

Basic Information
Birth Date:
4'10 (147cm)
Earth Oriad
Obedient | Generous | Patient | Timid | Clumsy | Anxious | Gloomy
Shy and timid, the commotion surrounding Ninny's awakening has left them rather skittish and wary of others. Despite this, they are easily lonesome and crave validation, and so are taking baby steps to overcoming their fear. It doesn't take much to overwhelm them, and they avoid crowds and commotions whenever possible. They struggle with a lack of confidence, and are quick to blame themselves for any problems they encounter.
Admittedly a little slow, Ninny has patience in abundance if nothing else. Though clumsy and easily discouraged, they don't like leaving things unfinished. Despite many setbacks, they will return to a given task as many times as necessary to see it through to the end. They are eager to learn and happy to help, and are quick to offer a helping hand whenever they can.
Ninny's awakening was a rude one; the first memories they have are of childish shrieks and the sting of pain against their face. After emerging from a nondescript shrub on the edge of a village, the local children made a game of dashing their prone figure with rocks and twigs until they began to stir. (At which point the children ran screaming back to their parents.)
Following a great deal of confusion, the rest of the village came running and were largely at a loss of what to do. After hushed debate, a village girl stepped forward and kindly took them to her home to tend to their scratches.
Many days passed without incident, and eventually, curiosity won out over caution. Soon, the rest of the village came to visit the strange being, offering gifts and conversation (any excuse to come by and be nosy, really). They are slowly attempting to reciprocate.
Current Story
Additional Info
The villagers began calling them "ninebark" after the flowers sprouting from their body, but the children shortened it to "Ninny" and the name stuck.
They are extremely adverse to loud noises.
They don't really enjoy wearing clothing, but they do it to fit in.
They have quite a tolerance for pain; once, a box was dropped on their foot and they barely noticed.
Memory shards:
⟡ From the War of Ancients event
As Aurea and Her people draw near on their path of aurora, something stirs in Ninny. It’s a longing itch, an inexplicable feeling that they should be there with Her. Why and how they don’t know. The impulse seems absurd with the terror of Aurea all around them... but it is no lie and there is one way to find out what it means. The shimmering trail of light arcs towards the Citadel; if Ninny can join Aurea’s procession at its destination, perhaps they may find the answers.
⟡ From the War of Ancients quest: End of the Aurora ; Without ___
The closer Ninny draws to the shining wake of Aurea's march, the more the strange feeling of desire swells in their chest. When they at last brush against the trailing, luminous ends of the aurora, a warmth so familiar it is almost painful washes through their body. They remember, suddenly, standing upon a ring of brilliant light with countless eyes trained upon them like a sea of candles. Heart hammering in their chest, shield heavy on their arm, they had lifted their head high under the weight of the metal resting there. They had felt proud beyond words, but also lonely in a way they couldn’t comprehend. For a fleeting instant they had glanced to the side, as if expecting to find something there. But there was nothing; only endless eyes upon eyes upon eyes.
⟡ From the Beginning of the End interval: Bosom Blossoms
Meeting Circe had been no different from meeting anyone for the first time, at the beginning. Yet the longer Ninny accompanies her on the aurora, the more something tugs at their memory. There is something oddly familiar about her. It’s in the way she walks, the inflection of her voice… and finally, the sight of her patting a dragon’s muzzle. Yes, they have seen this before - someone standing with that exact slant to her posture, pampering a dragon in this exact same way.
The realisation makes Ninny stand a little straighter, as if by reflex. An impulse to treat Circe with extra courtesy surfaces. She was a person worthy of respect, they are suddenly certain. Not only that, but to treat her with disrespect would surely have grave consequences. This should be a fearful thought, yet somehow Ninny feels calm in the face of it. Circe should be feared, yes… but not by them.