Lylas Moroughnil


Basic Information
Lylas Moroughnil
Birth Date:
29th Seeds, 8213 [Brenthos]
10 ft 10 in [330.2 cm]
🌟 no horns, no heels
Dark Elf
Soldier of Atros
Atros' Ascended
Dark Blossoming
Aurea's Favour
“Shall we then? Let us end all tragedy.”
+ Cheerful(?), Persistent(?), Tactful(?), Sharp-witted(?)
O Disjointed
- Given to inaction(?), Obnoxious(?), Insincere(?), Overly bold(?)
Atros has certainly supplied goal and direction, but where once was cunning, there is now simply... nothing. His mannerisms exist as a jigsaw with so many scattered and lost pieces that nothing really ‘fits’ anymore. It’s all too deeply ingrained to completely shed, yet too much nuance is lost to grasp any of it… so he doesn’t!
He has turned so callous to what made those pieces part of him, what might have made them work, that it's hard to tell where unfettered whimsy ends and methodical madness begins. He has moments of incredible clarity, of simply doing things that amuse him, of wondering and stratagem then moments where it doesn’t matter at all, unable to figure out what amuses him and can barely rein himself in.
Everything about him feels as if it steps just shy of what it should be, like an actor fallen out of rhythm with character– or a smile that outlived its purpose.
The unwavering will of Atros, whether it was meant to or not, is both holding him down and holding him together.
Current Story
[ ??? ]
[ Beginning of the End ]
...On ??? 829?, Lylas ascended to become a Soldier of Atros in accordance to a destiny laid out by history.
The twin gods and their armies met at last at the Citadel of Crowns, and the threads of the world buckled and blinked around them. He among them.
Then the unthinkable, as Atros seizes first strike... great pillars shatter them both, but from below? Meddlers in fate?
The voices of the others fade and clear...
[ Sin and Sacrifice ]
Saleceus commands them to search for Father Atros anew, and Lylas abides... until he is met with a familiar foe.
Under the weight of their gods judgement, eyes dancing within crackling storm-- their battle is as brutal as it is lucky... and shameful.
Tattered, Lylas at least managed to snatch true victory from her and escape.
Gone to the storm, then gone from Alva.
Additional Info
🌟 Peripheral Scout It’s kind of scary how nimble this 11 foot rorschach blot is. Especially now that he is also blursed with Longe Legg and Ghost Spooking. (think gymnast)
🌟 Blossoming Dark-indigo nails, Dark-indigo mucosa, Dark-indigo sclera, Dark-indigo teeth
🌟 Design Detail Some bits to help. Those are NOT white freckles, they’re snowflakes! He has some on his eyelashes, but both are stylistic and can be omitted. He does have very faint freckles but they don’t really show up much after his ascension.
[OOC; I miss the art style his first app was in... I wanted to keep something from it... re:freckles ]
🌟 Hold-overs
His past is fully and truly gone, but a few habits seem to have remained as some hint of it.
He has more tools than ever to fight at melee range now, but still ends up floating to the backlines even though he could probably do a lot more in the fray. He casts non-combative and defensive spells with a noticeably quicker snap. He also does quite a bit of unnecessary hand flourishes.
Despite having ghost-like qualities now, Lylas maintains a form of ‘minimum distance’ between himself and others. Similarly, he’ll tend to float low or even walk if given the choice.
Has a natural knack for spells as a Wizard, but illusions are a touch easier to recognize.
His face just seems to default to a smile, odd but who cares. :-)
He has a very soft singing quality… Not that he has anything to sing about.
Guess who’s Aurea Favoured and Atros Ascended. This guy. He is so aware of it, but hopefully no one else is, especially Father Atros. SHHHH
🌟 Curious Trinket [ Cracked Countenance ] A cracked silver ring with a silly human glamour attached. Ended up a lifesaver when he fought Eir so he’s kept it.
🌟 Wraith’s Bane [ Special Role - Ambition ] This is So Secret– Lylas forgot about it! It’s fine. Probably.

It's an unnavoidable thought, especially once Atros’ shattering allowed a clever mind to wander.
What life do you lead to be touched by Aurea and then achieve Atros’ salvation? Redemption? Treason?
It’s hard not to think about, even if he doesn’t care for the answer.