Sunan Navarre

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Sunan Navarre
19th Mirrors, 8056
163 cm | 5’4”
Wood Elf
Adamas of the Royal Guard
Miras Royal Court
Wood Blossoming
Figs | Gymnastics | Loud music | Responsible people | Having goals and tasks | Bright colours | Open-mindedness | Gossip | Street festivals | Novelties | The scent of sandalwood
Boiled eggs | Cold weather | Aimlessness | Hot air and posturing | Cooking | Mathematics | Reading long texts | Fickleness | Solitude | People who don't listen to children
Driven | Strong-willed | Loyal | Audacious | Reckless | Indelicate | Honourable | Unsophisticated | Relentless | Irreverent
Rebellious by nature but disciplined by will, Sunan gives off an aura of both steely self-control and barely-suppressed temper. While they can truthfully contain themselves and usually act in a calm manner, there is an intensity about them that indicates they are still more of a coiled spring than a relaxed one. To those who aren't used to them, they often seem aggressive or intimidating - the sort to bite your head off at a moment's notice - and this is only exacerbated by their brusque way of socialising and general reluctance to show gentler emotions. To those who know them better though, their sense of honour and devotion far outshines their coarse exterior. They are whole-hearted, reliable and unwavering in their commitments - be it to people or principles - and while it is true that they have a fierce temper, they rarely succumb to it nowadays and are more likely to end up wry and exasperated than angry.
Their outwards demeanour is a clashing mix of level-headed, prickly, professional and crude. This conflict comes from the fact that the person Sunan now chooses to be is very different from the one they grew up as. These days, they make a deliberate effort to act sensibly, responsibly and respectfully - that is, in a manner befitting a Royal Guard - and for the most part achieve this. In moments of pure reflex or candour, however, they slip back into the frustration and recklessness of their youth. Ill-bred habits pepper their otherwise businesslike behaviour in many small ways, such as the way they speak - disparaging language is second nature to them - and there is a boldness to their actions that still reflects an innate disregard of consequences and judgement.
If there is a single aspect that defines Sunan, it is probably their wilfulness. This is what allows them to commit so strongly to goals and people, to push through challenges with great endurance, and to take on fights they can't win. Refusing to be confined by their own limits but inevitably subject to them, they tend to overestimate their capabilities and bite off more than they can chew. Yet sometimes, outrageous determination has yielded impossible-seeming rewards - so they continue to believe, despite better sense, that where there is a will, there must be a way.
The first few years of Sunan's life were spent peacefully in Estraude, where they all lived with their father's large extended family. Their parents eventually split, however, when they were still a child, and their mother took them and their older sister to Belport. There, they lived much more sparsely while their mother pursued dreams of being a performer with increasing single-mindedness.
Sunan's sister, Sukhon, took up work as an accountant the moment she was old enough and became the family's primary support. Sunan, who had never done well academically, became a server at a local tavern instead and did their best to supplement their income. Although both siblings worked hard, their mother's irresponsible spending made it a struggle to get by, and this only worsened with the years. On some advice from their workmates, Sunan found an extra job in the red light district to take some pressure off Sukhon, only to be met with her disgust upon finding out. Stung, Sunan started to distance themselves from her while continuing for the sake of the money.
Without their sister's softening influence, Sunan's resentment and intolerance towards their mother grew sharply. After realising one day that she had always criticised their performing art hobbies because she was insecure about Sunan becoming better than her, Sunan spitefully auditioned for a role she wanted and ousted her from it. This sparked a huge fight between them, in which Sunan was ultimately thrown out of the house. Consumed with bitterness towards their family, Sunan bypassed Sukhon's efforts to look for them and ran away from Belport entirely.
They took the first ship out and ended up in Amedra. With very little on them, it only took a few days for them to fall into the sketchier parts of the city to survive. Their unbridled anger lent them a savagery and, after seeing them break someone's face with a chair, a local gang picked them up casually. Sunan learned names, places, quick ways to cheat money and easy ways to never feel sober. Their first gang didn't last long so they jumped ship to a different one, then another, and another, as endless cycles of petty drama and back-stabbing destroyed each one. They stopped thinking too hard about life and lived purely on fleeting gratifications and whims.
Sunan grew into a fairly fearsome brawler but was still no match for the larger and more organised gang that their friends eventually crossed. Instead of being beaten and locked up with the others though, they were offered a place in that gang, where they would be groomed into a proper lackey fighter. Ever ready to take the easy way out, Sunan accepted. They were treated surprisingly well in this new gang and for a time things went smoothly, but they ended up falling into an ill-considered affair with the boss's wife. The boss was, naturally, livid when he found out, and Sunan fled before he could kill them.
They left Amedra on foot, travelling through the countryside with no aim except to get away from their old boss. They tried to keep a low profile but resorted to theft to get by and were eventually caught by a military patrol. On the way back to Miras city, the patrol was called out for an emergency mission nearby and Sunan was left at small church of Therras until they got back. The head priest, Isko, was a former soldier and old friend of the patrol leader's, and he easily contained Sunan's attempts to escape. While brooding after their last failure, Sunan came across the Estran rope course that Isko used to stay fit and, remembering how they used to play on this kind of thing as a child, they tried it out. They weren't very good but Isko noticed and ended up showing them how to do it. Sunan became absorbed in this activity over the next few days - unconsciously because it recaptured the happier days of their childhood and was soothing. When the patrol returned, Isko asked his friend to let Sunan stay at the church and she conceded, on the condition that she would check on them regularly.
It was here that Sunan finally relearned how it felt to genuinely like something, and that it was alright - pleasant, even - to care again. They mastered the rope course and, grudgingly and gradually, took up the peaceful routine of church life as well. Isko taught them basic housekeeping, better habits and his own martial arts technique. Sunan learned steadily and slowly began to realise that they maybe weren't, in fact, such a complete disaster. They were capable of living a decent life.
As they grew more comfortable, they started to get restless, looking for purpose of some sort. The patrol leader, who still visited regularly, suggested they join the military, so they did - and against their own expectations, Sunan flourished there. Life as a soldier had the right amount of simplicity, challenge and stability that Sunan needed, and their excess of willpower was finally channelled somewhere productive. They found comrades who wouldn't abandon them and became more good-humoured and well-socialised. Sunan served in the Legion for many years before their diligence got them promoted to a Royal Guard. There, they gained the notice and favour of King Leon, and ascended to the highest rank of Adamas about 50 years ago.
Current Story
The recent political upheaval in the Kingdom saw Sunan instigate a coup against King Silvan, during which they were captured but not killed. Their frank confrontation with Silvan later left him undecided about what to do with them and Sunan was kept secretly imprisoned for months. An extremely daring mission by the Arcanists eventually broke them out and they were spirited away to Estraude to wait out Silvan's fury and searches. Now, as Alva seems to draw towards its end, Sunan has returned to the East Kingdom to once again protect what they can.
Additional Info
Isko gave Sunan his surname when they joined the military, to cover up their criminal background. Leon easily found out the truth later but, after cornering Sunan into spilling their story, he simply legalised it properly.
Recounting their past to Leon finally pushed Sunan into finding out what happened to their family too:
Their mother and sister fell severely into debt. Sukhon hanged herself while their mother did prison labour for many years before she was freed. Sunan found her living in the Belport countryside as a dye-maker but it was a brief, ugly reunion - she still blames and resents Sunan for a lot.
Their father re-married and lives respectably in Estraude. He is a normal enough person but too caught up in appearances - he dusted his hands completely of his first marriage after it failed, never once checking on his children, and he was averse to meeting Sunan again until he learned they were a Royal Guard. After that, he became welcoming and Sunan lost all interest in him. They can't exactly fault his lifestyle but they can't stomach it either.
An Estran friend embroidered Sunan's current civilian clothes with peonies, for good luck.
The style of martial arts Sunan uses is known as Five Robes of the Iron Salmon. It is primarily a bare-handed technique that focuses on hardening the body and using it directly as weapons and shields. The branching scars on Sunan's forearms and shins are a characteristic result of training in it, since it stresses the skin so much that it fissures it. (Those who master the style carefully can end up with neater, criss-crossing scars, likened to fish scales. Needless to say, Sunan wasn't careful.)
The scar on their face was from fire, the one on their upper arm from a blunt blade, and the ones in their ear from stupidity.
Sunan's aesthetic tastes are super trashy and they are very aware of this, so they tend to pick plain things to compensate.