Lilian Panagakis

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Lilian Panagakis
2nd Fire, 8262 (Carta the Scroll)
Praxis of the Fintáni
The Fintáni
Books - Fairytales - History - Dust Bunnies - Puns
Cold Weather - Bright Lights - Alcohol
Quiet | Patient | Intelligent | Unflappable | Absentminded | Tactless
Earnest and intelligent, Lilian's passionate nature is not reflected at all in his stoic face and quiet speech. Endowed with childish curiosity, Lilian is driven to try and discover as many new things as possible. Because of this, he tends to be easily distractible, his train of thought following whatever novelty happens to cross his path. He accepts and embraces failures, filing away the experience as a lesson to be learned from. There is very little that can fluster or disturb him, be it a spider in his shirt, a bird shit on his head, or his island home sinking into the sea.
He is honest and observant and lacking in tact, often pointing out things that most others would politely ignore. Given his own temperament, he finds it hard at times to empathize with others' feelings. Despite this, he has a genuine fondness of people, and is an excellent listener. He does his best to remember his offences and not repeat them once he is aware.
A quiet child, Lilian was always more interested in books and stories than the world around him. Fantastical tales of pirates, dragons, and monsters seemed so much more exciting than his slowpaced lazy lifestyle on Nisalvini. Much was his surprise the day he discovered that some of these stories he considered fantasy were in fact things that had actually happened.
It was with a fervid passion and hunger that Lilian threw himself into reading, fascinated by the rich and varied history of the world. He gained a new appreciation for the people and places around him, and the many small stories and histories that surrounded him day by day. It was his dream to someday travel the world and see the sights he'd only ever read about before. To this end, he studied hard in the fields of magic and history, eager to learn all he could to become a full-fledged historian and traveler.
Lilian continued on to study history in college, and became a librarian soon after graduation. He was thankful now, to have been born on Nisalvini with its wealth of books and knowledge. In the years since his youth, he had come to realize that his weak constitution was ill-suited for travel and adventure. Consoled by his books, he remained an avid reader and skilled librarian.
For better or for worse, adventure came knocking to the idle land. As he remained on Nisalvini to assist in the outbreak of Ash Fever and the black thorns, he thought grimly that such incidents ought to remain firmly in the history books. Feeling the weight of the island's happenings, Lilian began a diligent record of all the events that began to transpire, for the sake of future generations.
Current Story
- World's Wrath -
Lilian remained on Nisalvini as the island sunk beneath the ocean waves, determined to see out what he feared would be the peoples' last moments in hopes that someday it would be discovered. Instead, he was witness to a miracle, as the island burst into life around them. In a bewildering turn of events, he was elevated to a position of leadership by his friend and former classmate, who had become the new Adjudicator of Nisalvini.
Currently, Lilian manages the Fintáni as they eke out their survival in clouded waters.
Additional Info
His portal spells are kept in his ear piercings.
Ghost(writer): grade B, Demon, Medium. A demon with a telepathic connection to his thoughts; it writes down Lilian's every thought for more efficient research and notetaking. He must concentrate very carefully when using Ghost, lest it write down the latest earwormy song lyrics or his idle thoughts on lunch.
Envoi: grade D, Demon, Small. A flying eye with its mouth in its pupil. It can relay information back to its siblings and convey messages from Lilian. At the moment he can summon 3 at a time. Any message they trasmit is pitched either hilariously deep or extremely squeaky.
He gets cold very easily.
A peripheral healer class, he rarely falls ill, but is physically weak.
He began learning magic in preparation for grand adventures and distant travels. That didn't come to be, but he still kept up with it.
Is quite far-sighted, to his dismay. Break his reading glasses, break his heart.