Eir Talfryn


Basic Information
Eir Talfryn
Birth Date:
26th of the Month of Sun, Year of Coins {July 26th 8266} [Venator the Huntsman]
Previous height: 5'9” || Ascended height: 8'9"
Wood Elf
Aurea's Ascended
Miras Flight Regiment
Aurea's Ascended
Hunting, pastries, jerky, helping others, Cantor, Saga, fruit juices or apple cider, fish, apples
Losing those close to her, flooded fields, rancid smells, coming up empty handed, war, failures
Eir is a mostly private person who does not share her inner feelings with those that are not within her close inner circle of those she feels she can trust with this information. As she is a slightly introverted person, she prefers to have one-on-one interactions over those with large groups. Relationships with her, especially close relationships, would form slowly due to this. Anytime that she is hurt on an emotional scale, she would rather silently withdraw into herself instead of letting it be known, with the exception being that the person who did the hurting was someone very close, only then would she choose to speak up.
Eir has a gentle and caring nature that pushes her to help those in need as long as the situation will not go against her value system. She absolutely will not tolerate helping an individual who harbors ill intent towards others. She is not one to tolerate conflict very well and will often times react to such situations in agitation, anger or even attempt to withhold the before mentioned emotions. Due to this inability to cope with it, if she tries to withhold or suppress her anger, her health may take a hit due to the stress.
She holds an interest in seeking the meaning behind ideas, certain actions and events. She feels by doing this that she'll be able to better understand herself and those around her. As she has very high expectations of herself, she will live out her life doing what she feels is right, not compromise her ideals so easily which often times she will ignore others opinions when given.
Eir Talfryn is the second child born to Lir Talfryn, a light elf from Delverne, and Ériu Silveira, a wood elf and farmer of Cantor. Eir's father had been on a journey around the Miras Kingdom spreading the word of Aurea with another male companion of his before stopping at Cantor to rest. This was the start if the events that would lead to Lir eventually meeting Ériu on his walks to survey the stretch of farmlands and mills. After some time had passed, their relationship became very close and Lir requested for the blessing to form and everlasting union with Ériu. Five years later, their first child, a son with lightly tanned skin, fair hair and hazel eyes was born. This child was given the name Lleu Talfryn and after he was raised into adulthood, Eir was born.
While Eir's older brother exhibited talents for magic, her unremarkable self was left to help her mother tend to their plot of farmland while Lleu was being groomed to join the church in Delverne with aspirations of being proficient as an Exorcist. Eir spent most of her childhood living in her older brother's shadow and eventually came the time where her brother was to take a journey with their father and his fellow companion to Delverne to hone his skills to serve the Goddess, Aurea. As such, when Eir was 14, the three of them left home leaving herself and her mother behind.
Following the short time lapse of two years with little to no word, aside from the rare letter from her father and brother, Eir had a fateful encounter with an older lone hunter. A human by the name Emry Aller ,that had been traveling the Miras Kingdom prior. The man had suffered an injury to his right leg due to an unfortunate mishap within the Leywood, forcing him to use his own bow to support his weight as he used all his strength to reach the closest village. Eir had been the one to find the man as he found her village. Upon seeing his crudely bandaged leg, rumors that he had angered the spirits of the Leywood and therefore had been attacked as punishment spread. Concerned that the situation would escalate, Eir brought the man back to her family's home where he could get proper treatment.
While waiting for the man's condition to improve over the next few days, Eir became interested in the bow that carried the man when they first met. The bow was sleek yet still exuded power with it's angular designs. The hunter, having taken note of her interest in it, asked if she wanted to learn how to use it. That afternoon, Eir helped the man out to a small gathering of trees. Eir was taught to shoot with the bow and arrows at this location everyday until the man's wounds were fully healed enough. Unfortunately, there had been some lasting damage to his leg and couldn't regain it's full strength. With his leg the way it was, it would make it very difficult for him to travel. Feeling grim about this realization, he turned to Eir and asked if she would like to learn how to hunt and track under the premise that it would open up more income options for her and her family, withholding his true intention of deciding to retire the bow afterwards.
Things took longer than he expected when teaching Eir how to hunt and track. Although she seemed to have picked up the bow fairly quickly, the hunting was a whole different matter. Having done nothing much else but farm until now, she was very clumsy and ended up scaring off her targets in her attempts. Emry would comment that she wasn't very graceful for an elf. but refusing to let it get to her, she continued to learn.
Staying a lot longer than he intended to, a year and a half had passed and by this point, Eir was finally managing well enough. If she kept it up she would be able to make due without his help. Emry felt this was a good enough time to let Eir know that he'll be departing from Cantor to travel to Miras where he thought about settling down for good, since his wandering days are over with. He'd only become the perfect target in the wild.
Eir pitched a fit after being told he will be leaving with the next caravan. She didn't understand why he couldn't stay in her village, he could even live with them as a farmhand. He explained to her he had long overstayed his welcome from day one and not very many people had forgotten the circumstances of his arrival. Leaving her with his bow, he told her to keep working at becoming a successful hunter and come to Miras when she has accomplished that. With those parting words, he left the next day. Eir didn't appear to personally send him off and instead watched him depart from afar. The following years after flew by, and before long Eir was 24.
Still living in Cantor, she continued to hone her skills as a hunter even further. She had been selling and trading jerky with the skills she was taught by the man who had taught her the bow. At this point in her life, she had begun to take up some presence as a person that would do jobs for those of Cantor, taking on a few odd jobs here and there as long as it was within reason, refusing to aid those with ill intent or hunt creatures that should not be harmed. But, as tensions began to rise within Cantor and the Miras Kingdom as a whole. Eir felt the unease in it's people. Talks of war and suspicious circumstances circulated leaving her to wonder if there is anything she could possibly do to protect her family and those of Cantor.
Current Story
Her chance came when the Koben Empire attacked Miras' ports to the north. Fearing the possibility that a conflict would fall on Cantor in the future, Eir joined Miras' Military much to the disapproval of her mother. While initially training as a milite in the Legion, Eir proved she was quite skilled with a bow and arrow and due to the nature of the situation, was offered a place in the Flight Regiment as they needed skilled bowmen in the sky; the condition being that she's to undergo extensive training under an experienced person of higher rank. She was then introduced to a Decurion by the name, Floran Thoregar and not even a couple days had passed since she was assigned to the Flight Regiment before they jumped straight into training. There was no time to waste as the attack on Amedra and Belport was only the beginning of what's to come.
Barely out of training, she was thrown right into war where she suffered her first real traumatic scar when she was forced into the dire situation of having to kill a person to save another, her mentor. Having survived her first battle, she spent a good amount of her down time trying to decompress and come to terms with what being at war truly meant…
In the inbetween, she, and many other military personnel, along with locals, volunteered for an expedition into the Leywood with the goal of saving Nisalvani from its sudden thorn problem that plagued their region. The journey through the Wild Ley hadn’t been easy as her team ran into various challenges along their path, however, many trinkets of knowledge were also gained- of an ancient civilization, deep within. Unbeknownst to her, her possession of a jar of green flame that she had received a while back had turned out to be one of many key items to activate an ancient gate, although she was sad to have to part with the green flame that once gave her comfort. Later on, the expedition ran into the target of their quest, the Ley Elk, their chance at saving Nisalvani. And while a confrontation with the creature had ensued, her team ultimately came to the conclusion to not harm the Ley Elk as the risk of what would happen should they kill it was too great. At the end of that expedition, a journal she had found detailing the flora and fauna was sent to Delverne to have a copy made for further study, of which later she made a trip to the Delverne Church to pick up the original when it was time.
The downtime didn’t last for long, when once more, their military mobilized after coming into possession of Cinden Dragons. Having been appointed as a Cinden rider, they were sent overseas to lay siege to their enemy. Eir’s experience turned more violent with the dragon additions and her surroundings became a sea of flames. Within those flames, her mentor ran into a surprise attack by a Kobener and she was once more aiding in her mentor’s rescue and flying him back to the ship.
Unfortunately, while she was off fighting for her hometown, a complete takeover of Cantor by Delverne was taking place. This takeover resulted in her mother’s death, with only a letter from her own brother as confirmation. An anger towards him welled up, pitting him as the villian and reason for her death.
Upon her return, the continuous trauma had drained her soul. She still functioned on the outside like she normally did, but on the inside she felt numb. She was still a very young elf compared to those who have lived over a hundred years or more, and hadn’t fully developed effective coping mechanisms to deal with the darkness of the world and every now and again her health would take a hit.
Some time later, they were asking for volunteers yet again for another expedition into the Leywood. But this time there was an added urgency as Delverne had broken the barrier to fulfill their ambitions. The race through the ancient city contained inside came to an end as the Cantish side came faced with the Ley Elk, Tharoneos, once again. They were allowed to ask it questions, of which Eir’s question of why it hated elves was met with a violent vision of being engulfed in flames. She hadn’t much time to comprehend what she was shown when she was forced to witness the horror of Tharoneos being decapitated by Delverne. The end result was Tharoneos scattering both sides all across Alva.
Ripped from her current location, Eir ended up in Delverne of all places, right near her brother’s location. Her immense anger upon seeing him, and the lingering effects of having been teleported through unknown means, caused her to faint a few moments after confronting her brother.
Having now found herself laying low in Delverne as she recovers, she reluctantly decided to live with her brother, pretending to be his assistant to avoid raising suspicion. For a short time it seemed like their relationship was improving one tiny step at a time, until the Goddess awoke, and a call, that even Eir couldn’t escape being affected by, rang for any elf with light elf blood to come to her. Eir was able to resist it, though it was a struggle, but Lleu, who had also been affected by the call, had suddenly changed his stance on their relationship and ultimately betrayed her to use her as a sacrifice to satiate his curiosity of what would happen if one with light elf blood where to answer the call.
And so Eir, who had tired of war and wanted to leave it all behind, was once again pulled back into a war, as if life refused her escape. As one of Aurea’s Ascended, she continues to fight, without having any memory of who she was in life. A blessing, or a curse.
Currently, after suffering a humiliating defeat during the battle at the Citadel and having her Goddess torn into many parts, Eir was able to later redeem herself by defeating a familiar foe, causing him to retreat, and claiming Aurea’s eye. However, a small hitch almost cost her that victory as many moving parts were at work during her battle. Fortunately for her, she was saved from an unknown fate and was able to continue her aid in putting Aurea together again.
Additional Info
⇉ Grew up in the Ley Downs region of Cantor
⇉ An avid believer in both the God, Therras, and the Goddess, Aurea (in her current state, it's only Aurea)
⇉ Has been interested in getting some sort of tattoo, but cannot decide on the subject or where she would even place it.
⇉ She has an even amount of piercings in both ears.
⇉ Loves fall foliage and festivals.
⇉ Sometimes fishes in her spare time
⇉ Through learning how to track, she was able to devise traps that would scare off any unwanted wildlife on her family's fields.
⇉ Has paternal family in Delverne and maternal family in Estraude.
⇉ Eir's mother originally came to Cantor with her younger brother because they wanted to see the world. They took a liking to the farming lifestyle they witnessed upon arriving and wanted to take part in that. Years down the road, after the meeting of Eir's father and prior to her birth, her mother's brother would decide to join the Miras Kingdom's army to protect the little life they built here.
⇉ Father and older brother have been away in Delverne for 10+ years.
⇉ Eir has special leather tipped gloves that she uses to pull back the string on her bow with ease.
⇉ She has been teaching herself to shoot ambidextrous.
⇉ Has been trapped in Delverne under the care of her brother ever since being teleported there by the Ley Elk
⇉ Eir unfortunately succumbed to Aurea's call and became one of the many ascended. (friendship ended with Therras, now Aurea is her best friend)