Helena Apostolos


Basic Information
Helena Apostolos
Birth Date:
8th Flowers, 8259 (Brenthos the Albatross)
Adjudicator of Nisalvini
The Fintáni
Wine - Perfume - Silk
Astute | Fastidious | Pragmatic | Mild-mannered | Unyielding | Vindictive
A composed countenance and gentle manner belie the strength of Helena's tenacity. Insightful and observant, she is a patient and careful thinker, preferring to consider every possible outcome before coming to a decision. Because of this, she is bad at improvising and easily becomes flustered during time-sensitive situations.
Her soft-spoken tendencies are in stark contrast to her strong opinions, and she is known to deliver devastating criticism with the most serene mien. Though open and willing to engage in healthy discussion, she is fiercely obstinate once she has made up her mind. While generally a tolerant person, her spite is vicious once that threshold has been crossed.
She is precise, meticulous, and confident. While these traits have served her well in her research and fields of academia, Helena struggles with the delicacy and flexibility required of her as the Adjudicator. She is slowly learning how to compromise.
Helena's childhood was not particularly eventful. Born on the balmy isle of Nisalvini, the slow-paced lifestyle of the island nation defined her youth as one of relative ease and idyll. With both parents gifted with shamanistic healing, Helena began to learn the craft herself from a young age. Something of a tomboy as a child, she spent her days studying and traipsing through the shining plant life around her home. Given her naturally inquisitive mind and being surrounded by the fantastic fauna typical of the area, her becoming a botanist was only a matter of course.
After proving to be a gifted healer with a clever mind, her parents sent her overseas to Miras to give her the best education that they could provide. That didn't last long, as Helena's headstrong ways and biting wit drove her to clash with similarly willful classmates on numerous occasions. She returned to Nisalvini after only a semester. There, able to debate with others of a more malleable mindset (and learning in the process to temper her attitude, or at least hide it behind a smile), Helena was able to flourish and graduated with shining accolades. Very soon after, she moved on to a full-fledged research position at a reputable institition.
What set her apart from her more easygoing colleagues was her pernacity, nearing obsession, when it came to her work. Thanks to her exhaustive research and subsequent findings, she enjoyed an amount of influence among the scholastic community. Helena frequently offered lectures and workshops at colleges and libraries across the island, even drawing the attention of the Adjudicator, Sofia.
Such peaceful times were not meant to last forever. As a slew of unusual occurences began sweeping across Nisalvini, Helena proved her mettle time and again. Already a respected botanist, she gained further renown for her support during the black thorn outbreak, helping to push back the encroaching pestilence and help those succumbed to the ash fever. In the wake of the virether spike following the death of the Ley Elk, she plunged headfirst into the frantic research and debate gripping the island.
Current Story
- World's Wrath -
The tumult surrounding Nisalvini came to a head as the island suffered one last catastrophe, and began to descend beneath the sea. With authority fueled by a pressing urgency and aided by prior rapport with the citizens, Helena organized a hasty evacuation of the libraries and academies she could reach. When the time came, she remained behind, protecting those who could not escape.
Currently, Helena has been handed the reins of Nisalvini's new and uncertain future. Though unprepared for the gravity of such a role, she is determined, as she always was, to keep the people of her beloved city safe.
Additional Info
A renowned botanist in her own right, Helena currently helms the research team studying the aquatic flora that has emerged.
Has an affinity to both virether and cymether, though her abilities lie more strongly with virether.
She loves wine, and has a formidable alcohol tolerance.
She is especially fond of perfume, and will rotate different scents depending on the weather, season, time of day, or her whimsy.
Originally bisexual, she has since sworn off men after a particularly unpleasant relationship in her youth.