Aeron Rotherzog


Basic Information
Aeron Rotherzog
Birth Date:
30th Frost, 8264
Earl of Erzthal, formerly Viceroy of Valsk
Koben Imperial Court, Koben Army
Fencing | Horse riding | Vintage wines | Fighting | Well balanced blade | Country side
Cravats / ties | Most social gatherings | Overfamiliarity | Gossip | Cheap materials
Honest | Pedantic | Dedicated | Vindictive | Short-tempered
Aeron has never been incredibly charismatic, being able to rely on others being charming for him throughout his life. But strip these crutches away from him and his blunt and honest personality comes to the forefront, he feels no need to hide his interest or disinterest in others, and his opinions are often offered without any dressing or softening with flowery language. Aeron has always had a cruel streak where he playfully indulges in making others uncomfortable and in extreme cases physical pain, relishing in the power it gains him over others.
Though he is not without manners, Aer does know how to hold his tongue and mind his manners for those above him, so only a few people receive that luxury.
If you can get past his standoffish and general disinterest in others, and still somehow make friends with him. Aeron softens around the edges, taking care to look out for those he cares for and show them affection in his own abrasive way, whether that be playful bullying or tough honest love. He feels a sense of duty and protection for those close to him and struggles to move or stand against them even when they're wrong.
Born as the 3rd child of the Rotherzog house and the younger twin to his brother; Alric, Aeron was an unimpressive child. He lived a comfortable life, was well-educated and was well-connected in social circles, living as any noble son should. As the third child with little chance of inheriting land or money, Aeron was pushed towards making his own life for himself, first studying under the local guard before attending a military academy in preparation for entering the army.
Aeron’s estate, Erzthal, was primarily dedicated to mining. Innovations to improve efficiency and speed were always welcomed by Aeron’s father, Heimerich, who was always interested in engineering. However, with any new technology, there is always the risk of an accident which unfortunately one that day took Heimerich’s life. The Rotherzog estate enters slow and long mourning as the eldest, Aksel, steps up as the new earl.
Aeron, not emotionally equipped to deal with the passing of his father, departs for the military in the capital. Finding solace in the strict routine and the kinship between Balthazar Siegel and Prince Fabian, Aeron poured all his energy into the military and found he was starting to enjoy and excel in it, aspiring to raise the ranks and make a name for himself. He eventually starts writing and visiting home, having processed and moved on from the death of his father. Despite keeping the visits brief, he couldn’t help but notice the troubles bubbling under the surface of a mismanaged estate, but with Erzthal out of his hands, he returns to Koben without a word.
Two years later in Aeron’s military career, he was summoned back home to discover Aksel was involved in a hunting accident, falling from his horse and passing. Aeron took the news badly and refused to extend his stay for the funeral, leaving his mother, twin and younger siblings to pick up the pieces as he once again flees back to Koben. His twin, Alric, steps up as the new Earl of Erzthal to handle the crumbling situation at home.
Once again ignoring his need to mourn, Aeron dug deeper into the military, working himself far beyond necessary and dreaming of even bigger aspirations, using every connection he had to give himself a leg up. But, unable to stay for too long away from his family, Aeron watched his twin for four years, through letters and short conversations, lose control of the lands and fall to greed. The cracks Aeron had noticed during Aksel’s tenure finally burst, bringing riots to Erzthal. No longer confident in the failing house of Rotherzog, lesser nobles start fanning the flames in hopes of uprooting the Rotherzogs and establishing a new Earl.
Fearing for the safety of his family, Aeron took leave from the military and returned to help stem the riots. Leading the armed response to quell the violence that trudged on for a few weeks, peaceful outcomes were found in some villages, and bloody ones in others but the dust finally settled when Alric renounced his position as Earl. Suddenly saddled with the seemingly cursed title, Aeron struggled to manage his aspirations in the military and his responsibilities back at home. He relied on his family and close friends of the lesser nobles to help stabilise and govern the region, and despite a few rocky years, Aeron learnt to efficiently manage land while balancing his aspirations in the military.
As the flames of war swept through the Empire, Aeron was stuck in mourning for his dear friend, Fabian. Faced with another loss, Aeron withdrew to the safety of his estate, letting his rage and sadness out on the furniture. The feelings of loss were finally being processed after years of being suppressed, cut short by orders summoning him back to the capital. War had come to the Empire and they needed their lieutenant-general, powered by the thirst for revenge Aeron went to the frontlines eagerly.
After many months of planning, and collaborating with other leaders and sources of information. He, alongside many brave soldiers, successfully occupied the northern continent and claim it was Empire territory. As Viceroy of Valsk, he ruled the frigid territory with a brutal and cruel fist, seeing fear as the only way to make the Valski population understand the situation they were in. To him, they were merely tools for Koben and a toy for him to break.
Aeron never truly understood the reasons behind the Emperor’s interest in the northern continent, which was above his purview and his pay grade. All he needed to do was ensure Koben’s desires were satisfied even if his own were not. Why wasn’t the emperor pushing his advantage? Why were they wasting their days sending scientists into the wilderness? Frustration built in the Viceroy, turning his tenure even harsher on the Valski under his thumb. Things were starting to get boring when rats entered the viper’s den.
Armed with the knowledge of what is to come, Aeron prepared for a long siege knowing the city’s only weakness had been dealt with. He had dug his heels in for a battle to finally shake the boredom that had been clutching the northern colony for months. Even as the doors gave way and the kingdom’s army surged through the city, Aeron's orders never wavered. It took four days of bloody battle before the order to retreat was given, and a quieter order passed along with it: kill everyone who could not be evacuated and knew dangerous information.
In the midst of battle, Aliswen’s war scream pierced the air, pain flooded through his shoulder, and his own sword plunged into Alis’ side. When Aeron woke up, he was one of the few surviving POWs that fell into the Kingdom’s hands. The trek to Belport and the ship waiting to take him and others to Miras was a long one, days of bearing Valski anger, his only saving grace: a rat that survived his torture to keep him company.
Aeron speaks little of his time in Miras’ prison, choosing to suppress the memories of suffering to protect his pride. He doesn’t remember how long he stayed in that cursed place, but he takes pride in never cracking under the intense interrogation he endured. He was eventually returned to Koben in a prisoner exchange, spending his first few weeks of ‘freedom’ in captivity. Being kept deep within Koben for ‘observation’, further interrogation from his peers and many weeks spent recovering from his injuries. Finally cleared from any suspicion of treason or a turncoat, Aeron returned to his estate to recover and re-enter refined society. Putting away the savagery that clawed keep within his chest to accept a position within the High Council as a military advisor.
Current Story
Aeron kept his head down during the years that followed, diligently tending to duties as the military advisor. He grew fond and protective of the young prince through the years, trying his best to teach Sigmund the respectful art of fencing. He tries his best to look out for the prince, but the duties that pull him to the capital or to Erzthal mean he has not been present as much as he’d prefer. He reluctantly accepts that there are more than competent people to look after Sigmund after the multiple incidents that happened in Koben.
Aeron, not one made for politics, struggled with the whirlwind of power caused by the death of the Emperor and the sudden moves of the ever-clever Kaspars. His loyalty to the throne and Sigmund put him in conflict with his superior, Tao Yin. Sensing his position was directly threatened by the Kaspars and Tao, he backs off considering his options.
The sudden death of Sigmund shattered Aeron, numbing his emotions and mind to the events that quickly followed. He can’t remember bending the knee to the new Empress, the whole coronation a blur, but he starkly remembers being alone.
Being a difficult piece for the Kaspars to take advantage of, Aeron was dismissed from the High Council and sent back to his post in the military with a tight leash and a stark reminder he swore loyalty to the throne, not to a family.
Additional Info
Dual wields two swords, forfeiting true defence for offense.
Location of Erzthal Not solely ruled by Rotherzog, the land split into smaller towns, villages governed by lesser nobles.
Erzthal’s main economy is mining, farming and some engineering.
Sigmund Roenach
Feeling a sense of duty to Fabian, Aeron tried to prepare Sigmund for the harsher pressure and expectations that come with life in Koben's court. His main priority was seeing to the defensive capabilities, spending many sessions fencing. Over time Aeron grew attached to Sigmund, seeing him not as a replacement for Fabian but as his own person. He is shattered over the death of Sigmund, feeling a deep sense of guilt for not being there to protect him.
Balthazar Siegel
Balthazar is Aeron's right-hand man and a childhood friend. While they do not share perfectly aligned opinions on a lot of matters that cause many arguments between them. Balto has guided and helped Aeron through many sticky situations, to the point Aeron can often only be enticed to a social gathering if Balto is present. Aeron deeply wishes that Balto was less spineless and face the troubles that loom over the Koben court with him.