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Lleu Talfryn

Lleu Talfryn
Resident City
Home City


Basic Information


Lleu Talfryn




Birth Date:

29th of the Month of Frost, Year of Beginnings (January 29th 8237) [Luter the Otter]






Light Elf






Delvan Church



calming or aromatic teas, waterfalls, spring, reading, books, Aurea, change


Dark Elves and humans, brutish displays, the ocean, dense folks or those that are deliberately obtuse


    Lleu is able to make quick and decisive judgments, seeing what needs  to be done and does them, assigning those to certain roles if need be.  He requires little encouragement to get things done and is one to remain  calm and resolute in the face of a conflict, though he may become a bit argumentative to those that don't seem to be listening to him or share  the same views. Other times he'll just shoot them a gaze that can chill  bones. Lleu has an interest for furthering his connections with others  or make new ones if it were to somehow benefit himself. His has no  problems with verbal communication, even to those he disagrees with as  he likes to try and influence their opinions. His clarity of his  convictions fuels his penchant for debate and argument and will argue to  the ends of Alva, how great the Goddess, Aurea is. He views himself as  living on a higher plane than others and expresses understanding of  those individuals, though sometimes it seems like he's looking down on  them.

    He prefers to deal with life and situations rationally and  logically. He is very career focused and is always assessing his  environments for potential problems and conflicts and solves them before  they become a bigger issue. It bothers him greatly if he sees mistakes  being made or makes them himself as he holds himself and those around  him to the highest regard. He's not one to spare a person's feelings  either and often times has a difficult time seeing things from outside  his own perspective. He does exhibit sentimental streaks, however, but  since those feelings are foreign to himself, he'll try to subdue them  when they arise (and usually fails in certain cases) as they might get  in the way of his service to the church and to Aurea. If he is to heal  the ill, he can't get attached.


Lleu Talfryn was born 5 years after his parents, Lir Talfryn of  Delverne and Ériu Silveira of Cantor and prior to that, Estraude, formed  a union together. This boy, of fair appearance, spent his childhood  under his father's tutelage once he started to exhibit a talent for  magic which had been passed down from Aurea to her Light Elven Folk.  Everyday was filled with teachings of how great the Goddess, Aurea was  and how awful and misguided the Dark Elven folk of Atros' image were.  Lleu's mother didn't like it when his father talked of the Dark Elves in  that manner, as she grew up in Estraude which shared it's border with  the Koben Empire and had to hear the same thing from the Dark Elven folk  about the Light Elves and their Goddess whenever she were to travel to  do business in Tusa, since back then her family ran an accessory  business and would trade their wares often with them. At that time, Lleu  didn't fully understand the conflict between the races, but the stories  he had heard made him feel that the Dark Elves can't be trusted and  that the Wood Elves would rather sit in their neutral viewpoint, not  doing much to help. They'd just stand back and shake their heads,  looking at the Light and Dark Elves as if they were children.

This thought made Lleu resentful towards those of Wood Elf descent and  he begun to act rebellious towards his own mother as the years went on.  As he reached his late teens, his behavior reached the point where he'd  completely shut his mother out and started involving himself more with  his father, and whenever his father wasn't around, he'd go find Urien,  who had been his father's close friend and travel companion from the  church in Delverne. Urien would tell Lleu tales of he and Lir's time at  the Delvan Church and of all of Delverne, how it was a magical place  full of Aurea's light and is located in the middle of a beautiful river  surrounded by breath-taking waterfalls. The place of the Light Elves  really sounded like a fitting place for Aurea's elven folk and he wished  that he could go there and be a part of it. To bask in Aurea's light  with those closer to his kind. Upon bringing this up with his father,  Lleu was told that he was not ready to journey to Delverne, not just  yet.

Several more years pass by and now Lleu was, 28, well past  that of human adult age and with the powers and abilities of an Acolyte.  This had been the year that his younger sister, Eir was born. She had  been born that summer and looked every bit like the Wood Elves, save for  the color of her eyes which looked more like their father's. Lleu would  always look at her eyes and wish that he had possessed those eyes  instead of the hazel eyes he had inherited from his mother. Due to this  jealousy, he would purposely avoid his younger sister, treating her like  she was just something that was taking up space in their home. Whenever  she wanted to interact with him, he would just walk off to find Urien  and accompany him.

By the time that he was 44, he was finally  accomplished enough in his training that he could finally travel to  Delverne and , without a moment's hesitation, left within the week. He  left behind his mother and his younger sister who was now 14, and  started his journey with his father and Urien. The road to Delverne had  been a fairly eventful one, he met many people along the way in other  villages and he met even more people when he got to Miras. He'd never  seen so many people at once in one area. The biggest event of his  journey was having to take an airship as it was his first time being on  one. Then, after a short ride, he was finally able to lay his eyes on  Delverne. It was every bit how Urien had described it to him. Eager to  step off the airship, once it landed he flung himself out of the airship  to take in his new surroundings. It smelt like a new beginning for  himself. After 44 years of living on farmland, Delverne was a much  needed change of pace.

Lleu had been introduced to the Delvan  Church where his father had worked for before finding himself in Cantor.  It was soon after that he begun his training to be an Exorcist of the  Church. He'd practice healing and curing ailments for Delverne's people  while at the same time, took up being a Theologian. It took him 10 years  of hard work to achieve the status of an Exorcist and all the while,  Lleu barely sent any letter's back to his mother and sister. It had been  his father that was sending the occasional letters back home until they  eventually stopped after a certain time. Being in Delverne had cause  them to be swept up in it's flow and Cantor was becoming a place of the  past. A small blip in the long life of an Elf and it was becoming even  more until Lleu heard word that the Abbess of Cantor had been murdered.  His first thought had not been about the safety of his hometown, but one  that was questioning who would go through the trouble to murder an  Abbess and why.

Current Story

For a good chunk of time, Lleu had been absorbed in his usual studies and charity work as a healer, while the rest of the world was locked in a battle that he felt was rather meaningless. However, he would find himself pulled into a war of their own as behind the scenes, Delverne had been plotting their own rise. But to Lleu, however odd it felt, if it was for Delverne and his Goddess, there must be some right in it? Right?

His doubts only surmounted when the unthinkable happened. Delverne had planned a takeover of his homeland right before his eyes. Sure he hadn’t been home in over 10 years, but his own mother was going to be tangled up in it. So he joined Delverne in marching to Cantor in hopes that he could persuade his mother not to resist. But right before his eyes, amidst the chaos and struggle, his mother was slain in front of him in an effort to protect him from the furious Cantish that refused to go down without a fight. Lleu’s mind went blank and a complex rush of emotion welled in his chest. Anger? Grief? Regret? He took what turned out to be his sister’s retired Pegasi and retreated from Cantor back behind Delverne lines. Soon after, he found a time to pen his sister a letter to incite anger towards him, leaving it up to fate to decide his punishment.

He holed himself up back at home located nearby the Church, only coming out to attend business at the Church, or his charity work. At this point, he no longer wanted any direct involvement, choosing only to be an observer as Delverne continued moving forward with the next steps.

Time passed again, and an unexpected encounter on a backstreet within the city, sped up the gears of fate. His sister, of all people, was somehow within the city before him, looking both ill and absolutely furious. Has the time for his punishment arrived? But in a perplexing turn of events, she had fainted in the street at his feet after a heated outburst. He took her back to his house to cure the illness he sensed from her. When she came to, he allowed her to lay low at his home as his assistant. Perhaps keeping her close would allow for him to make amends, or to further guarantee retribution. Punishment never came, he observed that she had been too worn down by her naivety in joining the military to protect Cantor, only to suffer trauma after trauma, and a string of failures. He even noticed she kept having a strange dream about being on fire. Perhaps, this had been the better choice after all. Even if this was enemy territory for her, she could escape her misguided responsibilities and start over.

Perhaps he was being too naive himself, as he didn’t take into account his own self lurking beneath the surface. Waiting for the very catalyst that would destroy everything. The raising of the Goddess, and a call that no elf with light elf blood could ignore. It drove him mad, to the point where he did, what others would say, was the unthinkable. He allowed for his sister, in a twisted experiment concocted by his madness, to heed the call and observe the results of doing so. What he witnessed, to his surprise, made him firmly reject the call. He can’t become like that. A large, glowing creature, with no recognition of themselves. And right there, was where the two parted.

Lleu returned home to pen down his observations. Absorbed in his current writing, he was days late in joining Delverne on their way to fight in their holy crusade, and having gone outside to catch up, the next thing he knew, MONTHS had passed.

Currently, Lleu had planned to meet up with Aurea’s army with Saga, but didn’t make it to the battle ground before he saw the army traveling back to Delverne. He gave it a day or two before deciding to make his way back.

Additional Info

= Despises Dark Elves and hold Wood Elves in contempt.
= Finds humans to be foolish creatures.
= Spends his time studying all he can about the Goddess, Aurea, and the other gods.
= Likes social gatherings.
= One of the things he liked about Cantor was the festivals. He hated the farm work.
= His main weapon of choice is a magic infused book.
= He's a little unorthodox for being of the Delvan Church. 
=  When he's not engrossed in piles of scripture, he heals those that seek  to be cured from illnesses and the demons that plague them.

=  Currently is in possession of Eir's old mount, Saga

Astatochromia: His eye  colour constantly changes in reaction to surrounding magics (and mood).  He is also be able to see faint coloured auras around those who have  God's Favours. However, he is unable to control this by his own will.



Eir Talfryn


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