Triss Feloria


Basic Information
Triss Feloria
Birth Date:
Unknown (birthday 25th Sun)
Light Elf (formerly Human)
Vagrant, Former Oracle of Delverne
Light Blossoming
Compliments, attention, gossip, having lackeys, expensive or exclusive gifts, cream, pillow towers, party games
Criticism, not being included, overthinking, long-winded ceremonies, red meat, heights, frogs and toads
Lively | Bold | Impulsive | Drama Queen | Frivolous | Inconsiderate | Unserious
Triss is a frivolous youth, with all its zest, easy confidence and thoughtlessness. She follows her impulses without regard to consequences - that is, neither fearing bad outcomes nor thinking to take responsibility when she inevitably causes problems. She rather delights, even, in being the problem and making others take responsibility for her. To her, freedom is what makes life worth living and in any case life is unpredictable - to overthink it is tiring, tedious and a waste of time.
As a friend or social acquaintance, she's cheerful, lively and overall charming company. She is always looking for fun and excitement. She laughs easily, flirts freely and doesn't dwell on negative feelings. Though she never means anything more than platonic by it, she doesn't lie about her affections; anyone who receives her attention can be sure she genuinely likes them. She loves to interfere with other peoples' business, out of both desire to help and compulsive nosiness; whether she's actually helpful or not is very hit or miss.
Vice versa, she doesn't hide when she dislikes someone. She loves compliments and transparently picks favourites based on how much validation people give her. Though she generally doesn't pay much mind to her unfavourites - preferring to ignore them rather than spare them any headspace - when antagonised she can become very mean and manipulative. With a strong desire to have the last word, she is susceptible to spiralling mud wars.
Triss began from unremarkable origins - the daughter of very ordinary farmers in a very ordinary part of west Cantor. Like most Cantish in the area, she was taught to hold Aurea close. She felt a particularly strong connection to the religion growing up, and so travelled to join Cantor Abbey with the blessing of her parents once she came of age. From there began her very remarkable life.
At first she didn't think much of it. The locals noted her resemblance to Abbess Karmenie from the moment she arrived, which was interesting but meant little to her. Given their age difference, she didn't see it herself and happily ignored the unease some clearly felt about it. Instead she just enjoyed the attention others lavished on her because of it, including the Prior Alvreise and the mayor. Then, slowly, the second sight came. It started with little things she attributed to luck and intuition - how the baking would turn out, where the abbey mouser had gone, what plants would thrive or struggle. It took off in full when she saved the mayor from a heart attack, and immediately after spoke prophetic words in a fugue. From then on, the people around her began to treat her like a glass vase - paying close attention but not daring to near. She grew isolated and restless but, not knowing what else to do, stayed at the Abbey through Karmenie's shock murder and the succession drama that followed. The second fugue came suddenly in a field, and it remained. The story from the farmer who saw it was that she stepped into a fire and disappeared; she herself knew nothing of it.
The next she knew, she was wandering rural Miras with no memory of who she was. At the time the authorities were on the lookout for White Oracles, and since she fit she was brought to the palace. As one of the older, braver and more gifted Oracles, she became a de-facto ringleader for the group of displaced children. She was happy there despite the restrictions - she now had friends around all the time and some purpose in an otherwise confusing life. She tried her best to be receptive to the visions as they earnt her love and praise. Visitors from the Abbey soon came as well, with stories of her previous identity. Alvreise was her most frequent visitor and again she grew close to him.
Times became tense as the prophecies dwindled and King Silvan's frustration deepened. Though she herself was still prophesying and so spared the worst of it, she couldn't help but notice the pressure building on the other Oracles. She did her best to cheer them up with distractions and shield them with excuses, with limited success. When civil war over the crown exploded, she fled with Alvreise to Delverne - trusting his promise that she would be safest and most valued among Aurea's true people.
Indeed she was treated with reverence in Delverne and indulged in every material desire. She missed the other Oracles and thought of them often, but felt in her soul that it was her destiny to be here. At least she still had Alvreise by her side. She continued to give her prophecies, this time for the light elves, and made a new life with new friends. With time she found a mentor in Dominus Salvai, who also bore the gift of Aurea's prophecies. From him, she came to know more of Aurea and the light elves... and Aurea's plan for them in Alva's ultimate salvation. The extraordinary things happening in the world made sense with his explanation and convinced her that they were true.
Over the months, Salvai became distant. Soon it became clear why - as if possessed by Aurea, he went out into Delverne and worked five miracles over five days. On the sixth, he came up to her. He took her into the deepest sanctum of Delverne's highest, oldest church and worked his final miracle. In a great column of light, he drew out the form of her soul and destiny to change her into one of Aurea's true heirs - a light elf. As he himself returned to Aurea in the light, he told her that she would work Her final six miracles. The visions and power would come; all she had to do was to trust.
She emerged from the church as Delverne's new leader - not as a Dominus, but as a now fully-fledged vessel for Aurea Herself. With the support of the Cardinals and her warden Alvreise, she waits for the divine hand to work through her.
Current Story
Everything about Triss as Oracle of Delverne was extraordinary. She presided over miracle after miracle, the likes of which they had never been seen before. The holy weapons, the Oathbound, the Ascended, and finally the long-awaited raising of Aurea - it truly seemed like she was the herald of Aurea's paradise... until the Heroes' Welcome Feast. Triss, who had disappeared on a trip just before it, returned on the fateful last day not as the beloved Oracle, but as her real self - a mysterious, impossibly powerful rogue agent who was simply using and playing with Delverne. Now that she has finished with her Oracle identity, she is loose in the world again moving under unknown motives. Who and even what she is... nobody knows.
Additional Info
Over the course of her transformations, her hair colour changed from strawberry blonde, to white, to pale gold. Her eye colour changed from purple to pale gold. It is said that this reflects the emergence of divinity within her - from human, to light elf-esque, to Aurea's image.
She herself is still young and nowhere near a paragon of spirituality. Her power as a leader is limited to her visions, during which she becomes much more mysterious and ancient-seeming. Mortal matters, such as domestic politics and general running of the state, are left to the Cardinals.