

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Earth Oriad
Nuts, feeding animals, running around, climbing trees, hanging out with the scarecrows
Bitter foods, animals that graze (more of a wariness), being dragged home by her ear
Eager // Pretentious // Stubborn // Boisterous // Curious // Impulsive // Loose Cannon // Oblivious
With an inherent curiosity about her new existence, Hazel seeks out anything that piques her interest. There is an innocence to her inquisitiveness, however it can land her in hot water as she has yet to gain a sense of caution. This ignorance has thus far been prolonged partly thanks to dumb luck, and partly due to formative waking experiences of having problems solved for her when things got too hard for her to handle. As she takes on more responsibilities in her life, her ability for self-control continues to grow.
Despite knowing very little about herself, she acts like she’s Alva’s next hot thing. Having been the centre of attention from waking has further impressed on her that she is meant for great things, so she acts the part. She believes herself to be the hero of some grand story (or at least something grand and cool!), even more so when the supernatural upheaval of Alva is all she’s ever known. She wishes to be closer to the image of her future self… or at least what she thinks it is.
This belief in herself means she is unable to foresee her own hubris, and takes correction hard. She tries to learn from her mistakes, but has yet to learn how to think before she acts. She needs reminders to slow down, as her spontaneity leads her to repeat the same unwise decisions multiple times. She is learning where her limits are, but still has trouble knowing when to ask for help before a situation escalates too far.
She takes all these things in stride, understanding that her humble beginning can only beget whatever the future holds for her. She has a zest for life and is enthusiastic about most things, ready to see where the road takes her next.
Golden fields. Wildflowers stained with drying sap. Upturned soil underfoot. Seeking answers to questions barely formed in her mind, she stood, and found that she could walk.
On the road she saw other… beings - similar to her, yet not quite the same. She approached one around her height and in her loudest cheer, greeted them. The being was surprised - turning to a larger being and speaking more. What were they saying? She saw some backing away from her, but the little one instead came forwards and greeted her in return. She took the offered hand, and followed the little one and the big one back to town. If a child felt comfortable with the oriad, the village concluded, perhaps it was a sign. She was taken into the care of a group of young parents, seeing as she got along quickly with the children in the village.
One word, then two. Eventually she came to know the words she spoke as Common. In time she also learned of sleep, hunger, living. New sensations, but not wholly unfamiliar. This new world was so unknown to her, and she had to know more. Seeing farming life day in day out, she eventually expressed the desire to help out in the fields. The villagers found her enthusiasm welcome, and taught her everything they knew. An extra set of hands would not be turned away.
She turned out to be quite the handful - running everywhere, disappearing to places out of curiosity, getting into trouble. Life was becoming more exciting ever since her arrival, and she was becoming the village’s new centre of attention. Her caretakers soon knew they had to be vigilant that she didn’t put herself into peril, or bring peril back to the village. With her constant ‘ventures’ into new things, several people in the village were assigned to take care of her in rotation.
Life otherwise was idyllic and peaceful, though words of a world in upheaval were never quite so far away, not when she was directly part of the reason why.
Current Story
Things had been normal - learning about the world around her, playing with the neighbourhood children, embracing farm life - until things weren't. The Molvahain started to act up, though neither herself nor her village really knew what this meant.
Everything had been there one day, and gone the next. The Generals fly overhead, Atros looms. Quiet countryside life is no longer an option.
Additional Info
Yes, she named herself.
It’s because she has found her favourite food to be nuts. They’re like mushrooms, but crunchy.
She is hesitant with eating anything leafy, after an incident where she enthusiastically shoved bitter herbs into her mouth out of curiosity. Needless to say it was a messy afternoon.
Loves animals, but is always cautious of ones that are taller than her, and graze. They have been known to attempt eating her hair.
Has been encouraged to dress in bright colours so she can be easily spotted at all times. Gods forbid she wander off again…
Is slowly learning Bratibran and local songs.
Has adopted a dragoo affectionately named Bear.
Memory Shards:
(x)(x) The fields of Bratkowice were the first things Hazelnut knew upon awakening. As she settled into her new life, she came to know them better still. Farmers grew used to her running underfoot along the freshly-turned rows of soil and she in turn became used to the sight of the crops slowly growing, unfurling, ripening. Deep in her heart, something about it comforted her, so she would sometimes find her feet taking her to the fields without much thought. It was on one such occasion that she suddenly felt something strange. The dusty colour of a few stalks caught her eye and stirred an urgency inside her. Her brain kicked into overdrive and a memory stirred: this was the beginning of a crop disease! She had to tell everyone right away! With this recollection came a flood of similar knowledge: how to tell when the plants were over-watered or under-nourished, how to protect from blight, how to read the soil’s quality…
Hazel is skilled at gardening and horticulture.
Ilyas Atov
She was brought to meet the Serdar after word made its way to them about an oriad that had settled with some Bratkovans. She is endlessly fascinated by the amount of rules about formalities when around the Serdar, as well as their huge family. A nice person, she thinks, and people need to be less afraid of them.