Event 17
11 Oct - 18 Nov, 2017

While Alva’s lands weather magical disasters, chaos has been brewing in the hearts of its people. In the month of Rains, it finally ruptures: in Miras, a rebellion against King Silvan’s militant rule, sparked by students at the Academy of the Arcane and then supported by Prince Vinicio himself, sweeps the streets and divides the palace. Civilians, soldiers and nobles alike take their sides and, swiftly but violently, the Kingdom is sundered into two.
As Prince Vinicio’s smaller faction struggles for survival, it seeks alliance with the Koben Empire - only for another treasonous act to wrench the east continent. Amidst the final celebrations of Regenfest, Crown Prince Sigmund is kidnapped. The mysterious criminals behind it claim it as an act of the Kingdom’s Agate Alliance but the Alliance vehemently denies this, and something seems amiss. Whatever the truth is, the Empire must get their only remaining prince back.
Long-hidden intentions and intrigues are bubbling to the surface. What is the truth, who can be trusted? What is right and what is wrong? There are no answers yet, but one thing is clear: the borders, identities and safety of both the Kingdom and Empire are shattering, and things will never be the same again.
The Miras Kingdom has been torn into two, the Crown Prince of Koben is missing and an alliance between the two enemy nations is suddenly a very real possibility. What will you do to steer these pivotal changes

The Academy
Part 1

It started months ago, after the disappearance of a professor who spoke out against the use of cinden dragons. Although they were hushed for their own safety, the Academy of the Arcane has stewed in the knowledge that the palace was likely behind this, and that there was a constant threat hovering over their heads. Funding cuts, rumours of researchers being forced to aid the military and then a few more suspicious disappearances brought the discontent to a boiling point, and on the 5th Rains, the last straw falls. Following the whirlspouts, a noticeable number of Academy personnel vanished. The palace proclaims them traitors who defected to the Empire and a military squad descends on the Academy to raid their offices and arrest remaining associates. Seeing this, the anger in the student body finally explodes. They attack and overwhelm the soldiers with sheer numbers and surprise, throwing them out and barricading the campus. As the palace hesitates to attack their own civilians, a strange siege unfolds.
East Miras Kingdom
Part 2

On the third day of the siege, strange news comes from the palace. A White Oracle prophesied the King striking down the Academy and several other figures before she dissolved in a pillar of flame. An order is thus given to bring the Academy forcibly to heel, but Prince Vinicio speaks up suddenly. He claims the prophecy is a lie by Silvan because the Oracles have had no visions since Delverne’s declaration of war. He follows this with an even more shocking accusation: Silvan’s very kingship is a lie and their father, King Giovan, wished for Vinicio to succeed. These words, true or not, spark a violent conflict within the palace. Incensed, Silvan commands the death of his treasonous brother and all his supporters. Vinicio is forced to flee but a sizeable chunk of the military goes with him, protecting him and his daughter Marise. They sweep in quickly to the Academy to offer them escape, and then together Vinicio’s small army runs east towards Amedra, where the Duchess has declared her support of the younger prince as well. The Kingdom thus splits into two - Silvan in the west and Vinicio in the east, each claiming to be the true king of Miras.
The East Miras Kingdom is undoubtedly the smaller and weaker of the two, however, so an alliance is quickly sought with the only plausible nation: the Koben Empire. Using her contacts in Song-Lu, the Duchess brings the Chancellor and Emperor an offer of their Armada, information and Empire prisoners of war in exchange for protection.
Part 3

Koben’s court is deeply split on the offer. Some are hopeful that it will end a tired war front in dangerous times, while others are suspicious or too deeply bitter to consider it. The Emperor himself is surprisingly amenable to the offer, and as he moves quickly towards accepting it - too quickly with too little input in the view of many nobles - the uproar in court escalates. Foremost among those against the alliance is the Marquess of Alden, who stresses how unwise it is to trust an old enemy who has trampled them so many times. Fears and discontentment gather momentum.
The decision is abruptly taken out of everyone’s hands though. On the 14th Rains, the last night of Regenfest, the unthinkable happens - a small fireworks airship crashes near Prince Sigmund in the middle of a display, and he disappears in the chaos. Witnesses report a trio of kidnappers jumping from the airship’s rubble, throwing a cloth over the prince and stealing him away into the dark alleys. The Imperial Guard and army give urgent chase, but they are too late. The festivities close with terror and a dreadful new reality - the heir to the Empire is gone.
In the days after the disaster, Koben’s authorities search feverishly for any sign of their missing prince. It’s not long until their answer comes, in the form of a declaration from the kidnappers three days later. They claim they are the Agate Alliance, calling on the Crown from Linhythe, and they demand an exorbitant ransom.
Part 4

Outrage grips the Empire. They have now been betrayed twice by the same pirates - once as the Jewel Sea Corsairs, and now again as the Agate Alliance. Talks of allegiance with the tenuous East Miras, the owners of the Agate Alliance, slam to a close. But East Miras and the former pirates still with them vehemently deny any association with the kidnapping. With their survival dependent on the Empire’s support, they initiate a risky plan to find the prince and prove their innocence. The Agate Alliance, pretending to betray the Kingdom, offers their own princess Marise to the kidnappers in order to bargain their way into the ransom deal.
The kidnappers accept. They take the princess and, as hoped, hide her away in the Shackle Isles with the prince. This is a breakthrough - now that the location is known, there is a chance of rescue. Undercover military and keen citizens from both sides launch a joint rescue mission on the 29th Rains. They will sneak into the maze of island caves where their young royals are held and steal them back. The risks are high - the coral reefs around the Shackle Isles are notorious for their danger. Traps and enemies watch the labyrinth as authorities stall negotiations. At any moment the pirates may discover the infiltration, or simply tire of the whole deal - and if they do, Sigmund and Marise are but a whim away from death.

Event Outcomes
The event outcome will be determined by the actions of your characters in the art entry. Details at stake include:
How much damage the Academy suffers
How many White Oracles survive the palace upheaval
How successful Sigmund and Marise's rescue is
Ultimately, whether the East Miras Kingdom and Koben Empire strengthen or collapse
If you include your top priorities or hopes about these details in your entry, they will be taken into account as much as possible.

Event Participation
Rescue Game
Participate in a mini art challenge / maze game to find and rescue Sigmund and Marise from the kidnappers' labyrinthine hideout. It will run from 1st - 7th November (to coincide with Sketchavember, as you can use this game for it. ;3c )

Event Participation
Event Art
Draw, write or in any way depict your character's involvement in the main event to affect the outcomes! Art or literature entries will receive a bonus 30 EXP. Only main characters are eligible for the bonus EXP and the outcome.

Event Participation
Prompt Art
For characters who cannot be directly involved in the event, you can use this event as a prompt (e.g. reacting to the news from another city). Prompt submissions will get a bonus 10 EXP for the submission but will not count towards the event outcome.

Event Participation
Action Statement
If you don't have time to make an art piece, you can get 5 EXP by simply stating what your character is doing for the event via a post in the #event-board Discord channel. This applies to main characters only and there must be direct involvement with the events to get this. Side characters' involvement can be described to contribute to the event canon however no points will be given. If you go on to enter an art submission later, the EXP received for this will be replaced by the art submission points.
Special Role
Caleb Lir Nereus
Anarchist of the Arcane
When the first Academy students strike out against the soldiers, it is really no match - a few amateur mages would be swiftly subdued and punished. But this never happens, because the researcher and battle mage Caleb is there. Seeing the military crush students is the last straw for him as well and, in a flash, he throws the soldiers down and out. With this, the tide of the conflict suddenly changes and a spark is lit among the students – they rally around him in overwhelming numbers and, with Caleb as their protector and pillar, the Academy launches its rebellious defence.
Special Role
Petra Saltvic
Imperial Champion
During the search for the royals through the labyrinthine caves, Petra hears angry voices echoing from some tunnels no one else has trodden yet. As she listens, she realises the main speaker is none other than the leader of the kidnappers themselves, and they have somehow just found out that there are intruders on the island. If they manage to alert and mobilise their pirates, the entire rescue mission will collapse – and so Petra sweeps in before they can, risking everything as she clashes head-on with the leader and locks them into a fight to protect her mission, her allies and her prince.
Special Role
Judah Sawyer
Agate Guard
Leaving Princess Marise’s safety entirely in the hands of pirates, whether retired Alliance ones or unscrupulous kidnappers, does not feel like a wise choice by any stretch. But her false kidnapping is crucial and no guards can accompany her – save for one. Judah, who is both trusted as an upstanding Royal Guard and possesses a history of friendship with the Agate Alliance pirates, is in a unique position. It only takes a little convincing for it to seem like he has switched sides to his pirate friends, and thus he goes with them to the Shackle Isles, staying by the princess’ side as her single reliable and covert bodyguard.
Special Role
Aleksi Laurila
Voice of Unreason
As he drifts away from the other rescuers on the Shackle Isles, Aleksi comes across a well-hidden alcove in one cliff. Following it, he finds himself in a well-furnished cavern and quickly realises he has discovered the secret headquarters of the kidnappers. On one table lies an assortment of scrying crystals – clearly, this was meant to be the base of communications for the pirates scattered about the island. With this in mind, Aleksi steals all the crystals… and whenever a pirate calls through for directions, he feeds them wildly wrong information that sows chaos among them and opens opportunities for the rescuers.

For the three days of its siege, the Academy held its ground stoically. Students, staff and visitors alike joined forces to defend the school and the soldiers, surprised at such strong resistance, fell back to avoid escalating the situation. Although some buildings were damaged in the first attack, the casualties were thankfully few.
Then the greater civil upheaval hit. Chaos tore the palace as Prince Vinicio and his supporters fled the king's wrath. Guards clashed with guards, mounts were snatched from the royal stables and the tumult spilled onto the streets as Vinicio's faction escaped through the city. With help from both inside and out, many of the White Oracles were carried with them to Amedra, but not all. Some remained with guards still loyal to Silvan and others vanished in the conflict. West Miras pursued its treasonous East counterpart, seeking to nip the nation in the bud, but the suddenness of the split, loss of its naval base and pressure of defending against Delverne leashed its hand. The East Miras Kingdom, supported by loyal Amedran and Mirian provinces, gained a foothold.
Meanwhile the Empire and East Miras launched a daring rescue operation into the Shackle Isles. They hit hard and fast - rescuers swarmed the caves in a race against time. They battled through pirate guards, nasty traps and treacherous terrain only to find the Prince and Princess gone from their cell, and traces of them scattered in the perilous caves. On the cusp of discovery they found them - tired and bloody but still alive. Now all secrecy could be abandoned. As those closest rushed the young royals to safety, others broke mayhem on the pirates. By the time the chaos settled the outcome was clear - the pirates' leader was slain, their numbers decimated and their captives stolen back. The rescue was a victory.
In its wake, dark discoveries came to light. The fierce sting in the Shackle Isles and the wider Empire chased out a bigger true culprit than hoped - the Marquess of Alden, whose family stood in closest reach to Koben's crown. Several captured pirates confessed that he had ordered Prince Sigmund's assassination at Regenfest... like he had facilitated Fabian's in Song-Lu at Akiela's hand. That the pirates had betrayed him for greed and pettiness was his lost gamble and, ultimately, the Empire's twisted luck.
With the rescue's success, the road is now paved for East Miras' seccession - though small yet, they now have the backing of Koben's mighty military. The Empire's ruling class is cut for sharp change with the Marquess' treason; how far the taint goes through his sprawling family remains to be seen. Both now have an unexpected ally, and unthought possibilities before them. A new world order emerges.