Diarmit ó Cuilinn

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Diarmit ó Cuilinn
25th Sun, 8261
180 cm | 5’11”
Dark Elf
Sandwiches | Hot pies | Sunny days | Cooking | Picture books | Crows | Chatting to strangers | Bargain bins | Clutter
White chocolate | Studying | Dense textbooks | Horses | Poltergeists | Cold weather | Empty or sterile rooms | Unlucky omens
Boisterous | Sociable | Warm | Unsophisticated | Trusting | Haphazard | Rash | Emotional | Cheeky | Transparent
Diarmit walks the blurry line between outgoing and rude. He is friendly, upbeat and open to approaching – or being approached by – just about anyone, but the irreverence of his manner quickly makes him come across as rowdy and impudent as well. To his credit, he usually means well and, even if he isn’t too good at acknowledging what exactly he did wrong, he is swift to backpedal for obvious missteps. He thrives in company, enjoys chatter and is loathe to be the one who brings the mood down, which in turn leads to a tendency to downplay or ignore his own negativity and flaws. While it's easy for him to trust people, even right off the bat, he finds it hard to let go of grudges once he's formed them. He is also a poor liar and more often than not wears his feelings on his sleeve, though he doesn’t completely realise this and will still, at times, attempt to act smooth or wriggle out of trouble.
He is volatile in the way that someone who is still working out who they are and what they want from life is. Outside influences affect and direct him, making him liable to get caught up in the moment or do things without thinking them through. His own emotions also throw him, thanks to a lack of introspection, and he can be swept up in high or low moods that he has no idea how to control. Pressed by so many factors, he has trouble looking at things in a level-headed way and is prone to misjudgement (whether by blowing problems out of proportion or underestimating them). Nevertheless, he wings his way through life as best he can and, little by little, learns.
Diarmit has lived, in his opinion, a very ordinary life. He was born and raised in Iadlain by his single mother, who hadn't been entirely prepared for a child at the time but was nevertheless, once it had happened, amenable to the idea. She carried on even after his father - a casual partner who she had never married - separated from her several months into the pregnancy.
With the help of a few friends, she brought her son up in a haphazard but workable way. Allowed a lot of freedom thanks to both his mother's leniency and irresponsibility, Diarmit grew into a bold child with few inhibitions and a knack for looking after himself. It was often left to neighbours and friends to teach him discretion, and his own trial and error to figure out the workings of the city, so from an early age he learnt to be comfortable with strangers and not mind making mistakes. The more capable he became at doing things by himself though - chores, errands, socialising, studying - the more distracted his mother grew with his upbringing, and by the time Diarmit was 15 she had fallen back into living the way she had before his birth. Although she kept up a minimum of support for them both, she went out, stayed out and began to date a dark elf from Reluir. It quickly became apparent that this life was the one that suited her: there was an ease and brightness to her that hadn't been there in the years when she had, sincerely but very much out of her depth, tried to raise her son. Diarmit's feelings were mixed (and perhaps more hurt than he cared to admit) as he gradually realised this, but ultimately he couldn't bring himself to fault her for finally being happy and free of him. The two continued their casual, friendly but increasingly different lives.
At age 17, Diarmit was informed by his mother that she had decided to marry the Relan elf, who she had been seeing consistently now. She planned to move to Reluir to be with him but Diarmit, with his life, connections and familiarity all deeply rooted in Iadlain, did not. They finally went their own separate ways. Diarmit was allowed to keep his mother's house in Iadlain and, completely independent now, he eased off his studies and took more work to support himself. He continued to visit his mother and her family in Reluir at regular intervals and correspond with her via letters and whisper tree, but the frequency of these gradually declined over the years. He wasn't sure if he minded - caught up in making the most of his ordinary life, filled with work, friends and summoning, things seemed pretty good. He was just another citizen at home in Iadlain, and he liked that just fine.
Current Story
War and divine disasters uprooted the peaceful routine of Diarmit's life, leaving him lost and frightened amidst a storm of constant change. He weathered each calamity with the simple self-preservation of any ordinary citizen - attempting to stay out of harm's way, not think too hard about the true extent of the destruction (especially not the fate of his mother's family), and cobble together some semblance of mundanity again. This tenuous normality finally, irreparably shattered when the rise of Atros left his hometown in ruins. No longer able to hope that things would eventually go back to normal if he waited them out, Diarmit joined Moriel in seeking the trinity gods to salvage the world.
Though he has always admired the boldness and initiative of his best friend, Diarmit has never quite grasped such qualities for himself. The terrifying ordeal of awakening Iridus - and almost losing Moriel in the process - has finally forced him to confront his own vast deficiencies in skill, courage and ambition. More fervently than he ever has for his entire life, he wishes he was someone who could support those he loves - and so, perhaps, now is the time for him to look to greater horizons and greater goals.
Additional Info
The golden tattoos on his arms span from the tips of his middle fingers to just above his elbows. They are used for summoning his favourite familiars.
An excellent cook, especially of savoury, baked dishes like casseroles and pasties.
Enjoys spicy and peppery foods. Rare spices and ingredients delight him.
Before Iadlain was overrun by monsters, he worked two part-time jobs. His main one was at a pub, where he was the runner and pupil of a bartender, and his secondary one was at a café, where he mostly made beverages. He often worked at very late or very early hours and covered other people's shifts, so his sleep schedule is a mess.
His study schedule is also a mess. He tries to keep up with his magical training since he does want to become good at it, but he's not the best at studying and is easily distracted by all the other things he'd like to squeeze into his day. He's taken a few shortcuts, such as his tattoo portal technique and spells with less safeguards than normal, in order to keep progress up.
He has a large collection of very simple protective charms sent to him by his mother. They're really kind of cheap – weak deterrents at best, unable to protect against anything actually dangerous – and were given to him mostly because they were convenient, easy-to-regularly-mail gifts. Diarmit keeps them all in a box and carries a different handful each day. He knows they're not worth very much but he's used to his mother's carelessness by now and they make nice toys for his familiars, at least. Sometimes he gives one to a passerby who looks like they need it more than he does.
Aillean Riada
(née ó Cuilinn) Mother. A naturally extroverted, skittish person who is better being looked after than looking after someone. She is happily married with a small daughter in Reluir, and her relationship with Diarmit, although not close, is friendly and fond. She has not been in touch with Diarmit since the Reluir-Iadlain war began.

Moriel Merilindes
Childhood friend and neighbour, and current g.. gir... girlfrieND who Diarmit spent much of his adolescence crushing on helplessly. He has always loved her sunshine-y nature and huge heart, and as she's grown, so too has his admiration for her courage, devotion and drive.

Daeris Merilindes
Childhood figure of fear authority and neighbour. Diarmit respects her immensely and has never quite broken his habit of treading lightly around her. He is delighted that she is here now though - with a returned husband, no less?! - after missing her terribly during her military conscription.

Maera Rahaleigh
Friend and sister figure - though whether this is older or younger sister varies. Diarmit got to know her after she became attached to the Merilindes' house. She's a fun little ball of spice and he swings between teasing and trying to look after her.