Alison Mac Dhuibhinse

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Alison Mac Dhuibhinse
30th Sun, 8281 (Venator the Huntsman)
~4'11 (150cm)?
Dark Elf
Cutest sheepy bebi
Enthusiastic | Adventurous | Curious | Impulsive | Headstrong | Spoiled
Though burdened by the loss of her parents at an early age, Lissa remains a charming and energetic girl. Fortunate enough to have been raised with love and care, she sees only the best in people and finds wonder and excitement in everything she does. Perhaps a less fortunate result of her overindulgent upbringing is her tendency towards sulking and pouting when she doesn't get her way.
Naturally curious, she frequently wanders off without supervision to explore, much to the chagrin of her papa-not-papa. Despite her good intentions, she does not often think things through, and frequently finds herself into all sorts of trouble on a regular basis. Including but not limited to: exploding food in the kitchen, setting hems of cloaks on fire, releasing spiders in the house, and climbing trees and subsequently falling out of them.
Born out of wedlock to a pair of dark elves, Lissa grew up without a mother, but was loved unconditionally by her father. Raised in a single parent household, she was nevertheless spoiled rotten and never knew of hardships. Her father, an alchemist, did his best to care for her on his own, and taught her of plant life and alchemy from an early age. Much of it went over young Lissa's head, as she was more interested in bugs than the plants, but he made a respectable attempt.
Lissa's adventurous ways indirectly caused the incident that resulted in her father's death. Due to the stress and fatigue from raising his daughter alone, her father lost control of his familiars and passed away in an alchemical accident. At the time, Lissa was seven years old. Due to the scandalous nature of her birth, her living relatives hesitated to step forward to care for her, save for her father's student, Marischal.
She currently lives with Mar in his alchemy shop in a remote area, surrounded by trees and wildlife. Though initially shy and frightened by the change, she soon grew to love Mar like another father, though she still misses her own papa from time to time.
Current Story
Additional Info
Starting that babby fire magic (sets people and things aflame)
Loves bugs
- Lindsay Mac Dhuibhinse: Her fluffy sheepy papa. He ded.
- Marischal Maxwell: Her less-sheepy papa-not-papa.
- Iarlaith O'Ciardha: Mister Stitches the coolest uncle-not-uncle.
- Esme Ó Súileabháin: Like a big brother!
- Celtyia Rebane: Bestest auntiesis.
- Rehmir: Cool ninja friend.