Javed Datuvahaya


Basic Information
Javed Datuvahaya
Birth Date:
9th Rains, 8264
186 cm | 6'1"
Half Elf
Mareus' Favour
Books | Plants | Learning and teaching | The smell of ink | Spices | Long walks | People who give plenty benefit of the doubt | Clear summer nights | Children | Sincerity | Plays and recitals | Preservation of traditions and languages
Oatmeal | Uncontrolled fire | Cruelty of any kind | Narrow-mindedness | Feeling dehydrated | Conflict | Large-scale industry | Wastage | Thunderstorms | Infringement of comfort or consent | Exoticism | Prying into personal lives
Friendly | Laid-back | Optimistic | Calm | Generous | Passive | Uncommitted | Weak-willed | Open-minded | Pacifistic
Constantly surrounded with a relaxed air, Javed is very much the laissez-faire type. He takes life as it comes and worries about very little, keeping a positive and pleasant outlook to everything. This keeps him in a seemingly constant good mood which, added to his natural friendliness and easygoing attitude, makes him very enjoyable (and low maintenance) company. This is further helped by the fact that he is an automatic peacemaker, always taking care to be considerate of people’s feelings and seeking to comfort or elevate the mood whenever he can. Positivity is the key to happiness to him - if one can find contentment in everything, he believes, then nothing should be able to bring one down.
This passive way of rolling through life does, however, also make him a pushover who cannot strongly commit to or put up a fight against anything. He backs down from and avoids conflict too easily, even to the detriment of himself and others, and much prefers to just accept, turn a blind eye to or run away from the bad things - and then pick up the pieces later - than actually try to defend or protect. Thus, while he is a great person for comfort or recovery, he is not someone to be relied upon in a clash.
Javed was born in Tusa as the illegitimate son of a wealthy Uslakh lady and a middle-class merchant man. His human father was head-over-heels obsessed with his dark elf mother and wooed her by wearing a glamour, borrowing large amounts of money and pretending to be a rich, dark elf socialite. For a while this succeeded, but when the pretence eventually and inevitably failed, their relationship broke down. Javed's mother, at the time already pregnant, cancelled their engagement and sought to terminate the child as well. Her family would not allow her to take the treatment's risk of infertility, however, as she was the sole direct inheritor of their clan name and fortune, so they pressured her into carrying it to term. The child, Javed, was dumped at his father's place immediately after he was born.
Javed's father, pursued by debt collectors and disowned by his own family for it, had already run away though and was nowhere to be found. After some wrangling, one of his father's spinster sisters took Javed in and grudgingly raised him instead. Her surly and hands-off attitude allowed Javed to spend a lot of time playing and exploring, unmonitored, on the streets of Tusa and, always bright and optimistic even as a child, he spent a decent early life like this.
When he was 9, Javed’s complicated lineage began to stir. Relatives on his father's side began to eye his mother's family's fortune, using Javed's position as their firstborn, if illegitimate, son for leverage. Ugly family politics ensued. Eventually, Javed was unofficially banished from Tusa – on the pretext of providing an education for him, his mother’s family sent him to live in Iadlain instead, as the apprentice of an old sorcerer who owed the Uslakh clan some kind of debt.
The less vibrant and more insular environment of Iadlain was difficult for Javed. As both an outsider and a half-elf, he was regarded with a variety of contempt and hostility by the locals around him. It was like this though that he met a fellow outcast child – Cassair – and became friends with him. Together, the two of them would sneak away from their overbearing guardians and secretly share dreams of becoming healers.
Javed's background caught up with him again when he turned 14. His mother's family had finally decided to get rid of him in a more permanent way and used the old sorcerer to stage a quiet 'accident'. Javed survived it by freak luck alone and, now badly frightened and painfully aware of how unwelcome he was to his family, he fled from Iadlain. With nowhere to go – he could not afford a trip to Tusa, both for lack of airship access and fear of being found by his family – he took the roads south along the Iadlish coast, intending to cut westwards across the mountains and take an obscure desert route to Estraude. He made it as far as the Vetmia – for all that he thought he knew how to survive in a desert, the actual harshness of it was beyond anything he had imagined. He almost died. Having passed out near an old waterhole-track, however, a travelling caravan came across him and one of their number, an Estran priest of Therras, took him in. Eventually Javed made it to Estraude with the priest and, for a few short but wonderful months, he lived in the charity of a church and set his heart on becoming a Druid.
He could only impose on the wood elves for so long, however; for all their practised tolerance, those who knew of his dark elf origins were not comfortable around him, so eventually Javed struck out west again, this time to the human city of Nisalvini. Here, he finally shed the troubles of his past and found acceptance as a simple immigrant. Thus he settled, safe to pursue his studies as a healer at last, and immersed himself in his new, peaceful life. 13 years of happily spending his days learning, researching and teaching about the two topics he loves the most – herbs and old stories, or more officially medicine and history - went past.
Current Story
Then came midsummer of 8292. As a crackdown against dark elves unfolded in the Kingdom, Javed was confronted with accusations of being dark elvish himself. Too devout to lie, he admitted his heritage and was promptly arrested, then banished from the Kingdom. He travelled to Estraude and from there, northwards to the Empire.
He stayed in Koben city and scraped by on part-time jobs. A silver lining came in the form of an unexpected reunion with his old friend, Tom, and the two lived together for a time. Times would eventually change again, however, as Tom's own connections drew him back to the Kingdom, where Javed couldn't follow. Wandering again, Javed stopped by Linhythe to see its fantastic bazaars and chanced upon the unfortunate truth that no one in his Tusar family had survived the revolution. Doused with the reality that time would never wait for him, he made the decision to travel to Iadlain to find Cassair, the last remnant of his childhood.
He did find Cassair, but it was an unhappy reunion filled with bitter accusations from his former friend. Javed truthfully didn't understand them - until bloodied politics, followed by the revival of Atros, brought fresh destruction to Iadlain. The person he had thought was Cassair, he finally realised, was not, and it was furious because the real Cassair had died years ago.
Javed would survive the ensuing chaos, but there was no longer any solace for him. And yet there was still one more difficult truth awaiting him. In a strange fit of haste, he departed Iadlain on an airship bound for Koben.
Currently, Javed is missing.
Additional Info
Thanks to his Tusar heritage and fondness of Estraude, many people assume he is half wood elf. Javed doesn't usually bother to correct them.
Javed believes in and prays to all five gods, although he is and always has been mostly deeply devoted to Atros. This stems from his upbringing in Tusa and Iadlain, and an old perception (after his near-death experience in the desert) that Aurea, while beautiful, lacks mercy. While living in Nisalvini, he did not openly practice his faith to Atros, and instead adapted his jewellery as hidden religious symbols - his headpiece represents 'Aurea in his mind' and his necklace 'Atros over his heart'. Now in the Empire, it's his faith to Aurea he keeps hidden.
The beads of his left armband are actually many small, medicine-carrying capsules.
The last two fingernails on his left hand are painted with a fine but potent layer of medicine and lacquered to seal the drug in. This is an old desert technique of carrying medicines that Javed learnt in Tusa. The colour of the lacquer helps code which drug is which - in Javed's case, the purple is a sedative and the gold is a stimulant.
Javed is fluent in Common and Xechasei. His Vikasa is rusty from disuse but, while his vocabulary has thinned a lot, his accent and grammar remains intuitively good and he can hold a casual conversation. He never picked up Iadlic Canan, beyond a few words and phrases.
The gourd on his staff is filled with clean water.