Rivas Roane

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Rivas Roane
18th Harvest, 8263
5'5" (165cm)
Prioress of Cantor Abbey
Gardening, being surrounded by friends, mulled wine, children and the elderly, folk dance, redemption stories, familiar things
Confrontations, being alone, dwelling on the unpleasant, creepy familiars, big machinery, snakes, meat (she is vegetarian)
Loving | Gentle | Intuitive | Wishy-washy | Timorous | Sensitive | Dependent
Easy with compliments, kindness and encouragement, Rivas is very much a carer and people person. She takes great pleasure in giving small gestures of love - gifts, assistance, visits, and so on. Her memory and intuition for people and their character is terrific; she often surprises by how many people she 'knows' and has a gentle but fair opinion on. Even so, she is committed to the idea of mercy and uplifting the weak, and tries to see the best in everyone. She is the consummate peacemaker - generous with sympathy, deft at softening tensions, and deeply invested in others' happiness.
Her focus on others leaves her reliant on them in many regards however. She is easily affected by the moods and opinions of those around her. Big decisions are slow and difficult for her, as she needs the approval of far too many people before she feels she can decide anything. Her compulsion to please everyone is strong and leads her to fuss and vacillate. She tends to feel helpless without moral support and, while she expresses herself willingly, her habit is to follow the crowd or let stronger opinions overshadow her own.
Above all, Rivas values comfort, safety and harmony. She thus heavily favous the path of least change or resistance. Although she's a great calming influence and a reliable, supportive shoulder to cry on, she shies away from unpleasant experiences like facing fear and intiating confrontation. Often she enables avoidance and letting things slide when she really shouldn't.
Rivas is in many ways a true child of Cantor Abbey. She arrived on the church doorstep as another 'infant in a basket' and become one of the abandoned children raised there. It was a simple but safe life, steeped in spirituality and timed to the church bells. The monks never hid that they were orphans - so while they assured them the abbey was their home and family, the question of belonging never went away. For some this meant melancholy or frustration. For Rivas this meant a desire to do good deeds like her seniors early, to feel worthy and one of them. She eagerly shadowed monks and canons about town, and became known as a helpful, caring girl.
It wasn't until the parents of one of her friends came to the abbey for a tearful reunion that they all began to openly wonder after their own. Some of her friends left seeking their real family, others stayed. Sometimes someone who left would come back with a story of disappointment. Sometimes they'd never come back at all, and all they could do was hope that meant their friend was happy. For Rivas who wanted nothing more than the companionship of the people already in her life, the slow dissolution of her little circle was something to fear. Her own turn came without her own bidding when an innkeeper brought suprising news - of a Mirian couple staying the night with a daughter uncannily like her... but by then she'd already decided that her real family was with the abbey. These strangers, even if they accepted her, were no longer her family. They'd decided that when they left her. Still the innkeeper insisted on giving her a folded slip with their names... and though she never opened it, she kept it.
It was natural then that while others scattered into jobs and lives outside, Rivas stayed to take her vows. Time went on and her horizons expanded bit by bit. A senior monk noticed her green thumb and taught her the shaman's craft. She began travelling as a canon, with the encouragement of an abbey father who wanted her to overcome her fears. She found it alright actually and became popular, even, for her caring and her way with nature. Her memory for and understanding of people let her smooth out many tiffs that came by her ear. By the time she hit adulthood, she had acquired soft influence, a glowing reputation and the deep belonging she'd always sought - but like all good things, her slow and comfortable way of life could not last.
First came the shock of Abbess Karmenie's murder - and with her death, the sense that Cantor's was safe in its rural bubble broke. Then came the burden of power. Though she was spared of the Abbacy itself to her relief, she found herself carrying more and more responsibility - as a trusted advisor, then as a stand-in for the Abbot, and now as Prioress. And while she keeps a brave face and cheerful manner, she nurses an unspoken feeling that she doesn't belong in her position, that she shouldn't really be in charge of anything.
Current Story
Her willingness to believe in herself grew slowly over the many times she acted as stand-in for the Abbot's sometimes long unexpected absences. However after the destruction of Cantor and the rollercoaster through Telurea and Delverne, she is left again with a feeling of being completely out of her depth. Things have changed too fast and too dramatically and she retreats into her shell again in the face of it.
Additional Info
Very popular among the Cantish. Older people in particular tend to dote on her a fair bit - sometimes to the point of getting unreasonably protective.
As a Shaman, her main skills are herbal medicines and soothing pain. She is a avid gardener and most of the Abbey is covered with her gardening projects - the majority of which are her experiments in breeding either better herbal remedies or rare plants. Most often when she's called out for healing, it's for attending births and therapy. She has become a pretty good midwife.
She loves the church bells and the many little ceremonies of monastic life. They give her comfort with their communal nature, repetition and the sense of ascending to another place.
She lost the slip with her potential parents' names in the destruction of Cantor. Now that it's gone forever, she's not sure whether she feels relieved of the question or regretful that she never had the courage to see the answer.
Javed Datuvahaya
A close friend and plant nerd buddy - until she found out he was a half dark elf, not a half wood elf as she had assumed. She is still deeply troubled by the conflict between her religious piety, which tells her he must be a dangerous heathen for his heritage, and how much she liked him, which makes her feel terrible for casting him away.
Luke Dearie
Another close friend and gardening buddy. They took lessons at the abbey school together as teens and have remained good friends since. She takes great comfort in his company, and has an insistent belief that he's capable of great things.