Martin Marienkäfer


Basic Information
Martin Marienkäfer
Birth Date:
21st Arrival, Paths 8271 (Year of the Lambent Crystal Raven, True animal: Crane, Secret animal: Cat)
6’1’’ / 186cm
Baron Hellerhain, Army Captain
Koben Imperial Court, Koben Army
Atros' Favour
sweets/ music (as a listener)/ dancing/ casual banter/ well-tailored clothes
self-serving people/ gossip/ cats/ alcohol/ gambling
modest/ straightforward/ decisive/ resilient/ self-sacrificial
judgmental/ aloof/ self-loathing
Growing up in isolation from his peers and under the strict gaze of his aunt, Martin turned out to be a well-mannered, but extremely anxious and hypercritical young man. Afraid of leaving a bad impression and proving his family’s bad reputation right, he was also quick to judge those who didn’t meet the golden standard of a decent person he held up in his mind. This resulted in him, even though well-meaning and respectful, to also have trouble building strong connections with others. Despite his social struggles, he tried finding meaning in his life by chasing the idealistic image of justice and honor he was brought up with and serving his country accordingly.
While there still remain traces of a naive socially-awkward young man he used to be, Martin has changed significantly from the person he was when he first donned military uniform and stepped out of the solitude of his family home into the big and bustling world.
Everyone he’s met and everything he’s experienced in the last few years of his life has left their marks on his personality, for better or for worse, but nothing re-shaped him as drastically as the war has.
Disillusioned from his childish beliefs, Martin now sees little value in things he craved before, such as status and recognition. Realizing that he sacrificed too much of his own humanity to achieve his current position, Martin desires atonement (but not redemption) and for that he is willing to sacrifice his own interests, comfort and even life if it ever comes down to it.
With such an outlook on his own life and self-worth Martin became even more distant when it comes to other people as he doesn’t consider himself deserving of a proper companionship and doesn’t want to involve others in his burdens.
After several years of decadence and over-indulgence the Marienkäfer family of Hellerhain Barony, once renowned and respected, has fallen so low as to lose their familial lands in a reckless night of gambling. Crushed by his self-inflicted downfall, the old lord tried drowning his shame in liquor and found his untimely demise at the bottom of the bottle not too long after. That left his two children - an estranged daughter and a neglected son - to be the last remaining carriers of the family name, the latter inheriting both the title and the foul reputation that came with it. Despite all, the young lord, while not showing any exceptional talent or wit, has proven to at the very least be in possession of a superior moral character to his father’s and thus managed to land in a marriage with his long time sweetheart, their union bringing Martin into this world.
The first few years of Martin’s life were no different from any other child blessed with a loving family. Not only did his parents sustain a happy marriage, their hard work and good nature were paying off in both the family’s reputation and financial state's slow improvement. However, this bliss was short-lived as when Martin was only 4 years old his mother suffered a difficult childbirth that took both hers and the infant’s lives away. Unable to handle his grief, Martin’s father slipped into the unhealthy habits of his predecessors and tried to drown his despair in wine. And when even liquor stopped providing the stupor he needed to dull the pain, the man chose to go with a more permanent way to find oblivion. Thus Martin was left under the guardianship of his aunt - the last remaining adult of their family.
Frieda Marienkäfer - a proud and stoic woman - has made a choice to remove herself from the disgrace of her family back in her youth. While her younger brother’s modest behavior began to warm her up to the idea of a reunion, it wasn’t until his tragic demise that she finally stepped through the doors of her family home for the first time in many years to meet her orphaned nephew. Even though Frieda had years of tutoring children of noble families behind her back, this was the first time she found herself in a role of a caregiver to a child as young as Martin and her inexperience with this kind of care together with her strict character unfortunately played a detrimental role in forming Martin’s own personality going forward.
Frieda cared deeply for Martin, but at the same time demanded him to uphold a certain level of maturity from a very young age. Being fully aware of the reputation their family had among the nobility, the woman could not let Martin become an object of ridicule. While she at first tried to introduce the boy into the noble society through the company of his peers - her students from the Siegel and Rotherzog families - she soon found their influence to be harmful and chose to instead isolate Martin from distractions and put all of the little resources she had into his education. Her goal was to turn the boy into an exemplary aristocrat by the measure of his character instead of the measure of his fortune which was quite obviously lacking. Looking for a possible career for her nephew and disappointingly finding him quite as unexceptional as his father, Frieda encouraged Martin’s interest in the military, deciding that he had the best odds of succeeding in this field through hard work and dedication alone, which he had in abundance. So, from the age of 10, Martin was trained in fencing, tactics, and military arts by teachers that Frieda hired with whatever money she could scrap.
At the age 19 Martin finally completed his private education and immediately joined the Koben Army to start his military career.
Current Story
Almost as soon as he stepped out of the shelter of his family home, Martin got swept into the tumultuous stream of life. Forced into an overwhelming amount of socialization, from a timid and anxious boy he slowly grew into a confident young man, met many new people, improved his social status, made friends and enemies, experienced love, heartbreak and many other things. Ironically enough, the heirs of Siegel and Rotherzog families that his aunt tried to keep away from him in their childhood has once again entered his life, one becoming Martin’s close friend and the other turning out to be his military commander. And it was due to their benevolence and effort that Martin would later regain the rights and possession over his ancestral lands.
However, it was not only his newly found social skills and connections that put Martin into his current position. There’s no better time for a soldier to climb the career ladder than a time of war and that was something that Martin’s sweet homeland was quick to provide.
Martin had the “luck” to be at the brunt of the war when the Empire took the offensive, participating in both the attack on Amedra, where he bloodied his sword for the first time, and the seizure of Valsk, where he silenced the voice of his conscience and made choices in favor of his ambition over compassion. Likewise, he was at the brunt of it when the Empire suffered retaliation in Linhythe and Koben, getting to experience what being on the opposite side of the offensive feels like. Both this experience and the shame from the choices he made earlier in the war smashed the rose-tinted glasses Martin was wearing into pieces, forcing him to change the way he views the Empire and himself.
A post to Iadlain was met by Martin as a welcome distraction. While he realized fully that Wispwood was the furthest thing from a vacation spot, he expected the challenge to be a refreshing change as dealing with monsters didn’t bring with it the moral ambiguity that war and politics did. The timing of his mission, however, has proven to be most unfortunate and therefore he had to battle unimaginable horrors while the world around was imploding. After weeks of surviving whatever the woods had to throw at Iadlain, Martin let his guard down at a moment of respite and accidentally broke one of Iadlish numerous and very hard to remember superstitions. As a result, he spent the next couple of months in a narcoleptic state, trapped in a trauma and guilt-induced nightmare, too delirious to comprehend any news coming from the capital. Due to his condition, he was sent back home with a hope that a far distance away from Wispwood and a good stash of Iadlish medicine would aid in his recovery.
Additional Info
Hellerhain is the estate of Marienkäfer family known for its orchards and apiaries. The main produce of the land are, of course, fruits (apples, pears, plums, cherries) and honey, as well as meads and wines made in local breweries.
Despite him in Frieda being the last carriers of the Marienkäfer family name, Martin also has many relatives on his mother’s side. Him and Frieda try to visit them in Linhythe at least once every year.
Due to an injury suffered at his post in Iadlain Martin is now partially blind in his left eye. It still reacts to light and can tell apart colours, but shapes are blurry and lack detail.
Frieda Marienkäfer
His aunt and main parental figure. Despite her cold and stoic character that has been causing a certain distance between them since his childhood, Martin knows that she cares for him as much as he does for her. He values her opinion and, despite being the person carrying the title, considers Frieda to be the head of their small family.
Balthazar Siegel
A former protege of his aunt and the person who brought Martin a lot of distress in their childhood. After they've met again as adults, their relationship has gone through a lot of change. First a (one-sided) rival, then a (one-sided) crush, now a dear friend, to Martin Balthazar remains to be one of the most treasured connections.
Aeron Rotherzog
Another of his aunt’s former proteges and his military commander. Martin’s feelings towards the man are very mixed to say the least. On one hand, he appreciates the things that Aeron has done for him and, by extension, his family, but on the other he’s appalled by what the man has done in his time as the Viceroy of Valsk. What terrifies Martin the most, however, is the man he himself had become in his efforts to earn Aeron’s approval.
Bertram Diefenbach
A menace turned friend turned lover. He played a big role in Martin opening himself to the world, experiencing new things and building confidence. Unfortunately, life kept throwing wrenches in the works of their relationship resulting in their continuous separation. Maybe that’s what they deserved and maybe some things are just not meant to be.