Tatiana Valerius

Basic Information
Birth Date:
Tatiana Valerius
10th September, 8254
5'8" | 173cm
Half Elf
Centurion in the West Miran Light Legion, Lady Valerius of Linor (Wife of the Visconte of Linor)
Miran Royal Court, Miras Legion
Magic Books | Jewelry | Fine Clothes | Hard Liquor | Technology | Agriculture (Overseeing and studying it) | Birds of Prey | Concerts | Chess |
Theater | Opera | Most Domestic Animals | Snow | Children | Cards | Long Meetings | Flowers (when cut and arranged in vases and the like) | Sailing, or otherwise being on the ocean
+ | Self-possessed | Adaptable | Decisive | Honest | [ Serious | Sarcastic ] | Critical | Unsympathetic | Condescending | Brusque | -
- On the whole Tatiana is a self-posessed woman who at first gives off an aloof, unapproachable air. She is confident and thinks highly of her own mind and abilities- at times to a point of excess and overestimation. However her convictions make her capable of staying calm even in stressful times or uncomfortable confrontations. She may not always be capable of as much as she thinks she is, but she will conduct herself with composure to the bitter end.
- She is highly adaptable even when she is not in full control of a situation-- a trait that she uses to her advantage on the battlefield and around the fickle politics of court. While she is decisive in that she makes decisions quickly, it is not impossible to convince her to change her mind- though she almost never places much confidence in the counsel of others, and so must be convinced through action rather than words.
- Tatiana likes to be perfectly transparent wherever she can, and when asked for her opinion, she will always give it truthfully (but not always unkindly). She equally appreciates such bald honesty from others, and is more likely to be offended by flattery that she considers untrue than by being told that she's starting to get a bad case of crows feet.
- Holding high expectations for herself, she equally holds everyone around her to such standards whether they like it or not. She tends to pressure people to be the best version of themselves, but in ways that are not always constructive to that end. In this way, she tends to drive people away them by giving off the (more accurate than not) impression that she is conceited and arrogant. Through these criticisms, she tends to tear down the less stout hearted, who are rarely able to stomach her manner.
- She is a keen observer, but is not always capable of acting appropriately in response to her observations. Her impatience makes her incapable of ruminating too deeply or for too long, and while in the heat of battle her quick decision making and no-nonsense solutions are ideal, in more delicate matters, she tends to be too brusque and draws hasty conclusions.
- She likes new things- and is always pushing for progress. Stagnation is loathesome to her, and so she is always seeking new technology for her soldiers, new developments in the economy of her estate, and favors those who bring change and improvement over those who are content with the status quo. She is rarely content with anything as it is, and grows bored and weary of things that are peaceful and unchanging. (i.e. At least one part of her house is almost perpetually under construction.)
- Tatiana is rather greedy-- she dislikes sharing, whether it be responsibility, power, or money, and hoards all three like a dragon on it's roost. While she is willing to part with things if there is some other gain (such as reputation or public image), she is not a naturally generous person, and can hold quite the grudge when forced to relinquish something against her will. Her actions are often colored by selfish rather than charitable motives.
The sixth of eight siblings, Tatiana's early days were comprised of a restless roller coaster of people rushing in and out of her life. Her father was a very rich and promiscuous man with a taste for human women. By the time Tatiana was 4, her mother had been sent away- replaced by faceless women and men alike who came and went before she could even learn their names. Her siblings, all significantly older than her, commanded the attention of her father by virtue of all their great accomplishments. And naively desiring the attention of her parent as well, Tatiana applied herself to perfecting everything she put her hand to, impatient to be counted amongst her elders.
At last in her preteens Tatiana's efforts paid off- but not in attracting the attention of her father, but of those of her eldest brother, Orland. She displayed a propensity for magecraft, and he seized upon the opportunity to get a free assistant in his research. For a few years, he was gratified in his desires, as she was perfectly obliging- between Orland and the tutors he hired, Tatiana was shaping up to be an excellent mage herself, poised to finally have the attentions of her thus disinterested father. But now that she was older and more sensible of his nature and reputation, she soon decided that being close to him would be impossible- a choice that she realized a number of her elder siblings had made before her. She experimented with the church at the behest of a sister who had done the same, though quickly realized that it didn't suit. But it was not a fruitless effort, for she met a soldier at the weekly service who pressed her to join the military instead, promising the structure and propriety that had thus been terribly lacking.
Happier than she had ever been, Tatiana's passion for the military and zeal to do right appealed to the soldier, whom she had by now discovered to be Serge, a Centurion of the Heavy Legion. Though she was largely indifferent to him as a person, to Tatiana he embodied two very tempting promises: A possible future promotion in the military, and a guaranteed promotion in society given that he was the younger brother of a Visconte. They were married, and to her chagrin, she was almost instantly with child. It seemed to her that all her ambitions were at an end. Disgusted with the whole business of pregnancy, she was disconsolate- and not even the safe delivery of her son could recover her. Torn now between the feelings of maternity that everyone seemed to expect from her and the much realer distaste that she felt, Tatiana withdrew into herself.
After many weeks of despair, she found comfort from the unlikeliest of sources. Her father, who had descended from his lofty throne of debauchery and excess, managed to talk some sense in Tatiana by recommending to her his own method of dealing with infants: leaving them with nurses until they were old enough for coherency. It was the validation that she had been unconciously hoping for, and she threw herself back into the military with renewed gusto. She gained the promotion she had longed for, and was restored to full spirits-- though no more interested in her child. It would be another 6 years and a promotion before she could be persuaded to care, when a respected Centurion likened her duty as a mother as that of her duty to the soldiers under her command. Being hugely concerned with all the soldiers in her century, this greatly changed her perspective on her relationship with her son- and in the ensuing years kept a critical eye on his progress.
But to the relief of her smothered son, the Koben Empire's attacks sharply drew her attention away. Serge's elder brother was killed while vacationing in a theater at Belport, her own father was missing for a time, and in the tumult of war her husband was promoted doubly-- to the title of Visconte, and Vice-Tribune in the Heavy Legion. Both her and her husband were eager to dedicate themselves to the cause- but were largely dissatisfied with the King's dilatory response. For this reason she felt little real remorse for the loss of such a pacifistic King-- but in Serge, who had spent the chief of his life in court and close under the King's rule, she noticed a tangible change. He was, however, still eager to have revenge for his deceased brother at Belport- and jumped at the opportunity when Silvan's determination to reclaim it became clear. Victory was bittersweet, however, as the port city would claim yet one victim more. Serge had been blinded and crippled in the attack by an enemy acid mage, and was so terribly handicapped as to be forced into retirement.
They quarreled, but Tatiana was resolved: She refused to give up her position in the military. Her husband now fully embraced Giovan's old ideals and wanted nothing more to do with war- but Serge was alone in this. Even their son, who had once been so averse to the army, was eager to join the cause now that his only beloved parent had been reduced to the present condition. It was clear now that Tatiana would set the rules in the household, and Serge was shoehorned into playing the part of Visconte through the patience of his steward.
The outbreak of the civil war surprised Tatiana- though more for who had taken part than of it's happening at all. She was disappointed in the lost soldiers, but mourned little as she regarded "East" Miras to be a dismissable teenage-like phase. But their alliance with the Koben Empire solidified her resolve to join in crushing their juvenile rebellion; For deserters, she might be optimistic and think they had good reasons. Traitors, however, were beyond all reason.
Current Story
After getting caught up in the tidals waves caused by Mareus' awakening, she retreated from the frontlines and returned to West Miras for a very short period of recovery. During her convalescence, she found herself working on a new mission-- and rather than returning directly to the north, she began setting her sights west. When the time was right, she led the surprise attack on Delverne alongside Margrave Aliswen. The initial bursts of her lightning magic set the city aflame, releasing a terrible poison that quickly permeated the city and ensured Western Miras' victory-- bringing justice for what Delverne had wrought upon Cantor, and creating a successful diversion to buy enough time to revive Therras. She is now on the airships that are returning to West Miras with elven prisoners, her soldiers and the questers, as well as the strange child of Therras, whom she regards with wary awe.
Additional Info
Tatiana specializes in lightning magic. Her advantage in Far Reach helps her stay out of range of her own attacks, and having focused on expanding the size of her spells to make small lightning storms, she is often used as anti-aircraft, or an advance pre-emptive attack on light or heavy infantry (their armor maximizes the amount of splash that will affect surrounding soldiers). She cannot control where the lightning strikes in larger spells unless there is some kind of magical target to guide the bolt, but in smaller ones she is capable of directing the initial bolt. The splash is less predictable however, thus in close quarters Tatiana prefers to charge a cane or wand (something pointy) in order to deliver lightning shocks to enemy units one by one.
Her biggest spells are crafted with incantations and her wand or cane, and take time to construct (impractical in the heat of battle, and often only utilized at the start or during pursuit of retreating forces). After years of practice, her smaller ones no longer require incantations, but cast faster when she utilizes them anyway. All of her jewelry is custom crafted from crystal to prevent it from attracting her own lightning (as metal does), and also as catalysts for storing ether and casting.

Aliswen Eiragarth
Gared Valerius
Her only son. Their relationship is extremely complicated, but chiefly informed by Tatiana's perception of Gared as a reflection of herself. She is a borderline narcissistic mother, and sees his inability to live up to her standards as a result of his weakness, rather than her failings. His recent defection to East Miras has solidified her opinion that he is a disappointment and a disgrace-- though curiously, she has not outright disowned him.