Event 20
War of Ancients
18 Oct - 1 Dec, 2018

Two pillars of unfathomable, unearthly energy twist the fabric of Alva around them. Already they have brought cataclysm - turning Cantor into a sea of fire and shattering the very earth of Reluir - and as they gather power they portend only more.
In the west, the burning column of light that is Aurea consolidates into a surreal figure that towers into the sky. The nights grow shorter until the sun no longer sets at all, parching the western lands with eternal day. In the east, the deep shadows of Atros coalesce as well. Endless night smothers the eastern lands, bringing relentless chill to even the desert sands. Vicious storms rage where their power meets over sea. The earth trembles, the seas roil and the air sings with unnatural energy.
But this is no time to rest or hide. Those who sought the revival of Aurea or Atros rejoice and gather to their risen god for the start of a purer world. Those who oppose must find a way to stop them using all the powers they can grasp - including, if they can, the still-dormant powers of Therras, Mareus and Iridus. And regardless of where they stand and what future they would see, strange things begin happening to people all over Alva as if part of the world’s changing.
With the return of the twin gods to Alva, so returns their ancient war - and the chaos that almost ended the world aeons ago.
The world tears apart as Aurea and Atros revive their ancient feud in Alva. This war must end at last, and swiftly - but whose side are you on and what do you seek?

Twisted World
All Alva

All over Alva the world and weather change in dramatic, terrifying ways. In the West and North continents, eternal day brings escalating heat. Autumn reverses back to summer warmth and keeps building into drought. Bodies of water begin to slowly dry up and plants wilt under the endless sun. In the East Continent, eternal night brings deepening cold. Nature slumbers and sickens in the darkness. A bitter early winter grips the colder regions while even Tusa and Estraude feel the bite of unnatural frost. On the seas of Alva, in a long north-south strip that crosses over the Citadel of Crowns, violent storms rage without remit.
Starting from the 19th Fire, mysterious changes begin to appear in the people of Alva. Light and dark elves are gripped by a constant, nagging urge to travel to their parent god. For the believers it’s a divine call to heed with excitement - and when they do they are blessed with amazing transformation. For others it’s something to fight - they suppress the feeling and seek guards against it. Even so, many find themselves sleepwalking or wandering towards the godly pillars when distracted. Smaller changes also wake in all people, changing elf features and stirring new senses in humans (God Favour version).
The supporters of Aurea and Atros have a clear path ahead - their gods have joined them in the mortal world, so all there is left is to help them bring a new, better world order to Alva. For them the consequences of eternal day and eternal night are but temporary trials and displays of the god’s power; once they win control, all will be corrected and a paradise will begin. Those who don’t believe in or want that have a harder future - but a way through does emerge from desperate cooperation for survival. The Kings of Miras join forces with the Emperor of Koben for what may be their last chance - reviving the power of the three who were said to have suppressed Aurea and Atros long ago. Together their nations search for Therras, Mareus and Iridus… and an unknown fire god that may or may not exist.
Aurea Quest

The battle for Aurea begins in the sea of fire where She stands. Her armies - the oathbound, the ascended and their weapons - are ready and gathered. The glorious rising they have long waited for is finally here. They feed her power, prayers and communion until She takes Her final form on the 4th Rains and stirs - first to turn towards the east where Atros lies, and then to move across the burning landscape towards him. On the 19th Rains She lifts her faithful in a golden aurora to ride with their Goddess through the sky. Within it there is no hunger or fatigue - and for some, no more separation at all. They will meet their enemy at the Citadel in five days, and there they will at last vanquish them from Alva.
Atros Quest

The battle for Atros begins in the ruins of Reluir where He stands. At first glance it seems he has no army to match Aurea’s - but this is not so. Countless ghostly bodies rise from the shattered ground and gather to Him as he takes His final form on the 4th Rains; some recognise among them the faces of those who died in recent disasters. It becomes coldly clear that the sacrifices over the past year have been to build His army of the dead. Inky shadows swirl around their heads for they too are blessed - not with the strength to destroy like Aurea’s soldiers, but with indestructibility. They gather together on the 16th Rains and, alongside His ascended and devotees, march with Him upon a deep mist of darkness. They too head towards the Citadel, where in but eight days they will finally bring justice upon Aurea’s menace.
Therras Quest
West Continent

The quest for Therras begins on the 15th Rains in underground Cantor. The discovery of lumena a week prior opens the doors to communication with above ground - Silvan possesses an heirloom lumena cage from his maternal family, the Alcheri or formerly the Alkeros. Relief spreads fast, as does the news and new knowledge from Telurea. Earth still separates them but there is something the undergrounders can do - there’s a chance that the Tree of Soloros, the last remnant of Tharoneos, may yet live inverted like other trees. As if to confirm this, Ley fawns begin to reappear from nowhere just as they begin the trek - led by the white thorn fawn from years ago, who now sprouts white roses on its antlers. Together they head to Soloros from the underground in search of a last connection to Therras. More≫
Mareus Quest
North Continent

The quest for Mareus begins on the 13th Rains in the ice of Valsk. Koben is sure that She is in the Thyre Glacier, as they have tapped her power to make a titan from research during the occupation. Tensions are high but so is the desperation - the north melts away in the heat and it cannot continue. King Silvan uses his new aurornis dragons from the Frigata to excavate, and enlists the help of both the Empire's Wissen scholars and East Miras' Arcanists to reach Mareus. They are sanctioned to come only under the guard of his forces, to protect both them and uneasy locals from each other. The Helvarg too watch carefully for any hint of betrayal. Anyone from the Kingdom, be it east or west, who would help in either task are invited to join the effort. In an alliance none thought possible just weeks ago, they dig into the ice to release Mareus. More≫
Iridus Quest
East Continent

The quest for Iridus begins on the 16th Rains at the border of Linhythe and Tusa. The Emperor and his scholars believe that She is somewhere here, in the skies along a stretch of coast surrounding Orgos. He calls upon all who can to bring their airships and flying mounts and help search for Her - he will bring in an Air Force fleet and the Wissens will lend out experimental airships to helpers. They are to look for any mysterious core of power in the air - be it a windstitch superstorm, a tear in the sky or something else entirely. He also brings enough military to protect them from the front there; he is sure that the Federation stole Whelcliffe for this power, and cannot let them take any more. The Tusars meanwhile are affronted when they hear of the search. They are sure that this must have been why Koben took Orgos centuries ago, and if there is a great power here then the worst hands it can fall into are the Empire’s. They too boost military defense and send in searchers with Estraude’s support. So the race begins to discover and claim Iridus. More≫
Quest for the Sixth

The quest for The Sixth, the supposedly lost fire god, begins on the 16th Rains in Song-Lu and Estraude. New information from Telurea suggests the existence of a fire god, and the most likely candidates seem to be their Huozai and Irana. In Song-Lu the Chancellor calls for aid to find the shards of Huozai, which lie in many shrines across the region. Some are easy and their keepers bring their shard in themselves, but many aren't. These are tucked deep in difficult terrain, their keepers are unaware, or they are lost entirely to memory. When brought together the shards fuse - supporting the belief that Huozai may come from the crystal made whole. In Estraude the news from Silvan brings attention to newly discovered Irana, and her tantalising connection to Hiresh. The Apostles call on citizens to help search the caves her symbol was found in. The aura there is strange, causing nausea and even death, so first they must find out how to safely reach is deepest parts - but once they do, crucial relics may be revealed. In both regions, they search for the pieces of the fire god in order to rediscover them.

Event Outcomes
The event outcome will depend on the success of each god quest, and what that means for Alva. The god quests will define for each god their:
Power - e.g. how strong Aurea/Atros are, how much power the other three can give
Abilities - e.g. what Aurea/Atros are capable of; whether the others stay dormant, help passively or rise themselves
Biases - e.g. what cause they support and how amenable they are to whom
Success will be determined by the number of entries and their content.

Event Participation
Event Art
Draw, write or in any way depict your character's involvement in one of the godly quests. Event entries with adequate content will receive a bonus 30 EXP and influence for the event outcome. Only main characters are eligible for the bonus EXP and influence.

Event Participation
Guest Art
Draw, write or in any way depict a scene from any god's quest, be it an environmental piece, a side character or someone else's character being involved in it. Entries with adequate content will receive influence for the event outcome towards that god. They will not receive bonus EXP. One guest entry can be submitted per god quest. (This is essentially a way to support a god without character location constraints, though you are welcome to do this for a god you are already supporting.)

Event Participation
Prompt Art
For characters who cannot be directly involved in the event, you can use this event as a prompt (e.g. reacting to the news from another city). Prompt submissions will get a bonus 10 EXP for the submission but will not count towards the event outcome.

Event Participation
Action Statement
If you don't have time to make an art piece, you can get 5 EXP by simply stating what your character is doing for the event via a post in the #event-board Discord channel. This applies to main characters only and there must be direct involvement with the events to get this. Side characters' involvement can be described to contribute to the event canon however no points will be given. If you go on to enter an art submission later, the EXP received for this will be replaced by the art submission points.
Special Role
Seth Karlsson
Heaven's Minstrel
As Seth joins the search in the skies of Linhythe, he brings with him a mysterious item found during his previous journeys for Iridus' child: a pearly ocarina with an ancient song inscribed upon it. While in the air, he plays the song experimentally - and from somewhere in the sky, he hears a soft voice sing back. The voice is sweet, surreal and echoes from almost all directions, but it leads him steadily upwards whenever he plays. A wind surrounds and lifts him, and in a vast area around the song, strange storms and luminous clouds gather. This voice and influence can only be Iryneia's, child of Iridus - who surely knows where the goddess sleeps.
Special Role
Sergei Farrouk
Thyre's Surveyor
Much of the Empire's research into Mareus' whereabouts had been lost when they were violently expelled from the north two years ago. Yet a crucial kernel of it survived - in the hands of Sergei, a scientist who once worked for the North Colony. He and a colleague had gathered the most important papers from their facility before it collapsed, and when his colleague didn't survive, Sergei was left with their key data about the Mareus project. Now working for the West Kingdom, Sergei reveals this trove of knowledge and is placed in charge of the Thyre Glacier excavation. Armed with the expertise of both Empire and Kingdom, he directs the release of the water goddess.
First Oriad Quest
Despite the dire situation of the world, Circe finds herself feeling energised by the new flurry of activity in Belport. In particular, seeing the newly discovered aurornis dragons roaming streets and working alongside people is somehow delightful. Her eyes are drawn to every detail on their glossy hides and shining feathers, and when they fly she recalls the thrilling rush of wind upon her face. If she could learn more about them, maybe even ride upon one, perhaps she could trace where this feeling comes from.
First Oriad Quest
Truest Tale
Of all the things people have taught him so far, one sticks in Oryad’s mind like nothing else - the story of Ēyren and her adventures. Along with the fascination, a seed of dissatisfaction lodges in the back of his mind - for some reason, he’s sure this is not how the story is supposed to be told. When word reaches him of mysterious caves and a fire god tied to one of Ēyren’s treasures, an idea takes root in him. Perhaps if he embarks on his own adventure to find her treasures, he can uncover the true story.
Special Role
Atticus Leland
Soul of Sentinels
Since descending Atticus has harboured a strange feeling, like the pulse of a second heartbeat in his head. It pulls him towards Soloros and draws the Ley fawns around him with unusual friendliness. Upon reaching Soloros and the old groves of Yvrien, the reason becomes clear. There, he witnesses Ley fawns being born from the trees... and a vine, identical to the parasite in his own body, returning them to trees again. His parasite has tied Atticus to the fawns. Their favour is because they see him as one of their own, and they were drawn to Telurea for him... just as he is drawn towards them and Soloros, where the remnants of Tharoneos lie. If he lets this feeling guide him, he can find the way to whatever is left of Therras' child - and thus the earth god Himself.
First Oriad Quest
End of the Aurora
As Aurea and Her people draw near on their path of aurora, something stirs in Ninny. It’s a longing itch, an inexplicable feeling that they should be there with Her. Why and how they don’t know. The impulse seems absurd with the terror of Aurea all around them… but it is no lie and there is one way to find out what it means. The shimmering trail of light arcs towards the Citadel of Crowns; if Ninny can join Aurea’s procession at its destination, perhaps they may find the answers.
First Oriad Quest
Origin (I)
A chill tells Atria that Atros and His army are passing nearby through the desert - and it fills her with nostalgia. The sensation feels somehow familiar, as if she has felt it many times before. Fragmented recollections stir of the place He has travelled from - grand stone towers, beautiful gardens, and a growing conviction that it was important. If Atria can trace the path back there, along the iced sand and lingering chill Atros’ army leaves behind, maybe she can find this mysterious place and why it matters so.

On the 24th Rains, mere hours before Aurea and Atros reached the Citadel, a deep tremor shook the entire west continent. The underground survivors gathered in Soloros were knocked down by a sudden, earth-shaking pulse. It left a beat of unearthly stillness in its wake, and then the dormant Tree of Soloros burst. New branches shot from its heart in all directions and soon swallowed its old corpse in a writhing braid. Any tree or plant it touched it absorbed in an instant. All through Cantor the ground shattered like glass, splitting the earth as far as the coast and as deep as Telurea. The mountains heaved and swelled high into the sky, sloughing great streams of broken rock. On and on they rose - until in their looming mass a monstrous figure began to take form.
Not long after, the tunnels within the Thyre glacier opened up into a bottomless cavern below, filled with impenetrable darkness and pressure. Fear struck that the quest to reach Mareus would end here, but something rippled in the depths. Unhuman limbs burst from the void, wider than tree trunks and glistening with kelp-like frills. They reached for the surface and, with the deafening shriek of splitting ice, the entire glacier tore apart. Ice shifted to water in a heartbeat, flooding Valsk and the Shearwater forest. Vapour billowed from the northernmost mines, rising into clouds that then poured down rain. Searchers were swept along, helpless in the violent tide - and then watched as a massive silhouette rose from the mist where the glacier used to be.
Atros’ towering figure was almost upon the Citadel when, in the Song-Lu Chancellor’s palace, the fusion of Huozai’s shards reached the size of a plum. Fiery light began to pulse within it and for miles around. Candles and torches flickered unnaturally to its rhythm. In the mountains of the Moonlit Crown, a deep rumbling grew in the earth. Recognising the signs, elders abruptly bid everyone in the peaks to flee, and moments later immense plumes of ash spilled from long-dormant volcanoes. Lava overflowed and poured down slopes, incinerating all in its path, and within its searing glow shapes moved - the shapes of something alive, awakening and angry.
At almost the same time, the most bizarre sight yet met searchers in the skies of Linhythe: a solid crystalline structure, larger than a house, hanging so high that the air was near impossible to breathe. More like it glittered brightly all around. As people investigated, a song reverberated from every direction, growing louder by the instant. Too swift for the eye to follow, too vast for one gaze to behold, something iridescent flashed from above. Every flying creature immediately turned and dove downwards, and seconds later a thunderous shockwave cracked the air. Airships buckled and the floating crystals shattered. As animals, ships and shimmering dust fell from the sky, powerful winds spiralled into a superstorm - brewing into a surreal shape.
Minutes before the twin gods met, deep within the caves of Irana, the few explorers who had managed to push far enough found their way into a mysterious locked room. Overwhelming, nauseating magic poured forth from it - and abruptly, all those in the caves passed out.
At last Aurea and Atros reached Their final battleground. The air crackled with power Alva hadn’t seen in aeons - and with but a moment of pause, it began. Their armies clamoured and charged, oathbound meeting undead, ascended meeting ascended. Day and night shredded each other into a chaotic twilight. From His back, Atros drew a long blade that Aurea had once buried there and lunged. His strike was the first to land - a ringing impact shook the entire world as the blade touched Aurea, and an immense burst of light and flame engulfed the twin gods. Fire consumed the whole western side of the Citadel’s lands and something searing bright slammed into the coast of Amedra, exploding land into dust and seas into steam.
A rending feeling jolts every person on Alva, like their lungs are bursting and their heart is stopping. The very fabric of the world screams, distorts and collapses.
Everything ceases. Then everything begins. The sky is frozen and on fire, and it is the Month of Arrival, 8295.
To be continued...
The months between Rains and Arrival (24th October to April) are entirely lost in-verse. To characters, it will be as if the time passed in an instant. The world around will have aged but all living creatures will not. The latter includes the gods and Their armies, so the war will still be as fresh and immediate as it was before the time distortion.
A news journal will be released soon about how the next part of this conclusion and events in general will be handled from now on! We have found that as we approach the climax, the story has become too complex to deliver as previously so we will be making adjustments. Stay tuned!