Teagan Riley


Basic Information
Teagan Riley
Birth Date:
16th Arrival, 8267 (Cervos the Stag)
Odd Jobs
The Birch Nest
Books - Silver Bells - Sweet Food - Spicy Food - Her Brother
Reserved | Thoughtful | Observant | Dutiful | Suspicious | Awkward | Insecure | Submissive
Teagan has a quiet and contemplative demeanor. Some might call her cold or distant, but her manner is one of insecurity born from her personal fear of abandonment. A pity, as beneath her armor lies a surprising wit and intelligence. Having endured a betrayal in her youth, she guards her inner thoughts and feelings fiercely with an outward stoicism. She regards people with a distrustful eye, even as she longs for a sense of real connection and belonging.
Teagan never mastered the nuances of social niceties, and as a result has difficulty interacting with others. She has little confidence in herself or her opinions, and won't often speak up, even if she does have something to say. She often comes across as rude. Despite this, she is efficient and goal-oriented, and reliable aside from her poor communication skills. Though not the most pleasant person to converse with, she seeks validation from others, and can be trusted to do troublesome tasks and menial labor with no complaint.
Born in Iadlain, Teagan spent her early life raised with loving care by her mother and father. Eager to please, young Teagan devoted herself to her studies, the very image of a softspoken, obedient child. Her family doted heavily on her, eagerly anticipating the day her magical abilities would surely manifest. As the years crawled past, it slowly became evident that day would never come. Their eldest child a magic-less disappointment, her parents soon lost interest in her, and set about producing a child that would meet their expectations.
Teagan found herself quite suddenly adrift, no longer with any aspirations or the support of her family to guide her. Desperate to win back their approval, Teagan tried everything she could think of to coax some magical talent into existence. Many years were wasted to folk remedies and bogus rituals before she finally accepted magic as a lost cause. Worse yet, her parents had since given birth to her younger brother and adopted her younger sister, gifted in healing and magecraft respectively.
Her shame now fully realized, Teagan sought to prove herself the only other way she knew how: with knowledge. If she could not properly learn magic, she would instead learn everything else she could about the Wispwoods surrounding their home.
She moved out of her parents' house at the age of 20 and found work anywhere that would take her, from washing dishes at the local pub, to part time library work, to hunting and gathering on the outskirts of the Wispwoods. Any spare moment she had she devoted to studies on the treacherous nature of the woods. In particular, non-magical protective measures against its many dangers.
Current Story
- Possession -
The quiet life that Teagan had been living was abrubtly shattered when Reluir unleashed its slowly simmering vengeance. A vicious clash of magics ensued, and with no way to contribute, Teagan was forced to flee. She searched for her family, hoping to find them unharmed (and hoping that they sought the same.) In the end, she found them whole, but she was outraged to discover that her parents had prioritized the safety of her sister Nessa, the magically gifted one, over her younger brother, Ennis. Unwilling to let him suffer the same neglect she once had, Teagan took Ennis into her home to care for him instead.
- Ambition -
Once more, the unsteady peace that they had cobbled together was dashed in the face of Reluir's aggression. With the looming threat of a headless behemoth spreading icy death across the land, Teagan was one of many who rushed to support the forces battling to suppress it.
- Unraveling -
Even after the figure had been quelled, all was not well. As the people of Iadlain struggled to return to normalcy, Teagan made ever more frequent trips to the many libraries across the city, seeking out answers to what had happened, and what would happen hence.
- Tale of Two Courts -
Additional Info
Her name is pronounced TAY-gun
Keeps her hair long as a precaution-- some of the beings lurking in the Wispwoods accept hair as an offering.
Makes silver charms and jewelry, and sells them in her spare time.
Has a massive sweet tooth, and loves spicy food. (Sometimes at the same time-- don't try her cooking.)
She is keenly observant, and tends to remember seemingly insignificant details about people (much to their discomfit).
Knows a dozen different ways to braid hair.
Not as expressionless as she seems, but her armor is strong™
Iadlish Heat Plushie: