Aoibhínneves Ó Ciardha

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Aoibhínneves Ó Ciardha
Aoibhín (ooc: Weedy)
4th Arrival, 8123
4'11 (150cm)
Dark Elf
Apothecary 'assistant'
The Birch Nest
Eggs, oatcakes, fire, chickens
textbooks, skepticism
Welcoming | Charitable | Free-spirited | Impulsive | Brash | Gullible | Short-sighted | Hypocritical
Quick to embrace others and their stories, Aoibhín's extroverted mindset leaves her sparse room for expecting ill will from strangers. She sees the best in others and adores aiding where she can, generous despite her impish demeanour. But conveniently devout, Aoibhín is no role model, not when she calls upon the gods' names to justify her own stances in great leaps of logic, nor when she hardly pays mind to looming consequences.
And while her audacious behaviour may attract some, often she simply alienates herself. No stranger to scepticism or dismissal, be it from her carriage – outspokenly pious, questionably respectable and unironically histrionic – or how her attentions are roaming and receptive to most anything that intrigues her, Aoibhínneves makes an uneven fit into societies that embrace a touch more convention.
Unsurprisingly, her supposed faith in others does not extend to all. While she implores for others to be their best persons, she wholeheartedly permits herself otherwise; wrong her or her company and her petty retaliations are often without foresight or remedy.
Prematurely born the baby-faced runt of the Ó Ciardhas in Iadlain, Aoibhínneves was slow to develop magically. With the pampered seat of least expectations, she took the inattention in stride, amusing herself in family potioneering and only dabbling with summoning by her late thirties.
But her place in community was little more than Resident Pest, as a visiting relative remarked. Both affronted yet possessing an inquisitive heart, Aoibhín somehow wound up at those Relan cousins', and eventually she joined the Relan church to seek fulfilment – in part to prove them wrong!
And so, although she could not heal away ills or people's pain, she still found purpose with the medicines she made, momentary reprieves that faith could not offer: drugs that extended past religious reasons and sensible quantities.
But by 92, after fifty years of devotion, Aoibhín impulsively abandoned her sisterly vows for unhindered brewing ventures. To no surprise, her new business flopped without fanfare, and her lacking correspondence over the decades did little to keep her in her Iadlish parents' thoughts meanwhile – to her resentment.
Three years later, sympathetic Relan farmers she'd befriended during church days took her in from her wandering. Still driven by ideals, Aoibhín enlisted some locals to start a humble clinic in the near town. Providing cheap medicines, 'recreationals' and home-brewed substances she lauded as her panaceas, her wares caused less trouble here compared to her time as a Sister, so she believed her methods justified. Anyone falling ill or dependent on her medicines was only meant to meet beloved Atros sooner.
Current Story
Focused more on farming and peddling for the seven decades after, the budding conflict on Relan soil dampened her enthusiastic charity in fear of misguided karma... all for naught. Losing several sisters to the queen's war and then her southern farming community to their frozen end months later, Aoibhín lamented how her deeds could incur such swift judgement, right after her yearly Goodwill and Repentance at St. Beitris' Feast, too!
Left with the scattered remnants of her Relan living, she moseyed to her cousins in disarray, only to wander into the long brewing dissent between them and Iadlish family currently in their hospitality. Never one to weigh costs, and with motive to leave in the form of an incensed sibling, her own excitable unhappiness, and others along the same path, Aoibhínneves looked to the far south.
Stars 8293
Fortune was finally hers for the new year. The southward trek in Stars 8293 through Wispwood brought their entourage safely to Iadlain, as her elder sister Caiside and their travelling companion Ponzi were long-time residents of the region. But settling back in with their father and sister at the family shop was an entirely new ordeal for Aoibhín.
With long-forgotten customs to relearn, societal differences she bumbled over and disastrous domestic habits to be groomed, she remained a test on the patience even here. After mishaps with the brewing and inventory– partly due to unfamiliar ingredients, plenty to do with her cheapened standards– Aoibhín's siblings placed her on the safer side of foraging duty and livestock tending, all of which she engaged with great vigour.
Come that summer, however, and of course Reluir's problems reached this far once more. Political issues hardly concerned her – she thought the Torcs' cause was Good and Just, whatever it was they sought – and whoever was Count of this or Count of that was none of her business! Only if they bought her potions would it matter! But forest monsters gobbling up her eggs (and nearly herself, that was an issue too) finally sprung her out of her stubborn eccentricities to cooperate with the more knowledgeable natives and healers of the town.
Moved™ by their wills to survive and the altruism bred from desperate communities, Aoibhín readily volunteered to assist the Birchbird healers to aid wherever she can.
Additional Info
Is that black nail polish or is it natural?
[ stash refs ]
Advanced Summoner [14/14] – Rampidash [B, Large, 8]; Goastly [C, Medium, 4]; Bifloof [D, Small, 2]
Despite her skewed religious attachment, she is open to other schools of thought with this ability to glimpse into different worlds.
Makes use of poison rings & ground ingredients (nails, hair, bones, etc.) to conduct portal spells. When searching for a new summon she employs grounded circles, critter sacrifices and cheesy b horror movie decor (entirely essential in her understanding)
Wears excessive bags and pocketed garments to carry paraphernalia around; sharper tools on chatelaine.
Has/had obvious glitterbog symptoms (glowing fingers & nails, lips) from handling and eating bioluminscent fungi and plants as her livelihood. Wore veils and gloves for visiting church and family, still does.
Per her Relan cousins' request, often used surname 'Dunn'
While friendly, as the years passed her ties to her cousins had been threaded more with long-suffering tolerance rather than affection. Her prancing about in distant farm fields and backroom dealings and disappointing religious takes ultimately did her impression few favours in their eyes.
At 129 by way of her farming competitor, she met a foreigner seeking her cousins' household. Careless of intention, Aoibhín escorted him to her cousins' but was promptly driven away from their affairs.
How dare they!!
Name is pronounced 'ee-ven-eevs' (but u can call her weedy. ty merio & co. for the nickname)
Currently often seen babysat by her older sister Caiside