Alvreise Luven

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Alvreise Luven
21st Seeds, 7856
Light Elf
Cardinal Sindelen
Delvan Church, Delvan Arches Courts
Slow-paced life, religious study, giving advice, bird-watching, comfortable socks, floral teas, pickled foods
Significant change, sarcasm (has trouble telling it from sincerity), loud music, citrus fruits, rushing around, bad faith
Peaceable | Endlessly generous | Enabler | Slow | Complacent | Spiritual | Lost touch with reality
Alvreise is a stalwart of peace, calm and a gentler approach to life. Every aspect of his manner exudes placidity - from his soothing manner of speech to his ponderous pace and general doddering vagueness. Ever hopeful that he might guide others to his pacifistic point of view, he is an excellent listener who takes even the most trivial worries seriously, always has time to hear one out and extends his hand to all regardless of their faults or position. He believes to the depths of his soul that people are good, that universal friendship is possible if only people set aside their differences, and that harmony is the true state of the world.
Yet as generous and loving as he is, his worldview leaves no room for the idea that people may truly lack empathy, or that conflict may be necessary. He has saved many who only needed support to turn around, and also enabled many others who used his goodwill to excuse themselves. His advice, which mostly revolves around the importance of love and forgiveness, has been illuminating to some and crippled others. His slowness to criticise has sometimes been saving grace and other times been the reason something was addressed too late. Perhaps the worst part is that his unyielding belief in cosmic goodness blinds him; for all his great empathy, he fails to acknowledge realities that conflict with his worldview.
A spiritual outlook bred from a churchly upbringing also makes him prone to superstition and magical thinking. He sees everything through a lens of godly design - reading signs, signals and causality where none exist, and failing to understand if things don't match his expectations. The comfort of 'knowing' that Aurea will take care of everything leaves him unfazed by hardship, but also passive and complacent - more likely to wait for life to give him fulfilment than to actively seek it out. And with the onset of senility, his mind has only grown more and more settled in his own imagination.
The third son of an old Vidame family, Alvreise was marked from birth to join an abbey the family had long ties to. He was an obedient child and accepted his role without hassle - even enjoying the monastic life and the navel-gazing religious studies. Things were nice this way; everything was safe and made sense.
Like many of the abbey children, he developed an interest in missionary work in his 50s and volunteered to venture into the human realms to spread the faith. And like many others, he wound up at Cantor Abbey - the easy choice. But unlike most others who came through, he found he liked the simple rural life and chose to stay. It was only when his parents began to press him on advancement that he committed any real thought to it. They wanted him to return to their Delvan abbey and rise within the church ranks. He however was quite happy where he was - though in respect to their wishes he put his name up for higher positions within Cantor Abbey. Luckily he was well-liked by the Abbot, so those positions fell into his lap - and before his mind caught up, the Abbot had grown old and he was chosen to take over. Though it wasn't their first preference, the Luven family took full advantage of their son's new status - and thus began a time of closer relations with Delverne. He governed without trouble for a while, not doing much wrong but ultimately not doing much at all, which was mostly fine to the farmers. It was enough that he was a nice guy who let them live their lives - or so he thought.
All that changed a mere two decades later. To his surprise, he heard the stirrings of civil unrest in western Cantor. He voiced some weak criticisms but, reluctant to engage in conflict, did nothing else about it. Year after year he trusted that peoples' inherent goodness would overcome the discord - until it arrived at his doorstep with a lynching of his own extended family. For two decades his family had been using their connection to him to buy up land and create an informal elvish domain in west Cantor. This was fine for the many elvish expatriots there, but the displaced human Cantish had become irate enough to take matters into their own hands. With the help of some forgotten records describing former kingdoms and their wars in Cantor, they had taken up arms - and were even reportedly looking for forbidden weapons of war from the evil kingdom which once stood here, Telurea. Now he had to act. Before it could escalate, he requested the help of the Templars and Mirian army to apprehend the insurgents. He had houses raided and anything remotely dangerous they found destroyed. He turned out all known book collections, including Cantor Abbey's own library, and began a campaign of book-burning to eradicate warlike ideas. But he was also shamed and dismayed that he'd let this happen in the first place - he immediately froze Delvan land ownership, and then stepped down. His family, who believed themselves the real victims, were furious about the implied blame and cut ties with him. His final decree, upheld by his successor and friend, was that nobody should speak of his reign or this time - and so it was duly forgotten with the passing of human generations. Instead he remained as a simple monk, just there in the background waiting for some kind of absolution.
By the time Karmenie became Abbess, he was known to most simply as the abbey grandfather - practically a piece of the furniture. Without intending to be, he was swept up by the force of her personality and even agreed to accept the post of Prior. It was new and refreshing after so many years in directionless repentence, and on the back of those feelings, he decided that maybe his absolution had arrived. She had all the brash sharpness he lacked, and he had all the patient wisdom she lacked. This was his sign, it had to be. He re-entered the public life of the abbey as Karmenie's aide and was at last exactly where he should be.
But all too soon, Karmenie's human years caught up to her and worry crept into his mind again. He didn't want to lose this arrangement and was reluctant to take over again as she wanted. Then came what he could only see as another heavenly sign - the arrival of Triss, a doppelganger of young Karmenie and the exact chance he wanted to redo his time with her. His conviction that she was a divine gift only strengthened as Triss began to work miracles and proclaim prophecies, disappeared into a mysterious fire and reappeared as a White Oracle. Though he kept his post as Prior in waiting for her, he came to believe that she was meant for something far bigger than Cantor. When Delverne began to move on Aurea's will, it felt only right take her there to Her true people.
His return to Delverne felt jarring after so long among humans, but he was welcomed as Triss' aide and ultimately satisfied as long as he could fulfil his destiny with her. When Dominus Salvai passed on the leadership of Delverne to her, she appointed him a Cardinal and he accepted to stay by her side as he had for Karmenie.
Current Story
Now more than ever he devotes his life to the care, guidance and protection of the one he truly believes to be a saviour sent by Aurea.
Additional Info
His family's activities in west Cantor had lasting effects. The demographics became far more elvish, and far more receptive to Delverne's desires. Though there was never much outright civil unrest, many opened their arms to Delverne's annexation of the region.
Though he's now a Cardinal, he still feels love for Cantor and regularly visits the western part that survived the fire. He tries his best to improve their lives as a way of making it up to them (in a very vague sense) and inspiring them to look beyond their immediate sorrow, towards Aurea's paradise on the other side of these hard times.
He has reunited with his family in Delverne - meaning his nieces and nephews, since his parents and siblings are now all deceased.
Alathiar Luven
Current head of the family, a nephew who he never met until his return with Triss. They have a cordial, even pleasant relationship but there's still some resentment passed down from their parents' and grandparents' generations.