Marischal Maxwell

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Marischal Maxwell
Mar, Mister Marbles
18th Frost, 8173 (Salecus the Hippocamp)
5'10 (177cm)
Dark Elf
Alchemist / Shopkeeper
Diligent | Loyal | Short-tempered | Inflexible
A hot-headed and prideful elf in his adolescence, Mar has since mellowed out as the years have passed. He is a stickler for protocol and earnest to a fault, and fiercely loyal to those he considers friends and family. Still, despite his general composure, he remains quick to anger and is easily irritable. He tends to be much calmer around his adoptive daughter, if not overwhelmingly overprotective. While he tries to be a good role model (and usually is), he has an immature streak and won't hesitate to engage in juvenile banter when prompted.
He has a tendency for profanity, leading to his daughter picking up bad words (much to his chagrin).
Youth: 1-25
Diligent and straightlaced even as a youth, Mar's only ambition was to serve his country as best as he could. Even during peacetime, he considered the Relan knights to be a noble cause and something to strive for; dedicating your life to the protection of your home and country. Through hard work and devotion, Mar was able to become a squire at a relatively young age.
Squire and Knighthood: 25-40
Mar was a brilliant squire; an excellent marksman, respectful with his superiors, and amiable with his fellow trainees. Unfortunately, fate had different plans for him-- Soon before he might have become formally knighted, Mar was involved in an accident that nearly blinded him in one eye. Now considered disabled, Mar was honorably discharged after 15 years.
Post-Knighthood: 40-42
After being released from his longtime aspiration of knighthood, Mar fell into a period of anger and resentment, and spent the next couple years of his life in a relative standstill. It wasn't until his friend Cetlyia came to knock some sense into him that he finally began to consider what to do with the many years ahead of him. After being harassed by Celt for several months, he eventually decided to use his knowledge of guns and gun maintenance to become a full fledged alchemist.
Apprenticeship: 43-65
Having found a tentative direction in life, Mar went to meet an alchemist named Lindsay, who had connections to the knights, and asked to be put under his tutelage. The man was, to his surprise, much more willing than he ever would have expected, and he spent several years under his wing. They remained close friends even after the completion of his apprenticeship.
Alchemist/Shopkeep: 65-115
After more than two decades learning the alchemy trade from Lindsay, Mar finally branched off to start his own shop. It was a humble place on the outskirts of a town, but he was determined to make it work. Though he had a rough start (particularly in the ways of customer service), with diligence and perseverance, he was able to befriend the townsfolk and make a reputable name for himself. Lindsay offered a great deal of help, offering advice and referrals in his early years.
Domestic Life: 115-present
Several years later, Mar received word that his mentor had passed on without warning, leaving behind a young daughter, then 7 years old. With no other family willing or able to take care of the orphaned child, Mar brought Alison (fondly referred to as Lissa) into his home, and was thrust quite abruptly into the role of surrogate father. Though admittedly unprepared for the responsibility of caring for another, he quickly came to love Lissa as his own (and promptly began to spoil her rotten). Anyone who knows Mar from his earlier years would likely be surprised (or shocked--) by how paternal and domestic he'd now become. But with a daughter as cute as Lissa, how could you not devote all your love and attention towards her...
Current Story
- Saint Beitris' Feast
- Bells and Blossoms
- Possession
- Ambition
Additional Info
Nearly blind in left eye; has crescent shaped scars above and below. Uses a monocle/magnifying glass during alchemy work.
Still a decent shot with a rifle despite his injury.
Has three piercings in his left ear (two lobe and one tragus) and two in his right (one lobe and one tragus).
Marischal is pronounced "Marshall".