Playing Gods
11 Jul - 1 Sep, 2018

A fervour has been building in the two farthest ends of Alva.
In Delverne, it becomes clearer and clearer that Aurea is on their side. Age-old promises of a Delvan Age of Glory, of saving Alva from dark elvish evils and lethal human pettiness, become unquestionable truth to more and more Delvans as miracles shower their people with blessings. Fears and fervour spread in its wake, split along questions of belief - is this real, and who will be 'saved'?
In Reluir, it is the opposite. Fire and pitchforks drag the Queendom into the depths of a revolution that has simmered for far too long. Neighbours gather on all sides to help the returned Princess topple her mother - but as passionate as the rebellion is, Morven's stranglehold on the starlit mountains and the mysterious power she possesses are not to be underestimated...
It is a matter of salvation for every side - for their people, their beliefs or Alva as a whole - and for that image of salvation, they would wrest every power from the world that they can.
Delverne and its neighbours take arms for its impending Age of Glory. Reluir's people clash in a passionate fight for their future. Whose salvation is yours?

The Holy Lands
Part 1

Twelve days after Salvai's miracles, Oracle Triss calls all who wish to be part of Alva's salvation to Delverne Cathedral. It is time for Aurea's army of faithful to join hands. Each one who comes is taken to the holy spring, where they pour out a cup of their blood as oath and in exchange drink a chalice of ambrosia. Excitement spreads fast as the first pledge themselves - for they emerge clearly blessed. A flame-like aurora dances above their foreheads. Their blood glows faintly. Unearthly strength rises within them - their magic becomes suddenly stronger and power surges through their bodies. Delvans soon flood into the capital and the Templars' ranks, encouraged by what can only be Her support. Only the most cynical still question: for all that they gain - and even they must admit the gain is real - what is the price?
The stories spread outside and fear rises. Many worry whether they really are on the wrong side of destiny. Cantor's hard opposition to Delverne meets with growing resentment for leading them into damnation. Pockets of defectors reach out across the border and heated clashes ignite within. The situation is dire for both sides - if Delverne is right, then how can they make the blind authorities see their hubris? And if the Kingdom is right, then how can they win unity over the threat of divine wrath?
Feelings tip the opposite way in the annexed west, where the chasm between races grows starker. Humans are not treated cruelly, but they are second class to light elves and the gap is only widening. Fearful murmurs - that the Delvan Age will save light elves but subjugate all others - sow seeds of quiet resistance. Only the few elves and faithfuls who hear them can intercept and assure them of Delverne's goodwill.
All the while, Templars and Silvan's forces gather along the border. The Arcanists in the Abbey toil feverishly to find that one clue that could save them. And in the Leywood, now tall enough to be seen from all sides, the Tree of Soloros continues to rise ominously.
Southern Storms
Part 1

Over the months of Flowers and Sun, the revolution brewing for Reluir has steadily gathered momentum. The promises of a new, better future took root in the hearts of Reluir's lower class, and as they did dark elves from the Red Torcs began appearing in their towns to rally them. Riots and dissent against the crown grew to the point the Queen could no longer contain them all. Then on the 4th Harvest, the signal finally arrives: Princess Lorna has returned to Reluir, with the might of armies behind her. The time to fight for their freedom is now.
It is true. In a breakthrough for the Torcs, the Southern Federation has agreed to support their revolution. Troops from Tusa bearing the bulk of the Red Torcs have marched secretly east through the Reign Mountains via Sgàile Pass, while ships from the Estran navy await in the Auster Sea. In a sudden turn of events, the Empire region of Iadlain no longer poses a barrier to Estraude either - the Count is abruptly deposed from the inside and replaced with a challenger who throws Iadlain's doors open to the Federation. While confusion and alarm spark in the Empire, the Federation takes advantage and occupies the coastal town of Glanaill, near Reluir's borders. Their dark elf soldiers, together with the dark elvish Torcs, join Reluir's people in overthrowing the crown.
Crowds of peasantry gather in immense numbers and storm political buildings all over the country, including the estates of nobles. There are violent clashes, sieges, surrenders, and both sides win and lose ground. The heart of the rebellion pushes ever onwards and by the evening of the 10th Harvest they reach the capital. There, they turn to the palace, ready at last to face the Queen - and for the Queen to face the fury her tyranny has bred. Whether she or the rebellion prevails, her long and murky games of power must now reach their end.
Forgotten Kingdom
Part 2

On the 12th Harvest Triss addresses the oathbound in a divine golden glow. It is time for their first Trial - to build a path to Alva for their Mother Goddess’ coming, as the first of six great miracles. The crowd is electrified - the dreams of their people are coming true. They march to the Cantish border, led by the blessed Templars, to face their ancestral land of Soloros. At the peak of noon it begins.
Delverne launches a spell of fantastic scale, countless mages feeding it and healers holding them steady. The Tree of Soloros explodes into a column of searing white light. Shockwaves of unearthly magic crack the earth. Wildfires and rampant plant growth burst out across the land it as if battling each other. All over Cantor, magic shields fly up to save towns from being flattened, but they are shaky, off-guard and can barely withstand this intense pressure.
Yet things have not gone as Delverne planned. Missing many Ley fragments and skewed too far west, they cannot harness the wild power that has been released. Urgently, they reach out to Cantor: let them enter the Kingdom’s lands as only they, strong with ambrosia and blessed by Aurea, can handle this power. They don’t want this destruction either and if only the humans had not refused destiny, it would not have happened - so now do what is right and stand aside.
At the same time, the Arcanists emerge from the catacombs for the survival of all. With the Abbey as their messengers, they call upon all still holding up to help - their research has pinpointed ancient totems buried around the land that, if unearthed, may unleash a power that could be their lifeline*. It is a dangerous plan though - the power is untested, only half-understood and belongs to the forbidden fallen empire, Telurea.
Even as they speak, defectors collapse the border just north of Valevo and Delvans surge in. The time to act is now. For Delvans the mission is clear - they must claim the path to Soloros, no matter the cost. For Cantish the choices are harsh. Do they place their trust in Delverne’s power and destiny, or do they hang on to the hope of resistance by a terrible ancient magic?
* If you want to receive a totem prompt, please make a reply in this thread.
Part 2

The Torcs storm the palace - and to their surprise, occupy it easily. The defences are thin and disorganised. Soon they discover why: the Queen is not here. She and all her most powerful mages are mysteriously gone. It is disconcerting but a victory… until the sky lightens the next day. A rumbling shakes the earth from the west. Animals go silent and a wave of icy cold sweeps the entire country, leaving frost in the summer trees. Then, with a shattering sound louder than thunder, something rises from the Reign Mountains.
It looks like the same colossal figure from months ago, except it is even bigger than before and has a strangely malformed head. Queen Morven, who had secretly left the palace for the mountains when the rebellion began, has completed her weapon. As the figure stands, slowly, the world around it falls apart. Entire mountains collapse deafeningly, temperatures drop so starkly that snowstorms erupt. Reluir’s land is split open with gigantic earthquakes, dropping whole villages down the cracks, and the tremors are felt as far as Tusa and Bratkowice.
In nearby Iadlain, winter reawakens and the forest screams in a sudden, elated frenzy. Rampaging monsters overwhelm and obliterate the northernmost town of Corrdubh. The borders of Iadlain capital hold tenuously at first but then an unknown creature appears within the town and breaks the protections open from inside. Eldritch things flood in, of every impossible, unseen kind - among them, four unicorns that leave nothing alive in their wake.
All over the east of the Reign there is chaos, terror, confusion and, within minutes, countless dead. The careful games of power are suddenly child’s play in the face of this incomprehensible cataclysm. Now, whether they fight or flee, hide or stand, scatter or gather, the move everyone must make is: survive.
And inscribed upon the Queen’s empty throne, spoken in a familiar voice by the unfamiliar creature, are the only words that tell of what has befallen the world: “Our Father returns to us.”
* If you want to receive a monster encounter prompt, please make a reply in this thread.

Event Outcomes
The event outcome will be determined by the actions of your characters in the event entry. Each entry will contribute to:
The power/support amassed by Delverne and the success of its push to Soloros
The survival of Cantor in what it chooses
The success of Reluir's rebellion and the details of the fight
The survival of Reluir and Iadlain against Morven's terror

Event Participation
Event Art
Draw, write or in any way depict your character's involvement in the main event to affect the outcomes! Art or literature entries will receive a bonus 30 EXP. Only main characters are eligible for the bonus EXP and the outcome.

Event Participation
Prompt Art
For characters who cannot be directly involved in the event, you can use this event as a prompt (e.g. reacting to the news from another city). Prompt submissions will get a bonus 10 EXP for the submission but will not count towards the event outcome.

Event Participation
Action Statement
If you don't have time to make an art piece, you can get 5 EXP by simply stating what your character is doing for the event via a post in the #event-board Discord channel. This applies to main characters only and there must be direct involvement with the events to get this. Side characters' involvement can be described to contribute to the event canon however no points will be given. If you go on to enter an art submission later, the EXP received for this will be replaced by the art submission points.
Special Role
Elentiya Linden
Giants' Gravedigger
In her search for traces of Telurean gods and magics, Elentiya stumbles upon a part of the catacombs that's eerily familiar. She has read about these friezes and arches before... in an account of one of Telurea's most terrible weapons, its powerful earthen golems. It's a chance too great to leave. The translated words lead her through twisted, collapsed tunnels to a gaping cavern - and in that cavern, towering from floor to ceiling even whilst bowed in slumber, earthy skin covered in centuries of fungi, are the golems of Telurea. The magic in them is still strong enough to be felt by simple touch, and the spells to revive them are in her books. If she can work them, they may yet be a precious ace for Cantor... or its destruction.
Special Role
Phéarel Hadreth
Queen's Keybearer
For the Queen, the return of her people's Father deity - the shadowy colossus - is the ultimate solution and saviour Reluir needs. Yet for months the final piece to His rise has been missing: the mysterious chests that were stolen last year. With her ritual now perfected, the Queen needs but one more, and the person who brings her this is Phéarel. Tasked by the head of the Queen's Assassins, Phéarel infiltrates the rebels who spirited the chest away, slays them and retrieves this last key for the Queen. And so, by her hand and blade, it finally begins - the awakening of a being that will change Reluir, and the world, forever.
First Oriad Quest
Flames and Fealty
As the flames of the Oathbound dance to life upon more and more foreheads, flickers of memory tickle Bee's mind. She saw it once on a silver staircase, and felt pity. She saw it another time in a room of clouds and travellers, and felt awe. There were serious voices and images of faraway people painted in the air. Perhaps if she were to find that room again or one like it, she could grasp the thought... and understand why it feels so strange to see so many flames around her.
Special Role
Maera Rahaleigh
Guardian from the Otherworld
As untold horrors descend upon Iadlain, Maera seeks help from equally untold legends. Deep in the woods, she knows of a nameless creature that might save her home - and against all odds, she finds it. It bestows upon her a strange, smoky seed that mars her flesh and returns her to town, where she buries the seed by the oldest library. From it, a structure of incomprehensible magic grows: blacker than night, intangible as shadow, grand like an oak yet far too surreal to be any true tree. Deep red flames unfurl on its branches and the beasts of the forest reel mysteriously back from it. With this ethereal gift, Mae creates a sanctuary for Iadlain within this nightmare.
First Oriad Quest
Old Landscape
Cantor twists and changes in ways that are alien to others, but strangely familiar to Bran. Memories stir: a Ley fawn flushed into the open brings a flash of flowering antlers all around him; a burst of wild goldentail brings a wave of wood smoke and animal musk. He knows this land... and the more the Deep Ley churns, the more it returns his landscape to him. If he can just get there, find that city at its heart that everyone talks about, perhaps he will find more of himself.
First Oriad Quest
Refuge in Song
The shattering of Reluir's lands brings terror to many, but there is a particularly cold feeling within Vesperian's chest as they watch the shadowy colossus rise. It is fear, pure and unbridled. They cannot name why but they feel a need to hide, to huddle somewhere no one can see them... and to hear a voice sing to them in a language they don't understand. Perhaps if they can listen to something similar, they will remember something about this voice - or the dread that plagues them.

The fight in Cantor was one of deepening division. On the Delvan side, the oathbound swelled to terrifying numbers and attacked the border with ambrosia-fuelled strength, pushing Mirian forces back steadily. On the Cantish side, resistance hardened and ideas of defection waned. They revived totem after totem until, just when Templar victory seemed sure, an unknown magic pulsed. From the great statues came powerful shields. From the discs and small totems came mysterious fields that hampered movement and magic. And from the ground rose the most fearsome sight of all - immense golems of earth and stone, come to defend their land.
Even this, however, was no preparation for the cataclysm on the 19th Harvest. The tower of light where the Tree once stood, at the centre of everything, convulsed. A wave of fire more fierce than any before engulfed the land. The earth cracked and melted, trees burst into ash. All who could fell hastily back and, from the borders, witnessed the sea of fire Cantor had become. All that remained were the towering silhouettes of golems. It was a win and a loss for both sides: the power Delverne woke had destroyed those in their way but their advance was severely hindered; the Kingdom's biggest threat could no longer invade but at the loss of a whole region.
Unknown to either, something stirred deep beneath Cantor's razed landscape. Fallen golems shook off rubble and released civilians they had spirited underground for safety, through the cracks they had made. All around them rose the structure of their home cities, intact under great domes of rock, thrumming with the totems' power. Cantor as it was is no more - but something older and deeper remains.
The fight in Reluir meanwhile was one of anarchy. Relan loyalists and rebels clashed with equal fervour, but they were each few in contrast to the support they'd hoped for. The majority, with no deep trust for either side, fought only for themselves. The battles dragged on until the Red Torcs seized the palace - and the Queen's final piece was played. The shadowy colossus rose slowly, as if still waking, but every movement it made shattered the land. The mighty Reign Mountains toppled and sank, and fissures opened from the desert to the sea. Reluir broke apart into scattered islands. Its people held on, clinging to survival, and against all odds many grasped it. Some fled to Tusa and Iadlain while others huddled together in the ruins of their homeland. With no order or society left, each is left to desperately fend for themselves against everything - but still, the people of Reluir are here.
In Iadlain, the forest consumed everything - and driven into this corner, Iadlain bit back. Amidst the slaughter, they fought and once again carved out their right to live in this nightmare. The oldest districts and greatest libraries became fortresses and locals returned to their old, savage roots as warriors. Empire troops lent their firepower while Estraude's navy, out of its depth, beat a swift retreat. Iadlain's leadership politics were thrown aside and the battle mages known as the Red Court took the helm instead. The monsters and dangers only seem to worsen as the colossus wakes further, but Iadlain stands ready to take it.
In both the east and west, unheeding of the mortal tragedy, the embryos of gods stand over their devastation - a tower of searing light above the fiery wasteland that was Cantor, and a tower of consuming darkness above the shattered crater that was Reluir. Slowly, they coalesce; gather height and shape. Aurea and Atros, the warring twin gods, begin to awaken in Alva once more.